


1984.02 경북대학교 의과대학 학사
1989.02 고려대학교 (의학석사) 예방의학
1992.02 고려대학교 (의학박사) 예방의학


2013.11 ~ 현재 임상시험센터장
2013.09 ~ 2013.11 인하대 의생명연구원 임상시험센터 부센터장
1996.01 ~ 2014.01 인하대병원 류마티스내과 과장
1996.01 ~ 현재 인하대병원 류마티스내과 교수
2009.01 ~ 현재 인하대병원 류마티즘 센터소장
2009.01 ~ 2010.01 인하대병원 제2진료부원장
2008.01 ~ 2010.01 인하대병원 교육수련부장
1994.01 ~ 1996.01 미국 매이요의대 류마티스 연구원
1993.01 ~ 1994.01 미국 위스콘신의대 류마티스 연구원
1989.01 ~ 1993.01 국립의료원 의무사무관(내과 전문의)


2011Carrier Woman of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Mimicking Inflammatory Myositis, JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 26권 4호, 587~591, 2011.

2010Harrison's principles of Internal Medicine 17판 (저자 200 명), 도서출판 MIP, 2010.

2010한국의학원 총서 대한내과학회 일차진료의를 위한 약처방 가이드 (총저자 130인), 한국의학원, 2010.

2010류마티스관절염 환자의 골절 위험요인에 대한 메타-분석, 대한류마티스학회지, 17권 1호, 23~35, 2010.

2010Clinical and Radiographic Features of Adult-onset Ankylosing Spondylitis in Korean Patients: Comparisons between Males and Females, JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 25권 4호, 532~535, 2010.

2010Effect of Etanercept on pulmonary hypertension in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis, 대한류마티스학회지, 17권 suppl 1호, s 170~s 170, 2010.

2010한국인에서 류마티스관절염 환자와 골관절염 환자에서 경동맥 내중간막 두께 비교, 대한류마티스학회지, 17권 suppl 1호, s 141~s 141, 2010.

2010혈청 양성 류마티스 관절염 환자들의 골다공증 치료에서 세계보건기구(WHO) FRAX™ 와 미국 National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) 및 한국 건강보험심사평가원(HIRA) 기준의 비교, 대한류마티스학회지, 17권 suppl 1호, s 15~s 15, 2010.


2010A Case of Cortical vein thrombosis in Wegener’s granulomatosis, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RHEUMATIC DISEASES, 13권 suppl 1호, 254~254, 2010.

2010Etanercept affects pulmonary hypertension in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis in a dose dependent manner, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RHEUMATIC DISEASES, 13권 suppl 1호, 93~93, 2010.

2010Bone Metabolism Is Not Altered By Anti-TNF Treatment in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RHEUMATIC DISEASES, 13권 suppl 1호, 89~89, 2010.

2010Dickkopf-1 level is lower in patients with ankylosing spondylitis than in healthy people but not influenced by anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RHEUMATIC DISEASES, 13권 suppl 1호, 44~44, 2010.

2010New bone formation in ankylosing spondylitis may be related to low Dickkopf-1 level and three months of anti-TNF-α therapy could not improve serum Dickkopf-1 level, ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES, 69권 suppl 3호, 437~437, 2010.

2010Acute Effects of Intravenous Administration of Pamidronate in Patients with Osteoporosis, JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 25권 9호, 1277~1283, 2010.

2010Comparison of Oral and Intravenous Ibandronate on Acute Phase Response in Osteoporotic Patients, JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 25권 suppl 1호, s470~s471, 2010.

2010Comparison of Estimating 10-year Fracture Probability in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Using FRAX™ for Korean or Japanese Model, 대한내과학회지, 79권 suppl 1호, s394~s394, 2010.

2010Etanercept Normalizes Systemic Bone Metabolism in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients, ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, 62권 10 supp호, s756~ㄴ757, 2010.

2010Prevalence of Human Papilloma Virus Infections and Cervical Cytological Abnormalities among Korean Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 25권 10호, 1431~1437, 2010.

2010A Comparison of Three Different Guidelines for Osteoporosis Treatment in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Korea, The Korean journal of internal medicine, 25권 4호, 436~446, 2010.

2009항 면역글로불린 G4 염색 양성을 보이는 Mikulicz병 1예와 초음파 소견, 대한내과학회지, 77권 2호, s484~s488, 2009.

2009Diagnosis of Raynaud's phenomenon by (99m)Tc-hydroxymethylene diphosphonate digital blood flow scintigraphy after one-hand chilling, JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY, 36권 8호, 1663~1670, 2009.

2009A case of MCTD overlapped by Takayasu's arteritis, presenting Raynaud's phenomenon as the initial manifestation of both diseases, RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 29권 6호, 685~688, 2009.

2009항 Ro/SS-A 항체 양성인 일차성 쇼그렌증후군 환자에서 침샘 초음파의 유용성, 대한내과학회지, 77권 4호, 480~487, 2009.

2009The effects of intermittent large dose oral and intravenous bisphosphonate on acute phase response, 대한류마티스학회지, 16권 suppl. 1호, s109, 2009.


2009Golimumab, a Human Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha Monoclonal Antibody, Injected Subcutaneously Every Four Weeks in Methotrexate-Naive Patients With Active Rheumatoid Arthritis Twenty-Four-Week Results of a Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Golimumab Befo, ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, 60권 8호, 2272~2283, 2009.

2009Difference of Acute Phase Response According to the Route of Bisphosphonate Administration, JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 24권 Suppl 1호, s338~s339, 2009.

2009Human Rheumatoid Synovial Fibroblasts Promote Osteoclastogenic Activity by Activating RANKL via TLR-2 and TLR-4 Activation, JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, vol 22 suppl 1, s472, 2009.

2009DKK-1 LEVELS Are DECREASED IN PATIENTS with Ankylosing Spondylitis and NOT Influenced by Anti-TNF Therapy, ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, 60권 10호, s535, 2009.


2008Acute Phase Response and Bone Metabolism Marker after Intravenous Bisphosphonate in Osteoporotic Patients with Rheumatism, JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 23, s465~s465, 2008.

2008Golimumab, A New Human Anti-Tnf-Alpha Monoclonal Antibody, Administered Subcutaneously (Sc) Every 4 Weeks In Methotrexate-Naive Patients With Active Rheumatoid Arthritis (Ra): A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, GO-BEFORE Study, ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, 58권 9호, s530~s530, 2008.

2008Acute Phase Response after Administration of Intravenous Bisphosphonate in Osteoporotic Patients with Rheumatism, ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, 58권 9호, s746~s746, 2008.

2008전신경화증 환자에서 발생한 다발성 골관절 결핵 1예, 대한류마티스학회지, 15권 4호, 332~336, 2008.

2007당뇨병 청소년에서 발생한 피부홍통증 1례, 대한소아내분비학회지, 12권 2호, 161~165, 2007.

2007류마티스관절염 환자에서 파골세포의 분화 및 비스포스포네이트의 영향, 대한류마티스학회지, 14권 1호, 31~42, 2007.

2007류마티스 관절염 환자에서 발생한 Bronchus-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (BALT) 림프종 1예, 대한내과학회지, 73권 2호, 228~232, 2007.

2007Human rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts promote osteoclastogenic activity by activating RANKL via TLR-2 and TLR-4 activation, JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 22, 1~435, 2007.

2007Change of bone mineral density and biochemical markers of bone turnover in patients on suppressive L-thyroxine therapy for differentiated thyroid carcinoma, JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 22, 1~339, 2007.

2007The bisphosphonates cause inflammatory response in vivo and in human peripheral blood mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells in vitro, JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 22, 1~361, 2007.

2007Prevalence and Risk Factors for Human Papillomavirus Infection, ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, 56권 9호, s451, 2007.

2007종양괴사인자 차단제로 치료 중인 류마티스관절염 환자에서 발생한 Cryptococcus 폐렴 1예, 대한류마티스학회지, 14권 4호, 412~416, 2007.

2006임상류마티스학, 한국의학사, 2006.

2006관절염환자에서의 골다공증과 치료, 대한내과학회지, 70권 1호, 119~125, 2006.

2006류마티스 관절염에서 칼시뉴린의 발현과 기능, IMMUNE NETWORK, 6권 1호, 33~42, 2006.

2006전신성 홍반성 루푸스 환자에서면역 억제 요법 후 발생한 카포시 육종 1예, 대한류마티스학회지, 13권 1호, 70~75, 2006.

2006류마티스 관절염 치료중에 발생한 중증 근무력증 1예, 대한류마티스학회지, 13권 부록1, s114, 2006.

2006Tc-99m disodium oxidronate을 이용한 혈류 스캔이 레이노 현상을 평가하는 유용하다, 대한류마티스학회지, 13권 부록1, s34, 2006.

2006한국형 강직성척추염의 임상양상에 대한 다기관 연구, 대한류마티스학회지, 13권 부록1, s26, 2006.

2006Decreased protein S activity is related to the disease activity of Behcet’s disease, ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES, 65권 부록, 265, 2006.

2006Rapid improvement of distal vasculitis in PAN related to hepatitis B with alprostadil infusion: a case report, RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 26, 928~932, 2006.

2006Tc-99m oxidronate finger perfusion and blood pool scan after cold provocation is a new accurate method in the diagnosis and assessment of the Raynaud's phenomenon (RP)., ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, 54권 9호, 133~133, 2006.

2006전신성 홍반성 루푸스 환자에서 면역 억제 요법 후 발생한 카포시 육종 1예, 대한내과학회지, 71권 부록1, s412, 2006.

200699mTc-disodium oxidronate 손가락 혈류 스캔을 이용한 레이노 현상의 진단, 대한내과학회지, 71권 부록1, s199, 2006.

2006Decreased protein S activity is related to the disease activity of Behcet's disease, RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 27, 39~43, 2006.

2006한국인 활동성 류마티스 관절염 환자에서 인플릭시맵의 유효성과 안전성, 대한류마티스학회지, 11권 부록2, s39~s47, 2006.

2005중합효소연쇄반응으로 조사한 관절염 환자의 관절액에서 Tropheryma whipplei DNA 검출, 감염과화학요법, 37권 2호, 79~83, 2005.

2005A case report: isolated a heavy chain monoclonal gammopathy in a patient with polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy and skin change syndrome, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE, vol.59, No.147, 26~30, 2005.

2005류마티스 관절염 환자에서 혈청 TRAIL 농도의 임상적 의의, 대한류마티스학회지, 12권 2호, 90~96, 2005.

2005The concentration of TNF-a related apoptosis inducing ligand (trail) is decreased in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES, 64, 327~327, 2005.

2005MR spectroscopy for following up of the neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE): Does it improve after treatment , ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES, 64, 233~234, 2005.

2005The serum concentration of TRAIL is decreased in patients with ankylosing spondylitis., ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, 52, S640~S640, 2005.

2005The osteoclast-related cytokine response of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells to the bisphosphonate (alendronate) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is different from that in the normal controls in vitro., ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, 52, S294~S295, 2005.

2005Fibroblast growth factor 23 and bone mineral density in normal and patients with end stage renal disease., JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 20, S425~S425, 2005.

2005Bisphosphonate(Alendronate) decreases osteoclastogenesis and changes the related cytokine expression from the human peripheral blood mononuclear Cells(PBMCs) in vitro: The PBMCs from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) respond to Bisphosphonates diffe, JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 20, S305~S305, 2005.

2005Acute Pachymeningitis Mimicking Subdural Hematoma in a Patient with Polyarteritis Nodosa, RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, vol.25, No.8, 637~640, 2005.

2005한국인 류마티스 관절염 환자에 대한 에토리콕시브 90mg의 안전성 및 유효성, 대한류마티스학회지, 12(4), 291~303, 2005.

2004혈관절증으로 발현된 무릎 관절의 수지상 지방종 1예, 대한류마티스학회지, 11권 2호, 169~173, 2004.

2004Serum concentration of TNF-α related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) is decreased in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES, vol 63 supp 1, 180, 2004.

2004류마티스관절염 환자에서 methotrexate 부작용의 원인과 엽산대사, 대한내과학회지, 67권 2호, 109~112, 2004.

2004Effect of Raloxifene on Prolifertion and Differentiation of Bone Marrow Stromal Stem Cells in Ovariectomized Rats, JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, vol 19 supp1, s152, 2004.

2004The determinants of the bone mineral density in Korean patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The focus on the use of the glucocorticoids, JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, 19권 supp1, 333, 2004.

2004Lipoma arborescens of the knee., ARTHROSCOPY-THE JOURNAL OF ARTHROSCOPIC AND RELATED SURGERY, 20(8), e95~99, 2004.

2004임신 중 난치성 장막염과 신장염으로 발현된 전신성 홍반성 루푸스 1예, 대한내과학회지, 67권 부록3호, s896~s901, 2004.

2004슬관절의 골관절염 평가에서 초음파 영상의 유용성 , 대한류마티스학회지, 11(4), 379~386, 2004.

2004다발성 결절동맥염 환자에서 경막하 혈종으로 오인된 급성 경수막염 1예, 대한류마티스학회지, 11(4), 422~428, 2004.

2003일과성 심근허혈과 단안 실명이 동반된 베게너육아종증 1예, 대한류마티스학회지, 10권 1호, 89~95, 2003.

2003류마티스 관절염 환자에서 저용량 스테로이드 용법이 골대사에 미치는 영향, 대한류마티스학회지, 10권 3호, 293~299, 2003.

2003골관절염, 대한내과학회지, 65권 5호, 618~622, 2003.

2003피부근염으로 발현된 유방암의 재발 1예, 대한류마티스학회지, 10권 4호, 299~303, 2003.

2003한국인에서 쇼그렌 증후군의 선별 및 추적검사로서 건빵 용해 검사의 개발, 대한류마티스학회지, 10권 4호, 1~8, 2003.

2002- 탈감작법으로 치료한 인형 재조합 인슐린에 대한 아나필락시스, 대한내과학회지, 62권, 1호 , 123~127, 2002.

2002A case of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease presenting as an acute polyarthritis, JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, vol.17, No.3, 423~425, 2002.

2002전신성경화증/전신홍반루푸스/쇼그렌증후군 중복증후군 1예 , 대한류마티스학회지, 9권 2호, 151~156, 2002.

2002Influence of low dose steroid therapy on generalized osteoporosis in RA, ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES, vol.61, supp.1, 84, 2002.

20021H-MRS for The Early Detection of Neuropsychiatric Involvement in SLE, ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, vol.46, supp.9, s 444, 2002.

2002Influence of chronic hepatitis viral infection on rheumatologic disease., ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, 46, S66~S67, 2002.

2002전신홍반루푸스에 동반된 단독성 비장경색 1예 , 대한류마티스학회지, 9권 4호, 335~338, 2002.

2002한국인 골관절염 환자에 대한 Celecoxib와 서방형Diclofenac의 유효성 및 안전성 비교: 다기관 임상연구, 대한류마티스학회지, 9권 4호, 3~277, 2002.

2001원발성 피부홍통증 1예 , 대한내과학회지, 61권,1호, 95~98, 2001.

2001간염바이러스 감염 환자에서 나타나는 근골격계 증상과 , 대한내과학회지, 60권, 1호 , 32~39, 2001.

2001Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate 크리스탈에 의한 다발성 관절염, 대한류마티스학회지, , , 2001.

2001Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate 크리스탈에 의한 다발성 관절염, 대한류마티스학회지, 8권, 1호, 70~71, 2001.

2001Shift toward T helper 1 cytokines by type II collagen-reactive T cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, Volume 44, Issue 3, 561~569, 2001.

2001성문하 협착에 의해 급성 호흡부전이 발생된 재발성 다발성 연골염 1예 , 결핵및호흡기질환, 50권,3호, 353~538, 2001.

2001심한 정신병적 증상을 나타낸 전신성 홍반성 루푸스 3례, 신경정신의학, 40권, 3호, 534~540, 2001.

2001A case of hypothermia combined with systemic lupus erythematosus, KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, vol.16, No.1, 44~46, 2001.

2001The usefulness of serum transferrin receptor and ferritin for assessing anemia in rheumatoid arthritis: comparison with bone marrow iron study, RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, vol. 21, No.7, 24~29, 2001.

2000IgG antibodies to type II collagen reflect inflammatory activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. , JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY, vol.27, No.3, 575~581, 2000.

2000Pulmonary fibrosis in a steel mill worker. , JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, vol.15, No.2, 224~228, 2000.

2000류머티스 관절염 환자를 위한 건강증진 프로그램의 효과 분석 연구 , 대한간호학회지, 30권, 2호, 342~353, 2000.

2000범자율신경 기능장애가 동반된 전신성 홍반성 루푸스 1 예, 국내공인학술지(이전), 59권, 5호, 577~582, 2000.

2000SLE: Brain MRI and Single-Voxel Hydrogen MRS, RADIOLOGY, 217권, 1호, 43~49, 2000.


1999단백상실성 장병증 후에 발병된 Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome 1예, 국내공인학술지(이전), 56권,1호, 98~102, 1999.

1999미만성 경피증에 발생한 신발증 (scleroderma renal crisis) 1예, 국내공인학술지(이전), 56권,5호, 646~652, 1999.

1999면역 혈소판감소성 자반증이 동반된 후복막강 섬유증 1예, 국내공인학술지(이전), 56권,6호, 757~760, 1999.

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