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2016Ko WJ, Song GW, Kim WH, Hong SP, Cho JY. Endoscopic resection of early gastric cancer: current status and new approaches. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016 Apr 6;1:24. doi: 10.21037/tgh.2016.03.22. eCollection 2016. Review.
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2016Song JH, Ko WJ, Song GW, Hahm KB, Cho JY. Urgent hemostasis of active appendiceal bleeding by intra-appendiceal stent insertion and detachable snare wrapping. Gastrointest Endosc. 2016 Apr 18.
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2015Cho JH, Cha SW, Kim HG, Lee TH, Cho JY, Ko WJ, Jin SY, Park S. Long-term outcomes of endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancer: a comparison study to surgery using propensity score-matched analysis. Surg Endosc. 2015 Dec 10.