Seo HY1, Jang BK2, Jung YA1, Lee EJ1, Kim HS1, Jeon JH3, Kim JG3, Lee IK3, Kim MK4, Park KG5 :
Phospholipase D1 decreases type I collagen levels in hepatic stellate cells via induction of autophagy Biochem Biophys Res Commun., , 38-43, 국제전문학술지, 2014-06-20
Jung YA, Choi YK, Jung GS, Seo HY, Kim HS, Jang BK, Kim JG, Lee IK, Kim MK, Park KG :
Sitagliptin attenuates methionine/choline-deficient diet-induced steatohepatitis Diabetes Res Clin Pract., , 47-57, 국제전문학술지, 2014-06-01
Kim H, Kim HS, Yoon HJ, Park HS, Cho YK, Nam CW, Hur SH, Kim YN, Kim KB :
Association of cardio-ankle vascular index with diastolic heart function in hypertensive patients Clin Exp Hypertens, , 200-205, 국제전문학술지, 2014-05-01
Jung YA, Kim HK, Bae KH, Seo HY, Kim HS, Jang BK, Jung GS, Lee IK, Kim MK, Park KG :
Cilostazol inhibits insulin-stimulated expression of sterol regulatory binding protein-1c via inhibition of LXR and Sp1 Exp Mol Med. , , 1-8, 국제전문학술지, 2014-01-24
Cho YW, Na GY, Lim JG, Kim SH, Kim HS, Earley CJ, Allen RP :
Prevalence and clinical characteristics of restless legs syndrome in diabetic peripheral neuropathy: comparison with chronic osteoarthritis Sleep Med. , , 1387-1392, 국제전문학술지, 2013-12-01
Son JW, Kim DJ, Lee CB, Oh S, Song KH, Jung CH, Mok JO, Kim JH, Moon MK, Choi KM, Cho JH, Choi SH, Kim SK, Park KS, Kim HS, Kim IJ, Kim YI, Kim HJ, Kim SY, Kim S :
Effects of patient-tailored atorvastatin therapy on ameliorating the levels of atherogenic lipids and inflammation beyond lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in patients with type 2 diabetes J Diabetes Investig, , 466-474, 국제전문학술지, 2013-09-01
유혜진, 박근용, 박강서, 안규정, 민경완, 박정현, 창상아, 차봉수, 김동준, 김용성, 오태근, 전숙, 남궁일성, 김미진, 김혜순, 최영식, 안유현, 이소라, 백세현 :
safty and efficacy of modern insulin analogues Diabetes and Metabolism Journal, , 181-189, 전국규모전문학술지, 2013-06-01
김한별, 이예연, 조난희, 한유진, 정혜진, 김상진, 이호영, 김상윤, 김미경, 김혜순 :
항이뇨호르몬 분비이상증후군으로 오인한 뇌하수체 거대선종에 의한 이차성 부신피질 기능 저하증 1례 계명의대 학술지, , 92-97, 대학논문집, 2013-06-01
조호찬, 유경임, 이미영, 김혜순, 신동훈, 김윤년 :
TNF-a polymorphisms and coronary artery disease: Association study in the Korean population Cytokine, , 104-109, 국제전문학술지, 2013-04-01
김혜순 외3명 :
endoplasmic reticulum stress and insulin biosynthesis: a review Exp Diabetes Res, , 1-7, 국제전문학술지, 2012-07-01
권보라, 여수현, 장혁원, 김미정, 김일만, 김미경, 조호찬, 김혜순, 이성문 :
잔류 원시 후각동맥의 자기공명 및 전산화단층촬영 혈관조영술 소견: 한국인에서의 빈도와 동맥류와의 연관성 대한영상의학회지, , 493-499, 전국규모전문학술지, 2012-06-01
김혜순, 신아미, 김미경, 김윤 :
Comorbidity study on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Using Data Mining The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine, , 197-202, 국제전문학술지, 2012-06-01
김헤순 :
제2형 당뇨병 환자에서 DPP-4 inhibitor, sitagliptin의 사용 Focus on clinical endocrinology, , 29-33, 기타논문집, 2012-03-26
민애경, 김미경, 김혜순, 서혜영, 이기업, 김정국, 박근규, 이인규 :
Alpha-lipoic acid attenuates methionin chooline deficient diet-induced steatohepatiits in C57BL/6 mice Life Science, , 200-205, 국제전문학술지, 2012-01-30
Jung GS, Kim MK, Jung YA, Kim HS, Park IS, Min BH, Lee KU, Kim JG, Park KG, Lee IK Clusterin attenuates the development of renal fibrosis J Am Soc Nephrol, , 73-85, 국제전문학술지, 2012-01-01
이장훈 등 :
Incidence of Hypertension in Korea: 5-Year Follow-Up study The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences, , 1286-1292, 국제전문학술지, 2011-10-01
김혜순 :
합성 인슐린과 악성종양 Clinical and experimental endocrinology and metabolism, , 7-10, 기타논문집, 2011-08-01
하유진, 김남경, 김미경, 김혜순, 허승호, 윤혁준, 김윤년, 박근규 :
Relationship between Chemerin Levels and Cardiometabolic Parameters and Degree of Coronary Stenosis in Korean Patients with Coronary Artery Disease Diabetes and Metabolism Journal, , 248~254, 전국규모전문학술지, 2011-06-30
Kim NK, Hah YJ, Lee HY, Kim SJ, Kim MK, Park KG, Kim E, Chang H, Kim HS :
성장 호르몬과 갑상선 자극 호르몬을 동시에 분비하는 뇌하수체 선종에서 서방형 옥트레오타이드의 효과 대한내분비학회지, , 378~381, 전국규모전문학술지, 2010-12-01
김혜순 외17명 :
Trend analysis of diabetic prevalence and incidence in a reral area of south korea beteen 2003-2008, JDI, , 184-190, 국제전문학술지, 2010-10-19
Young Yun Jang1, Nam Keong Kim1, Mi Kyung Kim1, Ho Young Lee1, Sang Jin Kim1, Hye Soon Kim1, Hye-Young Seo2, In Kyu Lee2, Keun Gyu Park1 :
The Effect of Tribbles-Related Protein 3 on ER Stress- Suppressed Insulin Gene Expression in INS-1 Cells Diabetes and Metabolism Journal, , 312~319, 전국규모전문학술지, 2010-10-01
이호영, 김미경, 김남경, 김혜순, 류성열, 권기영, 박근규 :
Sunitinib 치료 이후 발생한 갑상선중독증 1예 대한내과학회지, , 503~506, 전국규모전문학술지, 2010-04-01
김윤정, 김혜순, 하유진, 이호영, 박근규, 김미경, 권선영 :
갑상선 유두암에서 p16INK4A 촉진자 과메틸화와 p16INK4A cyclin D1 및 Rb 발현, 대한내과학회지, , 333~340, 전국규모전문학술지, 2010-03-01
Min AK, Kim MK, Seo HY, Kim HS, Jang BK, Hwang JS, Choi HS, Lee KU, Park KG, Lee IK :
Alpha-lipoic acid inhibits hepatic PAI-1 expression and fibrosis by inhibiting the TGF-beta signaling pathway BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, , 536~541, 국제전문학술지, 2010-03-01
Seo HY, Kim MK, Min AK, Kim HS, Ryu SY, Kim NK, Lee KM, Kim HJ, Choi HS, Lee KU, Park KG, Lee IK :
Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Activation of Activating Transcription Factor 6 Decreases cAMP-Stimulated Hepatic Gluconeogenesis via Inhibition of CREB ENDOCRINOLOGY, , 561~568, 국제전문학술지, 2010-02-01
Lee KM, Lee HJ, Kim MK, Kim HS, Jung GS, Hur SH, Kim HT, Cho WH, Kim JG, Kim BW, Lim JO, Choi HS, Lee KU, Park KG, Lee IK :
Cilostazol inhibits high glucose- and angiotensin II-induced type 1 plasminogen activator inhibitor expression in artery wall and neointimal region after vascular injury ATHEROSCLEROSIS, , 391~398, 국제전문학술지, 2009-12-01
Jung GS, Kim MK, Cheo MS, Lee KM,Kim HS, Park JY, Choi HS, Lee KU,Park KG, Lee IK :
The Orphan Nuclear Receptor SHP Attenuates Renal Fibrosis JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY, , 2162~2170, 국제전문학술지, 2009-10-01
Jung YA,Lee KM,Kim MK,Jung GS,Seo YJ,Kim HS,Cho HC,Lee KU,Park KG, Lee IK :
Forkhead transcription factor FoxO1 inhibits insulin- and transforming growth factor-beta-stimulated plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, , 757~761, 국제전문학술지, 2009-09-01
하유진, 김미경, 김혜순, 김일만, 임만빈, 최미선, 박근규 :
말단 비대증을 동반한 갑상선자극호르몬 분비 뇌하수체 선종 1예 대한내과학회지, , S97-S102, 전국규모전문학술지, 2009-08-01
Kim YM, Hyun NR, Shon HS, Kim HS, Park SY, Park IH, Chung YS, Jung HG, Kim DH, Lim SK :
Assessment of Clinical Risk Factors to Validate the Probability of Osteoporosis and Subsequent Fractures in Korean Women Calcif Tissue Int, , 380-387, 국제전문학술지, 2008-12-31
Seo, HY :
Endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced activation of activating transcription factor 6 decreases insulin gene expression via up-regulation of orphan nuclear receptor small heterodimer partner ENDOCRINOLOGY, 149(8), 3832~3841, 국제전문학술지, 2008-08-31
김혜순외 122명 :
Telmisartan is more effective than losartan in reducing proteinuria in patients with diabetic nephropathy Kidney Int, , 364-369, 국제전문학술지, 2008-08-30
김희경 :
한국인에서 PSMA6 (rs1048990)와 PSMB5 (rs2230087) 유전자 다형성과제2형 당뇨병과의 연관성 KOREAN DIABETES JOURNAL, 제 32권 제 3호, 204~214, 전국규모전문학술지, 2008-06-30
김혜순 외 6명 :
분만직후 나타난 쉬한증후군으로 인한 급성 부신기능저하 계명의대학술지, 27권 1호, 69-73, 기타논문집, 2008-06-30
Davies M,Lavalle-Gonzalez F,Storms F,Gomis R, Kim HS, et al :
Initiation of insulin glargine therapy in type 2 diabetes subjects suboptimally controlled on oral antidiabetic agnet: results from the AT.LANTUS trial Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 제10권 제 5호, 387-399, 국제전문학술지, 2008-05-01
김미경 :
INS-1 세포에서 소포체스트레스에 대한 만성 고농도 포도당의 효과 KOREAN DIABETES JOURNAL, 제32권 제2호, 112~120, 전국규모전문학술지, 2008-04-30
Son HY, Yoon KH, Chio YH, Kwon HS, Ko SH, Lee IK, Kim HS, Park KK, Kim MU, Woo JT, Kim YS, CHoi DS, Lee MK, Kim HJ, Park KS, Lee HK, Park JY, Koh EH, Lee HC, Cha BS, Chung MY, Cho DH, Kim YK, Kim Ij, Kim YK, Ku BJ :
Flexible initial dosing of atorvastatin based upon initial low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in type 2 diabetic patients The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine, 23 (1), 22-29, 국제전문학술지, 2008-03-01
윤태승 :
알파-리포산이 HepG2 간세포에서 SREBP-1c 발현에 미치는 효과 대한내분비학회지, 23권 1호, 27~34, 전국규모전문학술지, 2008-02-01
조호찬 :
우연히 발견된 악성 갈색세포종 제거 후 당뇨병이 완치된 1예 KOREAN DIABETES JOURNAL, 제31권 제6호, 520~524, 전국규모전문학술지, 2007-12-01
류성열 :
갑상선기능항진증 환자에서 propylthiouracil 복용 후 발생한 typhlitis 1예 대한내과학회지, 제73권 제6호, 666~669, 전국규모전문학술지, 2007-12-01
김남경, 김미경, 조호찬, 윤태승, 김윤정, 하유진, 류성열, 김형태, 송광순, 박근규, 김혜순 :
당뇨병성 족부궤양에 대한 임상적 관찰 및 재발에 대한 위험인자 분석 계명의대학술지, 제26권 제2호, 130-139, 대학논문집, 2007-12-01
Kim HS, Park KG, Koo TB, Huh S, Lee IK :
The modulating effects of the overexpression of uncoupling protein 2 on the formation of reactive oxygen species in vascular cells Diabetes Research & Clinical Practice, 77 (S1), S46-48, 국제전문학술지, 2007-09-01
김상윤, 김남경, 장영윤, 조호찬, 윤태승, 박근규, 김혜순 :
폐 유암종을 동반한 제1형 다발성 내분비 선종증 1예 대한내과학회지, 72(S2), S244-S249, 전국규모전문학술지, 2007-05-01
Kim HJ, Park KG, Yoo EK, Kim YH, Kim YN, Kim HS, Kim HT, Park JY, Lee KU, Jang WG, Kim JG, Kim BW, Lee IK :
Effects of PGC-1alpha on TNF-alpha-induced MCP-1 and VCAM-1 expression and NF-kappaB activation in human aortic smooth muscle and endothelial cells Antioxidants And Redox Signaling, 9(3), 301-307, 국제전문학술지, 2007-03-01
Kim, HS :
alpha-Lipoic acid inhibits matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression by inhibiting NF-kappa B transcriptional activity EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 39(1), 106~113, 국제전문학술지, 2007-02-28
Park KG, Lee KM, Seo HY, Suh JH, Kim HS, Wang L, Won KC, Lee HW, Park JY, Lee KU, Kim JG, Kim BW, Choi HS, Lee IK :
Glucotoxicity in the INS-1 rat insulinoma cell line is mediated by the orphan nuclear receptor small heterodimer partner Diabetes, 56(2), 431-437, 국제전문학술지, 2007-02-01
Park KG, Lee KM, Chang YC, Magae J, Ando K, Kim KB, Kim YN, Kim HS, Park JY, Lee KU, Lee IK :
The ascochlorin derivative, AS-6, inhibits TNF-alpha-induced adhesion molecule and chemokine expression in rat vascular smooth muscle cells Life science, 80(2), 120-126, 국제전문학술지, 2006-12-14
Lee KM, Park KG, Kim YD, Lee HJ, Kim HT, Cho WH, Kim HS, Han SW, Koh GY, Park JY, Lee KU, Kim JG, Lee IK :
Alpha-lipoic acid inhibits fractalkine expression and prevents neointimal hyperplasia after balloon injury in rat carotid artery Atherosclerosis, 189(1), 106-114, 국제전문학술지, 2006-11-01
이상열, 우정택, 백세현, 이형우, 이인규, 김혜순, 이문규, 송민호, 조정구, 박병현, 차봉수, 김영설 :
고혈압을 동반한 제2형 당뇨병환자에서 cilazapril이 내피세포기능에 미치는 효과를 평가하기 위한 무작위 개방성 다기관 임상시험 당뇨병, 30(6), 450-458, 전국규모전문학술지, 2006-11-01
Kim YD, Park KG, Morishita R, Kaneda Y, Kim SY, Song DK, Kim HS, Nam CW, Lee HC, Lee KU, Park JY, Kim BW, Kim JG, Lee IK :
Liver-directed gene therapy of diabetic rats using an HVJ-E vector containing EBV plasmids expressing insulin and GLUT 2 transporter Gene Therapy, 2006 Feb;13(3), 216-224, 국제전문학술지, 2006-02-01
장영윤, 김상윤, 김남경, 김미경, 김희경, 김혜순, 남창욱, 류성열, 남성일, 박근규 :
Ascochlorin 유도체(AS-6)가 혈관평활근세포에서 종양괴사인자-알파 유도 Fractalkine, MCP-1 및 VCAM-1의 발현에 미치는 효과 당뇨병, 제29권 제5호, 401-408, 전국규모전문학술지, 2005-09-01
박근규, 김혜순, 류성열, 남창욱, 최병규, 정의달, 김정국, 김보완, 이인규 :
백서의 혈관평활근세포에서 알파-리포산(alpha-lipoic acid)이 종양괴사인자-알파에 유도된 Fractalkine 발현에 미치는 효과 당뇨병, 제29권 제5호, 409-417, 전국규모전문학술지, 2005-09-01
김혜순, 도주호, 정우진, 박근규, 도영록 :
설파살라진 주여 후 발생한 전염성 단핵구증 유사 증후군 1예 대한내과학회지, 68권6호, 712-716, 전국규모전문학술지, 2005-06-01
Park JY, Park KG, Kim HJ, Kang HG, Ahn JD, Kim HS, Kim YH, Son SM, Kim IJ, Kim YK, Kim CD, Lee KU, Lee IK :
The effects of overexpression of recombinant uncoupling protein2 on proliferation, migration and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 expression in human vascular smooth muscle cells Diabetologia, vol.48 No.5, 1022-1028, 국제전문학술지, 2005-05-01
Mi_jung Kim,Keun_Gyu Park, Kyuong-Min Lee, Hye-Soon Kim, So-yuon Kim, Shun-Soo Kim, Sang-Lak Lee, Young-Chae Chang, Hoong-Yeol Park, Ki-Up Lee, In-Kyu Lee :
Cilostazol Inhibits Vascular Smooth muscle Cell Growth by Downregulation of the Transcription Factor E2F Hypertension, vol.45 No.4, 552-556, 국제전문학술지, 2005-04-01