


1991 : 경북대학교 의과대학 졸업
1995 : 의학석사, 경북대학교 대학원 의학과
2004 : 의학박사, 부산대학교 대학원 의학과


1995년 5월-2000년 2월 : 외과 전임의, 경북대학교 병원
2000년 3월-2001년 3월: 외과 임상교수, 경북대학교 병원
2001년 4월-2005년 3월 : 외과 조교수, 경북대학교 병원
2005년 4월- 현재 : 외과 부교수, 경북대학교 병원
2002년: 일본 동경 암연구소 부속 병원 견학(visiting doctor in Cancer Institute Hospital, Tokyo, Japan)
2003년: 일본 벳부 노구찌 갑상선 병원 견학(visiting doctor in Noguchi breast and thyroid foundation, Beppu, Japan)
2006년 10월 & 2007년 1월 : 이탈리아 로마 카톨릭 병원 견학

2008년 4월, 독일 드쉘도르프 Interdisciplinary Breast Center 견학
2009년 3월, 이탈리아 밀란 European institute oncology 견학
2010년 12월 미국 뉴욕 슬론 케터링 암센터 견학
2012년 3월 미국 텍사스 엠디 앤더슨 암센터 견학
2013년 5월 미국 보스톤 하버드 MGH 병원 견학
2017년 5월 캐나다 토론토 UHN, 프린세스 마가렛 암병원 견학


[2018] Comparison of 5-year oncological outcomes of breast cancer based on surgery type (anz journal of surgery)

[2017] Combination Treatment with Photodynamic Therapy and Laser Ablation in Breast Cancer: An Animal Model Study (PHOTOMEDICINE AND LASER SURGERY)

[2017] Lymph node status as a prognostic factor in BRCA-positive breast cancer (journal of surgical research)

[2017] Comparison of two different types of oxidized regenerated cellulose for partial breast defects (journal of surgical research)

[2017] Five-Year Oncologic Outcomes of Volume Displacement Procedures After Partial Mastectomy for Breast Cancer (CLINICAL BREAST CANCER)

[2017] AQP5 Variants Affect Tumoral Expression of AQP5 and Survival in Patients with Early Breast Cancer (ONCOLOGY)

[2016] Comparison of the Quality of Life for Thyroid Cancer Survivors Who Had Open Versus Robotic Thyroidectomy. (Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques and videoscopy)

[2016] Ultrasound-Guided Laser Ablation Using Multidirectional-Firing Fiber for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: An Ex Vivo Study with Evaluation of Tumor Cell Viability (PHOTOMEDICINE AND LASER SURGERY)

[2016] The role of preoperative breast magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for surgical decision in patients with triple-negative breast ca

[2015] The Learning Curve for Robotic Thyroidectomy Using a Bilateral Axillo-Breast Approach From the 100 Cases (Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques)

[2015] Recurrence of Breast Cancer with Tumor Lymphangiogenesis Involving the Reconstructed Transversus Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous Flap (Journal Of breast disease)

[2015] Aquaporin 3 Expression Predicts Survival in Patients with HER2-positive Early Breast Cancer (ANTICANCER RESEARCH)

[2015] Oncologic outcomes of volume replacement technique after partial mastectomy for breast cancer: A single center analysis (SURGICAL ONCOLOGY-OXFORD)

[2015] A Single Surgeons Experience and Surgical Outcomes of 300 Robotic Thyroid Surgeries Using a Bilateral Axillo-Breast Approach (JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY)

[2014] ductal carcinoma arising from ectopic breast tissue following microcalcification observed on screening mammography: A case report and review of the literature (Journal of breast cancer)

[2014] AQP5 Expression Predicts Survival in Patients with Early Breast Cancer. (ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY)

[2013] Comparison of Laser Ablation Using Multidirectional and Forward-Firing Fiber in Human Thyroid Gland: Experimental Study. (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg)

[2012] 유방암 치료에 있어서 삶의 질을 생각할 때... (녹십자의보)

[2012] Surgical Techniques for Personalized Oncoplastic Surgery in Breast Cancer Patients with Small-to Moderate-Sized Breasts (Part 2):Volume Replacement (JOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER)

[2012] Surgical Techniques for Personalized Oncoplastic Surgery in Breast Cancer Patients with Small-to Moderate-Sized Breasts (Part 1):Volume Displacement (JOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER)

[2011] Oncoplastic Surgical Techniques for Personalized Breast Conserving Surgery in Breast cancer patient with Small to Moderate Sized Breast (JOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER)

[2011] Anticancer effect of (E)-2-hydroxy-3 ,4,5 -trimethoxystilbene on breast cancer cells by mitochondrial depolarization (CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY AND PHARMACOLOGY)

[2010] 삼중음성유방암과 비삼중음성유방암의 임상병리학적 특성의 비교 (대한외과학회지)

[2010] VARS2 V552V variant as prognostic marker in patients with early breast cancer (Medical oncology)

[2010] Accuracy of preoperative ultrasound and ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration cytology for axillary staging in breast cancer (ANZ JOURNAL OF SURGERY)

[2010] A Korean Family of Familial Medullary Thyroid Cancer with Cys618Ser RET Germline Mutation (JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE)

[2009] TNF superfamily gene polymorphism as prognostic factor in early breast cancer (JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY)

[2009] 유방암 환자의 수술 후 폐경여부에 따른 시기별 재발 위험도의 분석 (JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SURGICAL SOCIETY)

[2009] 조기 유방암으로 변형 근치적 절제술 후 단독국소재발한 환자의 예후 (JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SURGICAL SOCIETY)

[2007] Effects of tetramethoxystilbene on hormone-resistant breast cancer cells: Biological and biochemical mechanisms of action (CANCER RESEARCH)

[2007] 갑상선 수질암의 임상적 고찰 (대한내분비외과학회지)

[2007] 2007년 St. Gallen 유방암 컨퍼런스 하이라이트 (Journal of breast cancer)

[2005] 유방암에서 HER2 유전자 증폭과 단백 과발현 측정 방법들에 대한 비교연구 (JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SURGICAL SOCIETY)

[2004] 유방암에서 HER2 유전자 정량과 MAGE 검사의 임상적 의의 (The Korean Journal of Labaratory Medicine)


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