
  #유방암의 진단 및 수술적 치료


1994-03~2000-02 중앙대학교 의과대학교 의학과 대졸(의대)
2001-09~2004-02 중앙대학교 대학원 의학과 대학원졸(석사)
2004-09~2007-02 중앙대학교 대학원 의학과 대학원졸(박사)


2000-03~2001-02 서울 성애병원 수련의
2001-03~2005-02 중앙대학교병원 전공의
2005-03~2007-02 국립암센터 유방암센터 전임의
2007-03~2008-02 국립암센터 암예방검진센터 전임의
2008-03~2019-01 국립암센터 암예방검진/유방암센터 의사직
2012-01~현재 국립암센터 외과 의사직
2012-01~2013-01 The Methodist Hospital Research Institute(미국) 해외연수
2015-04~2017-02 국립암센터 국제암대학원대학교 시스템종양생물학과 겸임조교수
2016-08~2019-01 국립암센터 적정진료관리실 의사직
2019-02~현재 국립암센터 암예방검진센터 의사직
2019-02~현재 국립암센터 유방암센터 의사직


2020 SCI-E Exon splicing analysis of intronic variants in multigene cancer panel testing for hereditary breast/ovarian cancer: CANCER SCIENCE. Online:Published (4.966)

2020 기타 Comparison of clinical outcomes between sentinel lymph node biopsy and axillary lymph node dissection in a single-center Z0011-eligible breast cancer cohort: Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology. 16(1):18~24 ()

2020 SCI-E Role of aldehyde dehydrogenases, alcohol dehydrogenase 1B genotype, alcohol consumption, and their combination in breast cancer in East-Asian women: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 10(1):6564~ (3.998)

2020 SCI-E Comparing the Characteristics and Outcomes of Male and Female Breast Cancer Patients in Korea: Korea Central Cancer Registry: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 52(3):739~746 (3.761)

2019 SCI-E Night-shift work and risk of breast cancer in Korean women: Clinical Epidemiology. 11:743~751 (3.178)

2019 SCI The Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Using Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Plus Radioisotope Method Compared With the Radioisotope-Only Method for Breast Cancer Patients After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Prospective, Randomized, Open-Label, Single-Center Phase 2 Trial: ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY. 26(8):2409~2416 (3.681)

2019 SCI-E Interaction Effect Between Breast Density and Reproductive Factors on Breast Cancer Risk in Korean Population: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION. 24(1):26~32 (2.33)

2018 SCI-E Different Patterns of Risk Reducing Decisions in Affected or Unaffected BRCA Pathogenic Variant Carriers: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 51(1):280~288 (3.23)

2018 SCI-E Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Assessment of Residual Breast Cancer After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Relevance to Tumor Subtypes and MRI Interpretation Threshold.: Clinical breast cancer. 18(6):459~467 (2.703)

2018 SCI Prognostic impact of skeletal muscle volume derived from crosssectional computed tomography images in breast cancer: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 172(2):425~436 (3.605)

2018 SCI Use of adjuvant chemotherapy in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer patients with or without the 21-gene expression assay: Breast cancer research and treatment. 170(1):69~76 (3.605)

2017 SCI-E Meeting Highlights: The Second Consensus Conference for Breast Cancer Treatment in Korea.: Journal of Breast Cancer. 20(3):228~233 (2.204)

2017 SCI-E CKAP2 (cytoskeleton-associated protein2) is a new prognostic marker in HER2-negative luminal type breast cancer: PLOS ONE. 12(8):e0182107~e0182107 (2.806)

2017 SCI Characteristics of BRCA1/2 mutations carriers including large genomic rearrangements in high risk breast cancer patients: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 163(1):139~150 (3.626)

2017 SCI-E Basic facts of breast cancer in Korea in 2014: The 10-year overall survival progress: Journal of Breast Cancer. 20(1):1~11 (2.204)

2016 SCI-E Effects of Postoperative Radiotherapy on Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis or Dural Metastasis After Resection of Brain Metastases in Breast Cancer Patients: Cancer Research and Treatment. Online:Published (4.245)

2016 SCI-E Identification of Prognostic Risk Factors for Transient and Persistent Lymphedema after Multimodal Treatment for Breast Cancer: Cancer Research and Treatment. 48(4):1330~1337 (4.245)

2015 SCI-E Effect of Time Interval between Breast-conserving Surgery and Radiation Therapy on Outcomes of Node-positive Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Adjuvant Doxorubicin/Cyclophosphamide followed by Taxane: Cancer research and treatment. 48(2):483~490 (3.318)

2015 SCI-E Prognostic Implications of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Association With Programmed Death Ligand 1 Expression in Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Clinical Breast Cancer. 16(1):51~58 (2.107)

2015 SCI-E Identification of Risk Factors for Locoregional Recurrence in Breast Cancer Patients with Nodal Stage N0 and N1: Who Could Benefit from Post-Mastectomy Radiotherapy?: PLoS ONE. 10(12):e0145463~e0145463 (3.234)

2015 SCI-E Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Cancer research and treatment. 47(3):416~423 (3.318)

2015 기타 The Korean guideline for breast cancer screening: Journal of the Korean Medical Association. 58(5):408~419 (0)

2015 기타 Sentinel lymph node mapping using tri-modal human serum albumin conjugated with visible dye, near infrared fluorescent dye and radioisotope: Journal of Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular Probes. 1:62~73 (0)

2014 SCI High Volumetric Breast Density Predicts Risk for Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal, but not Premenopausal, Korean Women: Annals of surgical oncology. 21(13):4124~4132 (3.943)

2014 SCI Treatment factors affecting breast cancer-related lymphedema after systemic chemotherapy and radiotherapy in stage II/III breast cancer patients: Breast cancer research and treatment. 148(1):91~98 (4.198)

2014 SCI Comparison of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Guided by the Multimodal Method of Indocyanine Green Fluorescence, Radioisotope, and Blue Dye Versus the Radioisotope Method in Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial: Annals of Surgical Oncology. 21(4):1254~1259 (3.943)

2013 SCI Phase 2 trial of accelerated, hypofractionated whole-breast irradiation of 39 Gy in 13 fractions followed by a tumor bed boost sequentially delivering 9 Gy in 3 fractions in early-stage breast cancer: International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 87(5):1037~1042 (4.524)

2012 SCI-E Stage-to-stage Comparison of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Versus Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Pathological Lymph Node Positive Breast Cancer Patients: Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. 42(11):995~1001 (1.783)

2012 SCI Predicting Nonsentinel Lymph Node Metastasis Using Lymphoscintigraphy in Patients with Breast Cancer: The Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 53(11):1693~1700 (6.381)

2012 SCI Resumption or persistence of menstruation after cytotoxic chemotherapy is a prognostic factor for poor disease-free survival in premenopausal patients with early breast cancer: Annals of Oncology. 23(9):2283~2289 (6.425)

2012 SCI Metaplastic breast cancer: clinicopathological features and its prognosis: Journal of clinical pathology. 65(5):441~446 (2.306)

2012 SCI-E Micropapillary Lung Cancer with Breast Metastasis Simulating Primary Breast Cancer due to Architectural Distortion on Images: Korean Journal of Radiology. 13(2):249~253 (1.538)

2012 SCI lack of any association between functionally significant CYP2D6 polymorphisms and clinical outcomes in early breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant tamoxifen treatment: Breast cancer research and treatment. 131(2):455~461 (4.431)

2011 SCI A phase Ib study of preoperative lapatinib, paclitaxel, and gemcitabine combination therapy in women with HER2 positive early breast cancer: Investigational New Drugs. 30(5):1972~1977 (3.357)

2011 SCI-E Locoregional Recurrence of Breast Conserving Surgery after Preoperative Chemotherapy in Korean Women with Locally Advanced Breast Cancer: Journal of Breast Cancer. 14(4):289~295 (0.179)

2011 SCI Locoregional recurrence of breast cancer in patients treated with breast conservation surgery and radiotherapy following neoadjuvant chemotherapy.: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. 81(5):e697~e705 (4.503)

2011 SCI Outcomes of Positron Emission Tomography-Staged Clinical N3 Breast Cancer Treated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy.: Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 81(5):e689~e695 (4.503)

2011 SCI Accumulation of p53 determined by immunohistochemistry as a prognostic marker in node negative breast cancer; analysis according to st gallen consensus and intrinsic subtypes.: Journal of Surgical Oncology. 103(3):207~211 (2.428)

2010 SCI-E The invasive lobular carcinoma as a prototype luminal A breast cancer: a retrospective cohort study.: BMC cancer. 10(1):664~664 (2.736)

2010 SCI Hypomethylation of the interleukin-10 gene in breast cancer tissues: Breast. 19(6):484~488 (2.087)

2010 SCI Methylation patterns of genes coding for drug-metabolizing enzymes in tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer tissues: Journal of Molecular medicine. 88(11):1123~1131 (5.004)

2010 SCI Predictive factors of pathologic complete response and clinical tumor progression after preoperative chemotherapy in patients with stage II and III breast cancer.: Investigational new drugs. Online:Published (3.072)

2010 SCI-E Oncological Safety and Quality of Life Associated with Mastectomy and Immediate Breast Reconstruction with a Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous Flap.: The breast journal. 16(4):356~361 (1.61)

2010 SCI Phase II Parallel Group Study Showing Comparable Efficacy Between Premenopausal Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Letrozole Plus Goserelin and Postmenopausal Patients Treated With Letrozole Alone As First-Line Hormone Therapy: Journal of Clinical Oncology. 28(16):2705~2711 (17.793)

2010 SCI Worse prognosis of metaplastic breast cancer patients than other patients with triple-negative breast cancer: Breast cancer research and treatment. 120(3):627~637 (4.696)

2010 SCI Risk Factors for Malignancy in Benign Papillomas of the Breast on Core Needle Biopsy.: World Journal of Surgery. 34(2):261~265 (2.696)

2010 SCI Prognostic impact of [18F] FDG-PET in operable breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherpy: Annals of Surgical Oncology. 17(1):247~253 (4.13)

2008 SCI-E Fatigue and depression in disease-free breast cancer survivors: Prevalence, correlates, and association with quality of life.: Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 35:644~655 (2.324)

2008 SCI Fatigue and depression in disease-free breast cancer survivors: prevalence, correlates, and association with quality of life.: Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 35:644~655 (2.324)

2007 기타 The Clinical Characteristics and Predictive Factors of Stage IV Breast Cancer at the Initial Presentation: A Review of a Single Institute’s Data: 한국유방암학회지. 10(2):101~106 ()

2007 SCI Factors affecting health-related quality of life in women with recurrent breast cancer in Korea: Quality of Life Research. 16:559~569 (2.037)

2007 SCI Sentinel node identification rate, but not accuracy, is significantly decreased after pre-operative chemotherapy in axillary node-positive breast cancer patients: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 102:283~288 (4.671)


2014 유방암 100문 100답 3판 국립암센터 2014-12-15
2008 유방암100문100답 - 유방암에 대해 알고 싶은 모든 것 국립암센터 2008-03-25
2007 누구나 알고 싶은 암예방과 조기검진 국립암센터


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