
  #가정의학#평생건강관리#건강검진 이상소견 확진#노인의학#금연#피로#남성 갱년기


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가톨릭대학교 보건학 박사(건강증진 전공)


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현) 보건복지부 지정 경기남부금연지원센터장
현) 식품의약안전처 중앙약사심의위원회 전문가
현) 건강기능식품 광고 심의위원
현) 질병관리본부 검진기준 및 질 관리반 전문기술분과 위원


전자담배에 대한 정책방향 / https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/tobaccocontrol/29/2/140.full.pdf (대한의사협회지)

마음챙김 훈련의 체중 조절 효과에 대한 구조화된 문헌고찰 / A Structured Literature Review on the Role of Mindfulness Intervention in Weight Control (Korean Journal of Health Promotion)

액상형 전자담배사용 관련 중증 폐질환 및 사망사건에 대한 대한금연학회 성명서 / Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (KSRNT) Position Statement on Epidemics of E-cig Related Lung Disease in the US (대한금연학회지)

Predictors of long-term abstinence rate by income level in the Korean smoking cessation programme (ADDICTION)

금연치료 지원사업 및 의사의 금연치료에 대한 만족도 와 금연 성공과의 관련성 / The Association of Satisfaction for Smoking Cessation Support Services and Physician’s Treatment with the Success of Quitting Smoking in Korea (대한금연학회지)

마음챙김 훈련과 금연 / Mindfulness Training and Smoking Cessatio (대한금연학회지)

Association between Physical Fitness and Cardiometabolic Risk of Children and Adolescents in Korea / $$ (Korean Journal of Family Medicine)

Clinical Characteristics Associated with Electrocardiographic Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Clinical Normotensives without a History of Hypertension: a Cross-Sectional Study / . (Korean Journal of Family Medicine)

Awareness, experience and prevalence of heated tobacco product, IQOS, among young Korean adults (Tobacco Control)

Gender Differences in the relationship between carbonated sugar-sweetened beverage intake and the likelihood of hypertension according to obesity (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH)


개정 4판 가정의학 (대한가정의학회)

(2013년) 보건소 금연클리닉 상담매뉴얼 (한국건강증진재단)

한국인의 평생건강관리 (국진피앤디)

최신가정의학 (한국의학)


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