


1981 .03 ~ 1987 .02 : 고려대학교 의학사
1988 .03 ~ 1990 .02 : 고려대 대학원 의학(세부전공:내과) 의학석사
1990 .03 ~ 1996 .02 : 고려대 대학원 의학(세부전공:혈액종양) 의학박사
2000 .03 ~ 2002 .08 : 고려대 보건대학원 보건학(세부전공: 보건정책및병원경영) 보건학석사


2012 .01 ~ : 고려대안암병원 교육수련위원장
2009 .11 ~ : 고려대학교 줄기세포연구소 소장
2009 .11 ~ : 고려대안암병원 IRB 위원장
2009 .05 ~ 2011 .03 : 고려대안암병원 임상시험센터 임상시험부장
2011 .03 ~ : 고려대안암병원 임상시험센터 교육부장/QA실장
2007 .11 ~ : 고려대안암병원 종양혈액내과 과장
2008 .09 ~ 2011 .12 : 고려대학교 의과대학 교수학습지원센터장
2007 .10 ~ 2011 .12 : 고려대학교 의과대학 교육부학장
2007 .10 ~ 2010 .08 : 고려대학교 대학원 부원장(의무)
2007 .03 ~ 2011 .02 : 고려대학교 의학교육학교실 주임교수
2007 .03 ~ 2007 .07 : 고려대안암병원 JCI 인증 TFT 팀장
2006 .03 ~ : 고려대학교 IRB 위원
2003 .11 ~ 2005 .10 : 고려대안암병원 적정진료관리 위원회 위원장
2004 .03 ~ 2005 .09 : 고려대 의료원 원가구축 TFT 팀장
2012 .05 ~ : 보건산업진흥원 R&D 진훙본부 중개연구단장
2012 .04 ~ : 한국줄기세포학회 이사회 일반이사
2011 .06 ~ : 의료기관평가 인증원 평가인증팀 현장평가팀장
2011 .05 ~ 2012 .04 : 보건산업진흥원 R&D 진훙본부 PM운영위원
2011 .02 ~ : 대한혈액학회 교과서편찬 위원회 위원
2010 .05 ~ : 교육과학기술부 약학 제도 개선 위원회 위원
2010 .02 ~ 2011 .04 : 경기개발연구원 CEO 평가단 위원(2010), 부단장(2011)
2010 .03 ~ : 대한내과학회 평의원회 평의원
2009 .09 ~ 2009 .10 : 한국의학교육 평가원 의과대학평가단 평가위원
2009 .09 ~ : 질병관리본부 줄기세포주 등록위원회 위원
2009 .09 ~ : 한국기관윤리 심의협의회 평가국 현장평가위원장
2009 .06 ~ 2010 .05 : 교육과학기술부 의치의학 제도 개선 위원회 위원
2008 .10 ~ : 보건복지부 생명윤리교육 평가전문위원회 위원
2008 .05 ~ : 한국 의과대학의학전문대학원협의회 (KAMC) 전문위원회 위원
2007 .08 ~ 2007 .09 : Western IRB Trainee
2007 .03 ~ : 대한조혈모세포이식학회 평의원회 평의원
2007 .03 ~ : 대한혈액학회 평의원회 평의원
2006 .03 ~ 2007 .02 : Memorial- Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Malcolm AS Moore's Lab Visiting Scholar
2005 .03 ~ 2006 .02 : 대한혈액학회 이사회 무임소이사
2002 .06 ~ 2003 .05 : 삭품의약안전청 우수조직관리 기준검토협의체 위원
2000 .09 ~ : 한국조혈모세포은행협회 이식조정위원회 위원


[SCI] (Human feeder cells can support the undifferentiated growth of human and mouse embryonic stem cells using their own basic fibroblast growth factors)

[SCI] (Pretreatment Serum Level of 15-kDa Granulysin Might Have a Prognostic Value in Patients with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma)

[SCI] (Successful control of steroid-intolerant Evans' syndrome associated with allogeneic peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cell transplant by rituximab)

[SCI] (Stemness evaluation of mesenchymal stem cells from placentas according to developmental stage: comparison to those from adult bone marrow)

[SCI] (Esophageal involvement by extranodal natural killer T cell lymphoma, nasal type, mimicking Ebstein Barr viral esophagitis in a tonsillar lymphoma patient undergoing chemoradiation therapy.)

[SCI] (The efficacy of human placenta as a source of the universal feeder in human and mouse pluripotent stem cell culture.)

[SCI] (Undifferentiated propagation of the human embryonic stem cell lines, H1 and HSF6, on human placenta-derived feeder cells without basic fibroblast growth factor supplementation.)

[SCI] (Prognostic significance of serum vascular endothelial growth factor per platelet count in unresectable advanced gastric cancer patients.)

[SCI] (The suggestion of a risk stratification system for febrile neutropenia in patients with hematologic disease)

[SCI] (Serum BAFF predicts prognosis better than APRIL in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients treated with rituximab plus CHOP chemotherapy.)

[SCI] (Ki-67 expression is predictive of prognosis in patients with stage I/II extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type.)

[SCI] (Human placenta-derived feeders support prolonged undifferentiated propagation of a human embryonic stem cell line, SNUhES3: comparison with human bone marrow-derived feeders.)

[SCI] (Combination chemotherapy with bortezomib, cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone may be effective for plasma cell leukemia.)

[SCI] (Telomere length shortening of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in solid-cancer patients undergoing standard-dose chemotherapy might be correlated with good treatment response and neutropenia severity.)

[SCI] (Mesenchymal stem cells derived from human chorionic plate may promote hematopoietic differentiation of the human embryonic stem cell line SNUhES3.)

[SCI] (Treatment outcome of front-line systemic chemotherapy for localized extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma in nasal and upper aerodigestive tract. Leuk Lymphoma.)

[SCI] (Prospective analysis of treatment outcome and prognostic factors in patients with T-cell lymphomas treated by CEOP-B: single institutional study.)

[SCI] (Dose modification of alemtuzumab in combination with dexamethasone, cytarabine, and cisplatin in patients with relapsed or refractory peripheral T-cell lymphoma :analysis of efficacy and toxicity)

[SCI] (Serum deprivation-induced reactive oxygen species production is mediated by Romo1.)

[SCI] (Dose modification of alemtuzumab in combination with dexamethasone, cytarabine, and cisplatin in patients with relapsed or refractory peripheral T-cell lymphoma: analysis of efficacy and toxicity.)

[SCI] (Cardiac cell therapy with mesenchymal stem cell induces cardiac nerve sprouting, angiogenesis, and reduced connexin43-positive gap junctions, but concomitant electrical pacing increases connexin43-positive gap junctions in canine heart.)

[SCI] (Chemotherapy-related polyneuropathy may deteriorate quality of life in patients with B-cell lymphoma.)

[SCI] (Phase IV study evaluating efficacy of escalated dose of imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia patients showing suboptimal response to standard dose imatinib.)

[SCI] (Korean Multiple Myeloma Working Party. Clinical features and survival outcomes in patients with multiple myeloma: analysis of web-based data from the Korean Myeloma Registry.)

[SCI] (Phase II trial of concurrent radiation and weekly cisplatin followed by VIPD chemotherapy in newly diagnosed, stage IE to IIE, nasal, extranodal NK/T-Cell Lymphoma: Consortium for Improving Survival of Lymphoma study.)

[SCI] (Alemtuzumab and DHAP (A-DHAP) is effective for relapsed peripheral T-cell lymphoma, unspecified: interim results of a phase II prospective study.)

[SCI] (Increased serum 90K and Galectin-3 expression are associated with advanced stage and a worse prognosis in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas.)

[SCI] (Sustained co-cultivation with human placenta-derived MSCs enhances ALK5/Smad3 signaling in human breast epithelial cells, leading to EMT and differentiation.)

[SCI] (Extrinsic nitric oxide donor partially reverses arginine deiminase induced cell growth inhibition through NFkappaB and Bcl-X L.)

[SCI] (Korean Multiple Myeloma Working Party. Bortezomib and the increased incidence of herpes zoster in patients with multiple myeloma.)

[SCI] (Serum level of soluble human leukocyte antigen-G molecules in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: does it have a prognostic value?)

[SCI] (Treatment outcomes of oxaliplatin, 5-FU, and leucovorin as salvage therapy for patients with advanced or metastatic gastric cancer: a retrospective analysis.)

[SCI] (The Bone Morphogenesis Protein-2 (BMP-2) is associated with progression to metastatic disease in gastric cancer.)

[SCI] (Forced expression of HoxB4 enhances hematopoietic differentiation by human embryonic stem cells)

[SCI] (Prognostic value of carbonic anhydrase IX and Ki-67 expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue.)

[SCI] (Reduced dose of imatinib for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and low body surface area.)

[SCI] (Persistent anemia in a patient with diffuse large B cell lymphoma: pure red cell aplasia associated with latent Epstein-Barr virus infection in bone marrow.)

[SCI] (Epirubicin, cisplatin, oral UFT, and leucovorin combination chemotherapy in advanced and metastatic esophageal cancer.)

[SCI] (Drug resistance to 5-FU linked to reactive oxygen species modulator 1.)

[SCI] (uPAR expression under hypoxic conditions depends on iNOS modulated ERK phosphorylation in the MDA-MB-231 breast carcinoma cell line.)

[SCI] (Acute arthritis of carpal bones secondary to metastatic gastric cancer.)


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