#위암#위종양#식도암#식도질환#대장암#대장종양 소화불량#과민성 대장염#소화기 기능성 운동질환
경북대학교 의과대학 의학사 (1997)
경북대학교 의과대학 의학석사 (2000)
강원대학교 의과대학 의학박사 (2005)
경북대학교 의과대학 의학석사 (2000)
강원대학교 의과대학 의학박사 (2005)
서울대학교병원 임상강사 (2003-2005)
국립암센터 (2005-2015)
칠곡경북대학교병원 (2015-현재)
국립암센터 (2005-2015)
칠곡경북대학교병원 (2015-현재)
[2020] Therapeutic potential of FLANC, a novel primate-specific long non-coding RNA in colorectal cancer. Gut
[2020] Helicobacter pylori Eradication Regressed Gastric Hyperplastic Polyp: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Dig Dis Sci.
[2020] Effect of Helicobacter pylori Infection and its Eradication on Gastric Regenerating Atypia in 22,133 Subjects. J Gastroenterol Hepatol.
[2020] Clinical Factors to Predict the Response to Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy and Survival in Esophageal Cancer Patients. Gut Liver.
[2019] Prophylactic endoscopic coagulation to prevent delayed post-EMR bleeding in the colorectum: a prospective randomized controlled trial (with videos). GI endoscopy
[2019] Effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication and high-density lipoprotein on the risk of de novo gastric cancer development. GI endoscopy
[2019] Gender-specific Effect of Micronutrient on Non-erosive Reflux Disease and Erosive Esophagitis. Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility.
[2019] Association of current Helicobacter pylori infection and metabolic factors with gastric cancer in 35,519 subjects: A cross-sectional study. United European Gastroenterology Journal
[2019] Effect of Abdominal Visceral Fat Change on Regression of Erosive Esophagitis: Prospective Cohort Study. Gut & Liver.
[2018] Endoscopic Indication of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Early Gastric Cancer Is Not Compatible with Pathologic Criteria in Clinical Practice.
[2018] Quality of information on the Internet for Korean patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
[2018] Optimal Endoscopic Screening Interval for Early Detection of Gastric Cancer: a Single-Center Study.
[2018] Screening Biomarker as an Alternative to Endoscopy for the Detection of Early Gastric Cancer: The Combination of Serum Trefoil Factor Family 3 and Pepsinogen.
[2018] Effect of H. pylori Eradication on the Regression of Gastric Polyps in National Cancer Screening Program.
[2017] Different effects of dietary factors on reflux esophagitis and non-erosive reflux disease in 11690 Korean subjects.
[2017] Effect of abdominal visceral fat on the development of new erosive oesophagitis: a prospective cohort study.
[2017] Long-term follow-up of pepsinogen I/II ratio after eradication of Helicobacter pylori in patients who underwent endoscopic mucosal resection for gastric cancer.
[2017] Obesity-Related Digestive Diseases and Their Pathophysiology.
[2017] N-BLR, a primate-specific non-coding transcript, modulates theepithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and leads to colorectal cancerinvasion and migration.
[2016] 암환자의 영양 (공저자)
[2016] Effect of Helicobacter pylori and its eradication on the fate of gastric polyp.
[2015] Helicobacter pylori (출판사 - Springer 공저자,편집감수)
[2015] 헬리코박터 파일로리(출판사 - 대한의학사; 편집감수)
[2015] The Korean guideline for gastric cancer screening
[2015] The effect of abdominal visceral fat, circulating inflammatory cytokines, and leptin levels on reflux esophagitis
[2015] Effects of Helicobacter pylori infection and its eradication on lipid profiles and cardiovascular diseases
[2013] Irritable bowel syndrome is associated with gastroesophageal reflux symptom but not erosive esophagitis
[2010] Risk of hemorrhagic gastropathy associated with colonoscopy bowel preparation using oral sodium phosphate solution
[2010] Effect of Helicobacter pylori infection and its eradication on reflux esophagitis and reflux symptoms
[2010] Abdominal visceral adipose tissue predicts risk of colorectal adenoma in both sexes
[2010] Abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume is associated with increased risk of erosive esophagitis in men and women
[2009] Effect of repeated endoscopic screening on the incidence and treatment of gastric cancer in health screenees
[2009] Obesity and weight gain as risk factors for erosive oesophagitis in men
[2008] DA-6034, a derivative of flavonoid, prevents and ameliorates dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis and inhibits colon carcinogenesis
[2007] 암예방과 조기검진 (공저자)
[2007] Heat shock protein gene 70-2 polymorphism is differentially associated with the clinical phenotypes of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease
[2005] Gastric mucosal protection via enhancement of MUC5AC and MUC6 by geranylgeranylacetone.
[2020] Helicobacter pylori Eradication Regressed Gastric Hyperplastic Polyp: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Dig Dis Sci.
[2020] Effect of Helicobacter pylori Infection and its Eradication on Gastric Regenerating Atypia in 22,133 Subjects. J Gastroenterol Hepatol.
[2020] Clinical Factors to Predict the Response to Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy and Survival in Esophageal Cancer Patients. Gut Liver.
[2019] Prophylactic endoscopic coagulation to prevent delayed post-EMR bleeding in the colorectum: a prospective randomized controlled trial (with videos). GI endoscopy
[2019] Effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication and high-density lipoprotein on the risk of de novo gastric cancer development. GI endoscopy
[2019] Gender-specific Effect of Micronutrient on Non-erosive Reflux Disease and Erosive Esophagitis. Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility.
[2019] Association of current Helicobacter pylori infection and metabolic factors with gastric cancer in 35,519 subjects: A cross-sectional study. United European Gastroenterology Journal
[2019] Effect of Abdominal Visceral Fat Change on Regression of Erosive Esophagitis: Prospective Cohort Study. Gut & Liver.
[2018] Endoscopic Indication of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Early Gastric Cancer Is Not Compatible with Pathologic Criteria in Clinical Practice.
[2018] Quality of information on the Internet for Korean patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
[2018] Optimal Endoscopic Screening Interval for Early Detection of Gastric Cancer: a Single-Center Study.
[2018] Screening Biomarker as an Alternative to Endoscopy for the Detection of Early Gastric Cancer: The Combination of Serum Trefoil Factor Family 3 and Pepsinogen.
[2018] Effect of H. pylori Eradication on the Regression of Gastric Polyps in National Cancer Screening Program.
[2017] Different effects of dietary factors on reflux esophagitis and non-erosive reflux disease in 11690 Korean subjects.
[2017] Effect of abdominal visceral fat on the development of new erosive oesophagitis: a prospective cohort study.
[2017] Long-term follow-up of pepsinogen I/II ratio after eradication of Helicobacter pylori in patients who underwent endoscopic mucosal resection for gastric cancer.
[2017] Obesity-Related Digestive Diseases and Their Pathophysiology.
[2017] N-BLR, a primate-specific non-coding transcript, modulates theepithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and leads to colorectal cancerinvasion and migration.
[2016] 암환자의 영양 (공저자)
[2016] Effect of Helicobacter pylori and its eradication on the fate of gastric polyp.
[2015] Helicobacter pylori (출판사 - Springer 공저자,편집감수)
[2015] 헬리코박터 파일로리(출판사 - 대한의학사; 편집감수)
[2015] The Korean guideline for gastric cancer screening
[2015] The effect of abdominal visceral fat, circulating inflammatory cytokines, and leptin levels on reflux esophagitis
[2015] Effects of Helicobacter pylori infection and its eradication on lipid profiles and cardiovascular diseases
[2013] Irritable bowel syndrome is associated with gastroesophageal reflux symptom but not erosive esophagitis
[2010] Risk of hemorrhagic gastropathy associated with colonoscopy bowel preparation using oral sodium phosphate solution
[2010] Effect of Helicobacter pylori infection and its eradication on reflux esophagitis and reflux symptoms
[2010] Abdominal visceral adipose tissue predicts risk of colorectal adenoma in both sexes
[2010] Abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume is associated with increased risk of erosive esophagitis in men and women
[2009] Effect of repeated endoscopic screening on the incidence and treatment of gastric cancer in health screenees
[2009] Obesity and weight gain as risk factors for erosive oesophagitis in men
[2008] DA-6034, a derivative of flavonoid, prevents and ameliorates dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis and inhibits colon carcinogenesis
[2007] 암예방과 조기검진 (공저자)
[2007] Heat shock protein gene 70-2 polymorphism is differentially associated with the clinical phenotypes of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease
[2005] Gastric mucosal protection via enhancement of MUC5AC and MUC6 by geranylgeranylacetone.
저서 내용이 없습니다.
칠곡경북대병원 남수연 교수, ‘헬리코박터 치료와 고밀도 콜레스트롤이 위암 발생에 미치는 영향 밝혀’
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헬리코박터 파일로리균과 연관질환 - 칠곡경대병원 소화기내과 남수연 교수https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su8MklQWDoc&feature=emb_title
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