
교수, 병원장



1987 ~ 1989 서울대학교 대학원 비뇨기과학 박사
1982 ~ 1984 서울대학교 대학원 의학과 석사
1974 ~ 1980 서울대학교 의학과 학사


1980-03 1981-02 서울대학교병원 인턴
1981-03 1984-02 서울대학교병원 레지던트
1987-05 2001-01 원자력병원 비뇨기과 과장
1993-08 1994-02 미국 UCLA Medical Center Visiting Scholar
1996-07 1996-08 독일 Mainz University Visiting Doctor
2001-02 2009-07 국립암센터 특수암센터 전문의
2001-05 2006-08 국립암센터 비뇨생식기암연구과 과장
2001-05 2014-07 국립암센터 비뇨생식기암연구과 책임연구원
2002-03 2009-02 서울의대 비뇨기과 초빙교수
2003-02 2006-07 국립암센터 특수암센터 특수암센터장
2004-09 2006-07 국립암센터 특수암연구부 부장
2006-08 2008-06 국립암센터 부속병원 부속병원장
2007-04 2009-12 국립암센터 비뇨생식기암연구과 과장
2009-02 2014-07 국립암센터 이행성임상제2연구부 부장
2009-03 현재 서울의대 비뇨기과 겸임교수
2009-08 2014-07 국립암센터 전립선암센터 센터장
2014-03 2014-07 국제암대학원대학교 암관리정책학과 겸임교수
2014-07 2017-07 아시아국립암센터연맹(ANCCA) 사무총장
2014-07 2017-07 국제암대학원대학교 총장
2014-07 2017-07 국립암센터 원장
2017-07 2019-01 국립암센터 전립선암센터 수석의사
2017-07 2019-01 국립암센터 정밀의학연구과 영년제 책임연구원
2018-01 현재 국립암센터국제암대학원대학교 명예교수
2019-02 2019-06 국립암센터 비뇨기암센터 전문의
2019-02 2019-06 국립암센터 비뇨의학과 전문의
2019-02 2019-06 국립암센터 정밀의학연구부 영년제 수석연구원
2019-07 현재 국립암센터 비뇨기암센터 초빙의
현재 뉴 성민병원 병원장


2019 SCI-E The prognostic outcomes and their risk factors for bladder recurrence, progression, and cancer-specific survival after surgery among patients with upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma: investigative and clinical urology. IN:PRINT (1.8)

2019 SCI-E Survival of patients receiving systematic therapy for metachronous or synchronous metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a retrospective analysis: BMC cancer. 19(1):688~688 (2.933)

2019 SCI-E Identification of Significant Prognostic Tissue Markers Associated with Survival in Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma Patients Treated with Radical Nephroureterectomy: A Retrospective Immunohistochemical Analysis Using Tissue Microarray: cancer research and treatment. Online:Published (3.363)

2019 SCI-E Use of docetaxel plus androgen deprivation therapy for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer in Korean patients: A retrospective study: invesitgative and clinical urology. 60(3):195~201 (1.638)

2019 SCI-E Correlation analyses of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging for calculation of prostate volume in colorectal cancer patients with voiding problems who cannot have transrectal ultrasonography: BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 2019:7029450~7029450 (2.197)

2019 SCI-E Single-Center Analysis of Human Papillomavirus Infection and P16INK4A Expression among Korean Patients with Penile Cancer: BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 2019:6940582~6940582 (2.197)

2019 SCI-E Liver metastasis and Heng risk are prognostic factors in patients with non-nephrectomized synchronous metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with systemic therapy: PLOS ONE. 14(2):e0211105~e0211105 (2.776)

2019 SCI-E Long-term results of a phase II study of hypofractionated proton therapy for prostate cancer: moderate versus extreme hypofractionation: RADIATION ONCOLOGY. 14(1):4~4 (2.895)

2018 기타 Prostatectomy Provides Better Symptom-Free Survival Than Radiotherapy Among Patients With High-Risk or Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer After Neoadjuvant Hormonal Therapy: Korean Journal of Urological Oncology. 16(3):126~134 (0)

2018 SCI-E Effect of Neoadjuvant Hormone Therapy on Resection Margin and Survival Prognoses in Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer after Prostatectomy Using Propensity-Score Matching: Biomed Research International. 2018:7~7 (2.583)

2018 기타 Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma: A case report and review of the literature: World Journal of Nephrology. 7(8):155~160 (0)

2018 기타 The Effect of the First Computed Tomography Examination on Renal Function During the Initial Cancer Work-up in Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patients without Chronic/Kidney Disease: A Retrospective, Single-institution, Observational Study: journal of cancer science and therapy. 10(11):332~337 (0)

2018 SCI-E Retrospective Study of the Significant Predictive Role of Inflammatory Degree in Initial and Repeat Prostate Biopsy Specimens for Detecting Prostate Cancer: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.23)

2018 SCI-E Geographical Variations and Trends in Major Cancer Incidences throughout Korea during 1999-2013: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 50(4):1281~1293 (3.23)

2018 기타 A Surgically Treated Case of Ureterovesical Amyloidosis of the Bladder in a Patient with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia: Case Reports in Urology. 2018:1059349~1059349 (0)

2018 SCI-E The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio makes the Heng risk model improve better the prediction of overall survival in metastatic renal cell cancer patients: Japanese Journal of clinical Oncology. 48(9):835~840 (2.37)

2018 SCI-E Retrospective analysis of 25 immunohistochemical tissue markers for differentiating multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential and multicystic renal cell carcinoma: Histology and histopathology. 33(6):589~596 (2.025)

2018 SCI-E Risk of second primary Cancer among bladder Cancer patients: a population-based cohort study in Korea.: BMC Cancer. 18(1):617~617 (3.288)

2018 기타 Prostate stem cell antigen mRNA in blood is a predictor of survival after radical prostatectomy in patients with high-risk prostate cancer.: Oncotarget. 9(41):26291~26298 (0)

2018 SCI Prognostic significance of nephrectomy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with systemic cytokine or targeted therapy: A 16-year retrospective analysis: Scientific reports. 8(1):2974~2974 (4.122)

2017 SCI-E Lifestyle Risk Prediction Model for Prostate Cancer in a Korean Population: Cancer Research and Treatment. 50(4):1194~1202 (3.772)

2017 SCI-E Second Primary Cancer Risk Among Kidney Cancer Patients in Korea: A Population-Based Cohort Study: Cancer Research and Treatment. 50(1):293~301 (3.772)

2017 기타 The retrospective analysis of prognostic significance of smoking status in bladder cancer: Korean Journal of Urological Oncology. 15:1~10 (0)

2017 SCI-E A retrospective comparative study of progression-free survival and overall survival between metachronous and synchronous metastatic renal cell carcinoma in intermediate or poor risk patients treated with VEGF-targeted therapy: Oncotarget. 8(55):93633~93643 (5.168)

2017 SCI-E Establishment and Application of Prostate Cancer CirculatingTumor Cells in the Era of Precision Medicine: BioMed Research International. 2017:1~9 (2.476)

2017 기타 Renal myxofibrosarcoma in a woman: A cese report and literature review: Journal of Cytology and Histology. 8:4~8 (0)

2017 SCI-E Survival outcomes of double- and triple-sequential targeted therapy in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a retrospective comparison: Oncotarget. Online:Published (5.168)

2017 SCI-E Retrograde pyelography predicts retrograde ureteral stenting failure and reduces unnecessary stenting trials in patients with advanced non-urological malignant ureteral obstruction: PLOS one. 12(9):e0184965~e0184965 (2.806)

2017 SCI-E Prevalence and survival prognosis of prostate cancer in patients with end-stage renal disease: A retrospective study based on the Korea National Database (2003-2010): Oncotarget. Online:Published (5.168)

2017 SCI-E The effect of predisposing atheroembolic risk factors on renal functional recovery between laparoscopy and open technique in patients with T1-stage renal cell carcinoma who underwent partial nephrectomy: A retrospective comparison study: Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. 47(9):876~882 (1.905)

2017 SCI-E Effect of renal embolization in patients with synchronous metastatic renal cell carcinoma: A retrospective comparison of cytoreductive nephrectomy and systemic medical therapy: Oncotarget. 8(30):49615~49624 (5.168)

2017 SCI-E The prognostic value of BAP1, PBRM1, pS6, PTEN, TGase2, PD-L1, CA9, PSMA, and Ki-67 tissue markers in localized renal cell carcinoma: A retrospective study of tissue microarrays using immunohistochemistry: PLOS ONE. Online:Published (2.806)

2017 SCI-E Initial computed tomography imaging details during first-line systemic therapy is of significant prognostic value in patients with naive, unresectable metastatic renal cell carcinoma: PLOS ONE. 12(5):e0177975~e0177975 (2.806)

2017 SCI Ninjurin1 Is Up-regulated in Circulating Prostate Tumor Cells and Plays a Critical Role in Prostate Cancer Cell Motility: anticancer research. 34(4):1687~1696 (1.937)

2017 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2017: Cancer Research and Treatment. 49(2):306~312 (3.772)

2017 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and Prevalence in 2014: Cancer Research and Treatment. 49(2):292~305 (3.772)

2016 SCI Prostate Cancer in a Patient With a Family History of BRCA Mutation: a Case Report And Literature Review: Journal of Korean Medical science. 32(2):377~381 (1.256)

2016 SCI-E Pretreatment prognostic nutritional index is an independent predictor of survival in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with targeted therapy: Clinical Genitourinary Cancer. 15(1):100~111 (2.599)

2016 SCI-E Baseline Chronic Kidney Disease and Ischemic Method of Partial Nephrectomy Are Important Factors for the Short- and Long-Term Deterioration in Renal Function for Renal Cell Carcinoma Staged T1-T2: A Retrospective Single Center Study: BioMed Research International. 2016:5398381~5398389 (2.134)

2016 SCI-E Bladder chondrosarcoma plus urothelial carcinoma in recurred transitional cell carcinoma of the upper urinary tract: a case report and literature review: World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 14(1):270~270 (1.286)

2016 SCI-E Current Trends in the Incidence and Survival Rate of Urological Cancers in Korea: Cancer Research and Treatment. Online:Published (4.245)

2016 SCI-E A retrospective study of predictive factors for unexpectedly prolonged or shortened progression-free survival and overall survival among patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma who received first-line targeted therapy: BMC cancer. 16(1):577~577 (3.265)

2016 SCI-E Systemic treatments for metastatic renal cell carcinoma: 10-year experience of immunotherapy and targeted therapy: cancer research and treatment. 48(3):1092~1101 (4.245)

2016 SCI-E PSCA, Cox-2, and Ki-67 are independent, predictive markers of biochemical recurrence in clinically localized prostate cancer: A retrospective study: Asian Journal of Andrology. Online:Published (2.644)

2016 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2016: Cancer research and treatment. 48(2):451~457 (4.245)

2016 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and Prevalence in 2013: Cancer Research and Treatment. 48(2):436~450 (4.245)

2016 SCI-E Prostate Stem Cell Antigen Expression in Radical Prostatectomy Specimens Predicts Early Biochemical Recurrence in Patients with High Risk Prostate Cancer Receiving Neoadjuvant Hormonal Therapy: PloS one. 11(3):e0151646~e0151646 (3.057)

2015 SCI Overexpression of BRCA1 or BRCA2 in prostatectomy specimens is predictive of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy: Histopathology. 68(5):673~679 (3.453)

2015 SCI-E A case report of partial nephrectomy of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma in kidney and its literature review: Cancer research and treatment. 48(2):838~842 (3.318)

2015 SCI Ad5/35E1aPSESE4: a Novel Approach to Marking Circulating Prostate Tumor Cells with a Replication Competent Adenovirus Controlled by PSA/PSMA Transcription Regulatory Elements: Cancer Letters. 382(1):57~64 (5.621)

2015 SCI-E Risk of Second Primary Cancer among Prostate Cancer Patients in Korea: A Population-Based Cohort Study: PLOS ONE. 10(10):e0140693~e0140693 (3.234)

2015 SCI-E The quantified level of circulating prostate stem cell antigen mRNA relative to GAPDH level is a clinically significant indictor for predicting biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer patients after radical prostatectomy: BioMed Research International. 2015:292454~292454 (1.579)

2015 SCI-E The prevalence and outcomes of pT0 disease after neoadjuvant hormonal therapy and radical prostatectomy in high-risk prostate cancer.: BMC urology. 15:82~82 (1.413)

2015 기타 Oncologic aspects of long-term followed incidental prostate cancer detected by cystoprostatectomy in Korean patients.: Prostate international. 3(2):56~61 (0)

2015 SCI-E Changes in urination according to the sound of running water using a mobile phone application: PloS one [electronic resource]. 10(5):0126798~0126798 (3.234)

2015 SCI-E Overexpression of ERG and wild-type PTEN are associated with favorable clinical prognosis and low biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer: PloS one [electronic resource]. 10(4):0122498~0122498 (3.234)

2015 SCI Radical prostatectomy versus external beam radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer : Comparison of treatment outcomes.: Strahlentherapie und Onkologie. 191(4):321~329 (2.914)

2015 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and Prevalence in 2012: Cancer research and treatment. 47(2):127~141 (3.318)

2015 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in korea, 2015: Cancer research and treatment. 47(2):142~148 (3.318)

2014 기타 Predictive factors for maximal size reduction of renal target lesion in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma receiving targeted therapies: The Korean Journal of urological Oncology (대한비뇨기 종양 학술지). 12(3):1~8 (0)

2014 기타 Experience of successful treatment for an intractable advanced ureter cancer with extraureteral extension using omental flap transposition: A case report: Journal of Clinical Case Reports. :~ (0)

2014 SCI Pelvic Floor Musculature and Bladder Neck Changes Before and After Continence Recovery After Radical Prostatectomy in Pelvic MRI: Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI. 39(6):1431~1435 (2.788)

2014 SCI-E Treatment outcome of docetaxel plus prednisolone for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in Korea: Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics. 10(2):251~257 (0.949)

2014 SCI-E Detection of Human Papillomavirus Infection and p16 Immunohistochemistry Expression in Bladder Cancer with Squamous Differentiation: PLOS one. 9(3):e93525~e93525 (3.534)

2014 SCI-E Antitumor activity of the c-Myc inhibitor KSI-3716 in gemcitabine-resistant bladder cancer: Oncotarget. 5(2):326~337 (6.627)

2013 SCI-E Genetic variations of α -methylacyl-CoA racemase are associated with sporadic prostate cancer risk in ethnically homogenous Koreans: Biomed Research International. 2013:1~11 (0)

2013 SCI Validation of the MSKCC and Heng Risk Criteria Models for Predicting Survival in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Sunitinib: Annals of Surgical Oncology. 20(13):4397~4404 (4.12)

2013 SCI Overestimation of Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 in Concentrated Urine: Urology. 82(5):1059~1064 (2.424)

2013 SCI Use of a hyaluronic acid-carboxymethylcellulose adhesion barrier on the neurovascular bundle and prostatic bed to facilitate earlier recovery of erectile function after robotic prostatectomy: an initial experience: Journal of Endourology. 27(10):1230~1235 (2.074)

2013 SCI A phase II study of hypofractionated proton therapy for prostate cancer.: Acta Oncologica. 52(3):477~485 (2.867)

2012 SCI Association of common variations of 8q24 with the risk of prostate cancer in Koreans and a review of the Asian population: British Journal of Urology International. 110(6ptB):E318~E325 (2.844)

2012 SCI Adjuvant Intravesical Instillation for Primary T1G3 Bladder Cancer: BCG versus MMC in Korea: Anticancer research. 32(4):1493~1498 (1.725)

2011 기타 Role of Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection in Prostate Cancer Treatment: Korean Journal of Urology. 52:437~445 ()

2011 SCI Haplotype Analysis of Prostate Stem Cell Antigen and Association With Prostate Cancer Risk.: The Journal of Urology. 185(6):2112~2118 (3.862)

2011 SCI Prostate Volume has Prognostic Value Only in Pathologic T2 Radical Prostatectomy Specimens: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 26:807~813 (0.834)

2011 SCI-E Paclitaxel and cisplatin chemotherapy for metastatic urothelial carcinoma after failure of two courses of platinum-based regimens: International journal of urology. 18(5):350~357 (1.46)

2011 SCI Renal safety and efficacy of cisplatin-based chemotherapy in patients with a solitary kidney after nephroureterectomy for urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract.: Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. 67:769~774 (2.759)

2011 SCI A prospective evaluation of conventional cystography for detection of urine leakage at the vesicourethral anastomosis site after radical prostatectomy based on computed tomography: Clinical Radiology. 66(3):251~256 (1.765)

2010 기타 The Features and Prognosis of Korean Who Underwent Radical Prostatectomy in Prostate Cancer: Korean J Urol Oncol. 8(1):40~46 ()

2010 기타 A rapidly progressing bladder transitional cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid differentiation: The Korean Journal of Urological Oncology. 8(3):147~151 ()

2010 SCI-E Bcl-2 as a Predictive Factor for Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy: An Interim Analysis: Cancer Research and Treatment. 42:157~162 (0)

2010 SCI Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen mRNA in Blood as a Potential Predictor of Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 25:1291~1295 (0.838)

2010 SCI Prognostic Value of p53 and Ki-67 Expression in Intermediate-risk Patients With Nonmuscle-invasive Bladder Cancer Receiving Adjuvant Intravesical Mitomycin C Therapy: Urology. 512:1~7 (2.365)

2010 SCI Pretreatment assessment of tumor enhancement on contrast-enhanced computed tomography as a potential predictor of treatment outcome in metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients receiving antiangiogenic therapy: cancer. 116(10):2332~2342 (5.418)

2010 SCI The development of the conditionally replication-competent adenovirus: replacement of E4 orf1-4 region by exogenous gene.: Journal of Gene Medicine. 12(5):453~462 (2.968)

2010 SCI Prostate Stem Cell Antigen mRNA in Peripheral Blood as a Potential Predictor of Biochemical Recurrence in High-Risk Prostate Cancer: Journal of Surgical Oncology. 101(2):145~148 (2.502)

2009 기타 The impact of obesity on the clinicopathological factors and BCR after RP for the patients with prostate cancer: 대한비뇨기종양학회지. 7:131~136 ()

2009 SCI Lymphovascular Invasion in Transurethral Resection Specimens as Predictor of Progression and Metastasis in Patients With Newly Diagnosed T1 Bladder Urothelial Cancer: Journal of Urology. 182:2625~2631 (3.952)

2009 기타 Familial Prostate Cancer in Three Brothers: The Korean Journal of Urology. 50(2):195~198 (0)

2009 SCI Pulmonary metastasis from renal cell carcinoma: characterization using contrast-enhanced CT attenuation value measurements: Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. 33:54~57 (1.448)

2009 SCI Incidental prostate cancer detected by cystoprostatectomy in Korean men: Urology. 73:153~157 (2.242)

2008 SCI Results of repeated transurethral resection for a second opinion in patients referred for nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer: The referral cancer center experience and review of the literature: Journal of Endourology. 22:2699~2704 (1.799)

2008 기타 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor as Predicting Factor on Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy: A Prospective Study: The Korean Journal of Urology. 49,No.11:974~980 ()

2008 기타 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor as Predicting Factor on Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy: A Prospective Study: The Korean Journal of Urology. 49:974~980 ()

2008 SCI-E Docetaxel Chemotherapy of Korean Patients with Hormone- refractory Prostate Cancer:Comparative Analysis between 1st-line and 2nd-line Docetaxel: Yonsei Medical Journal. 49:775~782 (0.781)

2008 SCI-E Identification of immunohistochemical factors that predict the synchronous or metachronous development of bladder tumors in patients with upper urinary tract tumors: Urologia Internationalis. 81:306~311 (0.82)

2008 SCI Single institutional experience of bladder-preserving trimodality treatment for muscle-invasive bladder cancer: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 23:598~603 (0.824)

2008 SCI The efficacy of transureteroureterostomy for ureteral reconstruction during surgery for a non-urologic pelvic malignancy: Journal of Surgical Oncology. 98:49~53 (2.384)

2008 SCI-E Clinical value of PTEN in patients with superficial bladder cancer: Urologia Internationalis. 80:264~269 (0.82)

2008 SCI Methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin and cisplatin combination regimen as salvage chemotherapy for patients with advanced or metastatic transitional cell carcinoma after failure of gemcitabine and cisplatin chemotherapy.: British Journal of Cancer. 98:89~90 (4.635)

2008 SCI Percent free prostate specific antigen does not enhance the specificity of total prostate specific antigen for the detection of prostate cancer in Korean men 50 to 65 years old: A prospective multicenter study: The Journal of Urology. 179:111~116 (4.053)

2007 SCI-E Factors influencing pain during transrectal ultrasonography-guided prostate biopsy: Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases. 11:139~142 (2.024)

2007 SCI Detection rate of prostate cancer according to prostate-specific antigen and digital rectal examination in Korean men: a nationwide multicenter study: Urology. 70:1109~1112 (2.13)

2007 SCI Prevalence of high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia in prostate gland of Korean men: comparisons between radical prostatectomy and cystoprostatectomy: Urology. 70:1100~1103 (2.13)

2007 SCI Analysis of changes in the total lymphocyte and eosinophil count during immunotherapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Correlation with response and survival: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 22S:S122~S128 (0.725)

2007 SCI-E Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemical studies for detection of prostate stem cell antigen expression in prostate cancer: potential value in molecular staging of prostate cancer: International Journal of Urology(상위20# 이내 학술지 아님). 14:635~643 (0.691)

2007 기타 Adult's Wilms' tumor mimicking renal pelvis tumor: The Korean Journal of Urology. 48:558~560 ()

2007 기타 Partial Nephrectomy using Parenchymal Compression without Renal Pedicle Clamping: Korean J Urol. 49:265~269 ()

2006 SCI-E Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor in Ileal neobaldder: International Journal of Urology. 13:1451~1453 (0.629)

2006 기타 Clinicopathologic Features of Korean Prostate Adenocarcinoma : Mapping Analysis of 83 Case: 대한병리학회지. 40:204~209 ()

2004 기타 국소전립선암의 예후 인자: 대한비뇨기종양학회지. 1:123~131 ()

2004 기타 방광암에서 p53, Retinoblastoma(Rb), PTEN 발현의 임상적 의의: 대한비뇨기종양학회지. 2:00~00 ()

2004 기타 방광암의 진단에서 NMP-22 test, BTA TRAK assay 및 요세포검사의 비교: 대한비뇨기종양학회지. 1:95~99 ()

2004 SCI Enhanced chemosensitivity of bladde cancer cells to cisplatin by suppression of clusterin in vitro: Cancer Letters. 203:155~161 (1.517)

2003 기타 방광암에서 Ki-67,Apoptotic index, bcl-2, p53의 유용성 연구: 생물학적 종양 표지자와 병기, 분화도, 재발과의 연관성.: 대한비뇨기종양학회지. 1:0~0 ()

2001 기타 Clinical Significance of Serum basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF) in Renal Cell Carcinoma: 대한비뇨기과학회지. 42:1021~1027 ()

2001 SCI-E Role of inducible heat shock protein 70 in radiation-induced cell death.: Cell stress & chaperones. 6:273~281 (2.847)

2001 SCI In vivo antitymor erffect of Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine Kinase Gene Therapy in Rat Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Feasibility of Adenovirus-mediated Intra-arterial Gene Delivery: Molecules and cells. 11:170~178 (0.93)

2001 SCI-E Evaluation of the NMP22 Test and Comparison with Voided Urine Cytology in the Detection of Bladder Cancer: YONSEI MED J. 42:14~18 (0.332)

2001 기타 방광암의 진단에서 BTA TRAK assay 의 임상적 분석 및 요세포검사와의 비교: 대한비뇨기과학회지. 42:47~50 ()

2000 기타 방광암의 진단에서 Bard BTA stat test, Bard BTA test, NMP-22 test 및 요세포검사의 비교: 대한비뇨기과학회지. 41:833~837 ()

2000 기타 표제성 방광종양에 대한 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)의 방광내 주입에 의한 광역학치료의 초기 경험: 대한비뇨기과학회지. 41:713~717 ()

2000 기타 Surveillance in stage I NSGCT: 대한비뇨기과학회지. 41:46~48 ()

2000 기타 신전이 악성 종양 28례: 대한비뇨기과학회지. 41:29~33 ()

1999 기타 전립선과 식사: 대한비뇨기과학회지. 40:146~150 ()

1999 기타 식사와 전립선암: Prostate update. 3:35~44 ()

1999 기타 요막관 잔류물에 발생한 방선균증 1례: 대한비뇨기과학회지. 40:1717~6 ()

1998 기타 신장암: Urotrend. 3:9~12 ()

1997 기타 후복막강에 발생한 Castleman씨 병 1례: 대한비뇨기과학회지. 38:1387~1390 ()

1997 기타 경요도 방광종양절제술의 합병증: 대한비뇨기과학회지. 38:65~69 ()

1997 기타 방광이행상피암 표식자로서 요중 Nuclear Matrix Protein(NMP) 의의: 대한비뇨기과학회지. 38:259~262 ()

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1994 기타 배부통을 동반한 방광 평활근종 1례: 대한비뇨기과학회지. 35:801~803 ()

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