이윤정 조교수
#소아신경학(신경근육질환, 운동장애, 발달장애, 뇌전증 및 기타 경련성질환, 두통, 미진단 희귀질환 등)#신경근육질환클리닉
2009.2. 경북대학교 의과대학 의학사
2014.8. 울산대학교 대학원 의학석사
2014.8. 울산대학교 대학원 의학석사
2009.3-2010.2 서울아산병원 인턴
2010.3-2014.2 서울아산병원 소아청소년과 전공의
2014.3-2016.2 서울아산병원 소아신경 전임의
2016.3-2018.2 경북대학교병원 소아청소년과 임상교수
2018.3- 경북대학교병원 소아청소년과 조교수
2010.3-2014.2 서울아산병원 소아청소년과 전공의
2014.3-2016.2 서울아산병원 소아신경 전임의
2016.3-2018.2 경북대학교병원 소아청소년과 임상교수
2018.3- 경북대학교병원 소아청소년과 조교수
[2018] A novel GLA mutation in a Korean boy with an early cardiac manifestation of Fabry disease (대한의학유전학회지)
[2019] Diagnostic usefulness of arterial spin labeling in MR negative children with new onset seizures. (Seizure)
[2017] Clinical Characteristics of Transplant-associated Encephalopathy in Children ( J Korean Med Sci)
[2017] Familial acute necrotizing encephalopathy with RANBP2 mutation: The first report in Northeast Asia (Brain and development)
[2014] Risk factors for neurological complications and their correlation with survival following pediatric liver transplantation. (Pediatric transplantation)
[2014] Long-term outcomes of hemispheric disconnection in pediatric patients with intractable epilepsy. (Journal of clinical neurology)
[2017] Large-scale structural alteration of brain in epileptic children with SCN1A mutation (Neuroimage clinical)
[2016 ]Intravenous levetiracetam versus phenobarbital in children with status epilepticus or acute repetitive seizures. (Korean journal of pediatrics)
[2019] Diagnostic usefulness of arterial spin labeling in MR negative children with new onset seizures. (Seizure)
[2017] Clinical Characteristics of Transplant-associated Encephalopathy in Children ( J Korean Med Sci)
[2017] Familial acute necrotizing encephalopathy with RANBP2 mutation: The first report in Northeast Asia (Brain and development)
[2014] Risk factors for neurological complications and their correlation with survival following pediatric liver transplantation. (Pediatric transplantation)
[2014] Long-term outcomes of hemispheric disconnection in pediatric patients with intractable epilepsy. (Journal of clinical neurology)
[2017] Large-scale structural alteration of brain in epileptic children with SCN1A mutation (Neuroimage clinical)
[2016 ]Intravenous levetiracetam versus phenobarbital in children with status epilepticus or acute repetitive seizures. (Korean journal of pediatrics)
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[메디컬 퓨처스] 이윤정 경북대병원 소아청소년과 교수
바이오젠 5q 척수성 근위축증 치료제 스핀라자 ②
[메디컬 퓨처스] 이윤정 경북대병원 소아청소년과 교수
바이오젠 5q 척수성 근위축증 치료제 스핀라자 ②
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