


연세의대 졸업(1988)
연세의대 대학원 의학박사(2005)


한림대성심병원 재활의학과 과장(1999-현재)
한림대성심병원 재활의학과 교수(현재)
한림의대 재활의학교실 주임교수 역임(2005-2011)
한림대성심병원 스포츠건강의학센터 센터장 역임(2006-2013)
국민연금 관리공단 수원지부 근골격계 장애심사 자문의사(2010-현재)
대한재활의학회 학술용어위원회 간사(2010-2012)
대한숨재활연구회 이사 (2011-현재)


Pharyngeal width and aspiration after stroke (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION RESEARCH)

Predictive Value of Pharyngeal Width at Rest (JOSCYL Width) for Aspiration in Elderly People (Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine)

Global Synchronization Index as an Indicator for Tracking Cognitive Function Changes in a Traumatic Brain Injury Patient: A Case Report (Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine)

Changes in Diffusion Metrics of the Red Nucleus in Chronic Stroke Patients With Severe Corticospinal Tract Injury: A Preliminary Study (Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine)

Risk Factors for Delirium During Acute and Subacute Stages of Various Disorders in Patients Admitted to Rehabilitation Units (Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine)

Enhancement of motor coordination by applying high frequency repetitive TMS on the sensory cortex (JOURNAL OF ELECTROMYOGRAPHY AND KINESIOLOGY)

Novel Information on Anatomic Factors Causing Grasp Reflex in Frontal Lobe Infarction: A Case Report (Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine)

Reduction of Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation-Induced Motor Plasticity in Healthy Elderly With COMT Val158Met Polymorphism (Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine)

Videofluoroscopy-Guided Balloon Dilatation for the Opening Dysfunction of Upper Esophageal Sphincter by Postoperative Vagus Nerve Injury: A Report on Two Cases (Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine)

Analysis of high-voltage electrical spinal cord injury using diffusion tensor imaging (JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY)


재활의학 / Rehabilitation Medicine 2nd (한미의학)


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