


인제대학교 의과대학 졸업(1994)
서울대학교 보건대학원 보건학 석사(2003)
고려대학교 의학대학원 의학 박사(2006)
미국 뉴욕 컬럼비아 대학교 St Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital, New York Obesity Research Center, Body composition unit, Visiting Research Scientist (2007~2008).


홍보실 차장(2012~2015년)
2014.3~2017.10 종합건강증진센터 소장
2018. 3~ 현재 인제대학교 상계백병원 교수
2014.3~현재 인제대학교 상계백병원 가정의학과 책임교수(과장)


1.Seon Yeong Lee, Eunju Sung, Yoosoo Chang.Elevated serum Gamma-Glutamyltransferase is a Strong Marker of Insulin Resistance in obese children. International Journal of Endocrinology 2013;2013(ID578693):1-6.

2.이선영, 김종우, 윤준형 등. 한국노인의 대사지표를 가장 잘 반영하는 비만지표는? 대한비만학회지 2012;21:140-147.

3.Kim JW, Lee SY, Kim KN, Yoo SM. The causes of chest pain among Korean outpatients in primary care practice. HealthMed 2011;5(6):1389-1394.

4.김효원, 유선미, 이선영, 김규남, 김종우, 한미연. 대사질환이 없는 성인 비만의 특성. 가정의학 2011;1(3):166-174.

5.강민성, 유선미, 김종우, 이선영, 김규남, 김정재, 조진권, 한상원. 뇌경색으로 입원했던 환자의 퇴원 후 흡연율 변화. 대한금연학회지 2011;2(2):97-103.

6.이은지, 김동관, 유선미, 김규남, 이선영. 체성분 분석기 InBody 720로 측정한 내장 지방 면적과 다양한 복부 비만 측정법 간의 연관성. 가정의학. 2010;31:190-197.

7.Aleman Mateo H, Lee SY, Javed F, Thornton J, Heymsfield SB, Pierson RN, Pi Sunyer FX, Wang ZM, Wang J, Gallagher D. Elderly Mexicans Have Less Muscle and Greater Total and Truncal Fat Compared to African-Americans and Caucasians with the Same BMI. J Nutr Health Aging. 2009;13(10):919-923.

8.강영석, 강지현, 이선영 등. 소아 비만과 관련된 대사 이상을 예측하기 위한 체지방률의 절단값.-2007년 소아 청소년 신체 발육 표준치를 기준으로- 가정의학 2009;30:887-894.

9.이혜령 ,김현근, 유장석, 김규남, 이선영, 유선미 등. 간접흡연에 노출된 소아 청소년의 요 코티닌 배설량. 가정의학 2009;30:31-38

10.신니엘, 유선미, 김규남, 이선영. 국내 세 개 지역 고등학교에서 과체중과 천식 증상 및 알레르기 질환의 연관성. 가정의학 2009;30:269-276

11.강재헌, 김규남, 이선영, 유선미. 청소년기 공복 혈당 장애와 관련한 요인. 대한 비만학회지 2009;18:38-45

12.Jung SH, Park HS, Kim KS, Choi WH, Ahn CW, Kim BT, Kim SM, Lee SY. Effect of weight loss on some serum cytokines in human obesity: increase in IL-10 after weight loss. J of Nutri Biochem 2008;19(6):371-375.

13.Yoo JS, Lee SY, Kim KN, Yoo SM, Sung EJ, Yim JE. Relationship between insulin resistance and serum alanine aminotransferase as a surrogate of NAFLD (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease) in obese Korean children. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2008;81:321-326.

14.Lee SY, Gallagher D. Assessment methods in human body composition. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care 2008;11:566-572.

15.Lee SY, Sung EJ, Chang YS, Aleman-mateo H, Thorton J, Kursheed N, Gallagher D. Elevated serum gamma-glutamyltransferase is a stronger predictor of insulin resistance than alanine aminotransferase in overweight/obese Korean children. 2008 IBC meeting

16.Aleman-mateo H, Lee SY, Javard F, Thorton J, Heymsfield SB, Pierson RN Jr, Pi-Sunyer FX, Wang ZM, Wang J, Gallagher D. Similar BMI but less muscle and greater total and truncal fat in Mexican elderly versus African-American and Caucasians. 2008 IBC meeting

17.Roh SW, Lee SY, Kim KN, Yoo SM. Children and parental factors affecting cholesterol levels of first-grade students in elementary school in Gwacheon. The Journal of Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2007;28:754-761.

18.Kim JS, Lee SY, Kim KN, Yoo SM. Comparision of DEXA and CT for truncal obesity in adult women related to metabolic complications. The Journal of Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2007;28:675-681.

19.Yoo SM, Lee SY, Kim KN, Sung EJ. Obesity in Korean pre-adolescent school children : Comparison of various anthropometric measurements based on bioelectrical impedance analysis. Int J Obes 2006;30:1086-1090.

20.Choi TI, Lee SY, Kim KN, Yoo SM, Kang JH. The prence of obesity and obesity related metabolic complications in Korean adolescents. The Journal of Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2006;27:175-181.

21.Park JB, Lee SY, Kim KN, Yoo SM, Kang JH. The prence of childhood obesity, risk factors and obesity related disease in elementary students. The Journal of Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2006;27:104-112.

22.Han SH, Lee SY, Kim KN, Yoo SM. Comparison between DEXA and BIA in measurement of lean body mass and fat mass in obese adults- Based on Bland-Altman Plot Analysis- The Korean Journal of Obesity 2006;15(4):213-218.

23.Kim JS, Yoo SM, Lee SY, Kim KN. Relationship of metabolic syndrome and truncal obesity measured by DEXA and CT in obese women. The Korean Journal of Obesity 2006;15(4):206-212.

24.Jung DS, Lee SY, Kim KN, Kang JH. A reliability study of the Korean version of SCOFF (K-SCOFF) Questionnaires. Tne Korean Journal of Obesity 2005;14:108-113.

25.Shin SY, Kim KN, Lee SY. A case of Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis with pneumothorax. The Journal of Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2005;26:346-349.

26.Lee SY. Diagnosis and Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis. Journal of Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2004;25:s106-s111.

27.Park JB, Han SH, Kim KN, Lee SY. A case report of military Tuberculosis diagnosed by chest computer tomography in FUO.
Journal of Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2004;25:397-403.

28.Lee SY. The management of pediatric obesity. The Journal of Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2004;25:s560-s563.

29.Lee SY. Pharmacotherapy and Surgical Therapy in pediatric obesity. The Journal of Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2004;25:579-584.

30.Ro YH, Lee SY, Kang JH. Effect of school-based obesity control programs performed on elementary students. The Journal of Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2002;23:1470-1479.

31.Ahn HK, Lee SY, Lee WJ, Jung DS, Kim KN, Kang JH. The reliability and validity of Korean version of questionnaire for nicotine dependence. Journal of Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2002;23:999-1008.

32.Lee SY, Kim SW, Kang JH. The prence of eating disorder risk group among high school students in Seoul - relationship of eating disorder symptoms with anxiety and depression tendency-. Tne Korean Journal of Obesity 2001;10:376-391.

33.Lee SY, Kim SW, Sun WS, Cho HJ. Health status for the elderly living in a home for aged. Korean Journal of Geriatrics. 2001;5:240-249.

34.Lee SY. Relation of insulin resistance and obesity-related risk factors in obese children with normal fasting blood glucose. 2005 NAASO annual meeting .

35.Sung EJ, Lee SY, Park KH. Contribution of overweight to the prediabetes, a metabolic syndrome and relation with abnormal liver function among in Korean adolescents. 2005 NAASO annual meeting .

36.Lee SY, Park HS, Kim SM, Kim KS, Choi WH. Association between change of IL-6, Leptin and Insulin Resistance during weight reduction in Korean obese adults. 2006 NAASO annual meeting


1. 가정의학, 계축 문화사 2002
2. 최신 비만 치료 가이드. 한우리 2004
3. 우리아이 건강하게 날씬하게. 한미출판사 2005
4. 소아 청소년 비만. 학지사 2006
5. 최신가정의학. 한국의학 2007
6. 대사 증후군 매뉴얼. 청운 2007
7. 임상 비만학. 고려의학 2008
8. 비만 바로 알기. 보건복지가족부 2009
9.한국인을 위한 비만 행동요법 지침서. 청운 2010


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2000. 3-2001. 2. 소아비만, 질병관리본부 용역
2005. 3-2005. 9.서울시 교육청 소아비만 프로그램
2006. 3-2008. 9.인태반 추출물 연구
2011.5-2012.4. 도라지 추출물 연구(농림수산부 용역)