


1994. 전남대학교 의과대학 졸업(의학사)
1996. 전남대학교 대학원 의학과(석사)
1999. 전남대학교 대학원 의학과(박사)


2005. - 2008. 광주권역응급의료센터 소장
2005. - 2011. 전남대학교병원 응급의학과 과장
2008. 대한응급의학회 이사
2009. Medical College of Georgia
2009. 12. - 2010. 01. Santa Clara Valley Hospital
2011. - 2012. 대한의료정보학회이사
2012. 여수엑스포 지도의사
2013. - 현재 전남대병원 의료질관리실장
2012. 광주응급의료정보센터 소장
2013. - 현재 F1코리아 그랑프리 CMO
2011. - 현재 광주 응급의료정보센터 소장
2013. 08. - 2014. 04. 전남대병원 홍보실장
2014. 05. - 2016. 04. 전남대병원 기획조정실장
2014. 09. - 2016. 09. 지역발전위원회(대통령 직속) 문화복지전문위원회 전문위원
2016. 01. - 2017. 12. 대한응급의학회 기획이사
2016. 05. - 현재 권역응급의료센터 소장
2016. 12. - 현재 광주광역시 생활권 발전협의회 위원


1997. The value of brain CT scanning for alert patients following mild head injury

1999. Effect of chronic hypokalemia in expression of H/K-ATPase a- subunit(HKa2) mRNA in rat distal colon

1999. Effects of chronic hypokalemia on rat distal colon

2010. Sustained manual abdominal compression during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a pigmodel: a preliminary investigation/EMERGENCY MEDICINE JOURNAL

2010. Causticinjury:CanCTgradingsystemenablepredictionofesophagealstricture? /CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY

2010. Performance of an automated external defibrillator in a moving ambulance vehicle/RESUSCITATION

2010. Augmentation of the cooling capacity of refrigerated fluid by minimizing heat gain of the fluid using a simple method of cold insulation/ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE

2010. 심한 젖산혈증을 보이는 fenazaquin 중독 1례/대한응급의학회지

2010. 119 구급대에 의한 출동구역 밖 이송의 적절성 분석/대한응급의학회지

2010. A case of iatrogenic ilio-iliac arteriovenous fistula after percutaneous cardiopulmonary support in a patient with a tortuous iliac artery/JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS

2011. Effects of cyclic nuclotide gated channels in vestibular nuclear neurons/Chonnam medical journal

2011. 응급실에서 실시된 전문심혈관소생술동안 에피네프린의 사용: 현재의 심폐소생술 지침에 부합하는가?/대한중환자학회지

2011. A case of iatrogenic ilio-iliac arteriovenous fistula after percutaneous cardiopulmonary support in a patient with a tortuous iliac artery/JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS

2011. Variable effects of high-dose adrenaline realtive to standard-dose adrenaline on resuscitation outcomes according to cardiac arrest duration/RESUSCITATION

2011. Analysis of Factors Influencing the Severity of Cultivator-Related Trauma patients and Correlation between these Factors/대한응급의학회지

2012. 저체온요법치료를받은심정지 환자에서 신경특이에놀라제의 신경학적 예후 예측/대한응급의학회지

2012. The Performances of Standard and ResMed Masks During Bag-Valve-Mask Ventilation/PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY CARE

2012. 심정지 환자에서 예후 예측을 위한 회백질과 백색질의 밀도비 - 저체온요법 치료를 받은 환자를 대상으로-/대한응급의학회지

2012. Effect of the Community Education Program on the Attitude on the Emergency Medical Service and Safety in a Rural Emergency Medical Service System/대한응급의학회지

2013. Potassium induced cardiac standstill during conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a pig model of prolonged ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest: A feasibility study/RESUSCITATION

2013. The performances of standard and ResMed masks during bag-valve-mask ventilation/Prehosp Emerg Care

2013. Early Initiation of Therapeutic Hypothermia after Sudden Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest /Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine

2013. 유기인계 중독환자에서 임상적으로 진단된 중간증후군 발현과 초기 검사 지표의 관계/Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine

2014. Confirmation of intraosseous cannula placement based on pressure measured at the cannula during squeezing the extremity in a piglet model. /RESUSCITATION

2014. Association between mean arterial blood gas tension and outcome in cardiac arrest patients treated with therapeutic hypothermia /AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE

2014. Effects of potassium/lidocaine-induced cardiac standstill during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a pig model of prolonged ventricular fibrillation. /ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE

2014. Outcome and adverse events with 72-hour cooling at 32°C as compared to 24-hour cooling at 33°C in comatose asphyxial arrest survivors. /AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE

2014. 저체온치료를 받은 병원전 심정지 환자에서 비정상 이산화탄소분압과 예후와의 관계 /대한응급의학회지

2014. effects of exercise therapy on blood lipids of obese women. /JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE

2015. Effects of the administration of 2,3-butanedione monoxime during conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation on ischaemic contracture and resuscitability in a pig model of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. /RESUSCITATION

2015. Reliability of blood color and blood gases in discriminating arterial from venous puncture during cardiopulmonary resuscitation

2016. Verification of endotracheal tube placement using electrical stimulation through electrodes placed on the endotracheal tube cuff

2016. A study on the disaster medical response during the Mauna Ocean Resort gymnasium collapse

1996. Immunohistochemical localization of Na/K-ATPase a1-subunit of kidney in normal and K depleted rats


적정약물요법의 이해 (2001) 공저 전남대학교출판부
AHA심폐소생술과 응급심혈관치료를 위한 국제지침-뇌졸중2006: 응급구조사업무지침,응급의료상담원행동지침,의료지도지침
마을생명도우미 되기
마을생명도우미되기 - 농어촌 (전남고흥군)형 일차반응자 강사용 지침서 -
일차반응자를 위한 응급처치
응급의학 - 호흡기
ER의 비법. 감수
응급실 당직 더 이상 어렵지 않다! 감수
최고수산경영자를위한 교양 강좌
희망, ‘골든타임'


“안전한 그랑프리대회 되도록 최선” / [전남매일] 2013-07-10

"막중한 책임감·안전한 대회 되도록 최선" / [남도일보] 2013-07-10

지방 국립대 학비무료 특성학과 운영 / [광주매일신문] 2011-09-20


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