Radiotherapeutic strategies for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumour thrombosis in a hepatitis B endemic area. Liver Int. 2017 Jan;37(1):90-100
Prophylactic irradiation of para-aortic lymph nodes for patients with locally advanced cervical cancers with and without high CA9 expression (KROG 07-01): A randomized, open-label, multicenter, phase 2 trial. Radiother Oncol. 2016 Sep;120(3):383-389
Interobserver variability in gross tumor volume delineation for hepatocellular carcinoma : Results of Korean Radiation Oncology Group 1207 study. Strahlenther Onkol. 2016 Oct; 192(10):714-21.
Impact of paraaortic lymphadenectomy for endometrial cancer with positive pelvic lymph nodes: A Korean Radiation Oncology Group study (KROG 13-17). Eur J Surg Oncol. 2016 Oct;42(10):1497-505.
Serial changes in the proliferation and differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells after ionizing radiation. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2016 Aug 17;7(1):117.
Adjuvant Treatment after Surgery in Stage IIIA Endometrial Adenocarcinoma. Cancer Res Treat. 2016 Jul;48(3):1074-83
Practical patterns for stereotactic body radiotherapy to hepatocellular carcinoma in Korea: a survey of the Korean Stereotactic Radiosurgery Group.Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2016 ;46(4):363-9
Definitive treatment of primary vaginal cancer with radiotherapy: multi-institutional retrospective study of the Korean Radiation Oncology Group (KROG 12-09) J Gynecol Oncol 2016 Mar;27(2):e17
A multicenter study of anaplastic oligodendroglioma: the Korean Radiation Oncology Group Study 13?12 J Neuro-oncol 2015 Oct;125(1):207-15
Radiation pneumonitis in Association with Internal Mammary Node Irradiation in Breast Cancer Patients: An Ancillary Result from the KROG 08-06. Study Journal of Breast Cancer 2016 Sep;19(3):275-282
Significance of histologic tumor grade in rectal cancer treated with preoperative chemoradiotherapy followed by curative surgery: A multi-institutional retrospective study Radiother Oncol. 2016 Feb;118(2):387-92.
Radiation therapy following total keloidectomy: a retrospective study over 11 years Archives of Plastic Surg 2015 Sep;42(5):588-595
A Survey of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy in Korea (krog13-13) Cancer Res Treat 2015;47(3):379-86
Patterns of care for patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (KROG 11-06) in South Korea Radiat Oncol J. 2015 Sep;33(3):188-97.
Evaluation of variability in target volume delineation for newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a multi-institutional study from the Korean Radiation Oncology Group(13-18) Radiation Oncol 2015;10(1);137
Pattern of care of anaplastic oligodendroglioma and oligoastrocytoma in a Korean population: the Korean radiation oncology group study 13-12. J neurooncology 2015;121(3):531-9
Unique Characteristics and Failure Patterns of Metaplastic Breast Cancer in Contrast to Invasive Ductal Carcinoma: A Retrospective Multicenter Case?Control Study (KROG 13-07) Clin Breast cancer 2015 Apr; 15(2): e105-15
Dummy run of quality assurance program in a phase III randomized trial investigating the role of internal mammary lymph node irradiation in breast cancer patients, Korean Radiation Oncology Group 08-06 Study Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2015 Feb 1;91(2):419-26
Role of chemotherapy in stage II nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated with curative radiotherapy. Cancer Res Treat. 2015 Oct;47(4):871-8
2014 KLCSG-NCC Korea Practice Guideline for the Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Gut and Liver 2015;9(3): 267-317
Differences in Prognostic Factors and Failure Patterns Between Invasive Micropapillary Carcinoma and Carcinoma With Micropapillary Component Versus Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast: Retrospective Multicenter Case-Control Study (KROG 13-06). Clin Breast Cancer. 2015 Oct;15(5):353-61
A multicenter analysis of adjuvant therapy after surgery for stage IIIc endometrial adenocarcinoma: A Korean Radiation Oncology Group study(KROG 13-17) Gynecol Oncol 2015 Sep;138(3):519-25.
Carcinoembryonic antigen has prognostic value for tumor downstaging and recurrence in rectal cancer after preoperative chemoradiotherapy and curative surgery: a multi-institutional and case-matched control study of KROG 14-12 Radiother Oncol 2015 Aug;116(2):202-8
The role of postmastectomy radiotherapy with patient with pN0 after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in clinical stage II-III breast cancer patients: A multicenter, retrospective study (KROG 12-05). Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2014; 88: 65-72
A prospective randomized trial comparing hypofractionation with conventional fractionation radiotherapy for T1?2 glottic squamous cell carcinomas: Results of a Korean Radiation Oncology Group (KROG-0201) study. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2014;110:98-103
Comparison of clinical outcomes of adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma in uterine cervical cancer patients receiving surgical resection followed by radiotherapy: A multicenter retrospective study (KROG 13-10). Gynecol Oncol 2014; 132: 618-623
Is elective nodal irradiation beneficial in patients with pathologically negative lymph nodes after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and breast-conserving surgery for clinical stage II-III breast cancer? A multicentre retrospective study (KROG 12-05) British J Cancer 2014;110:1420-1426
A nomogram predicting the risks of distant metastasis following postoperative radiotherapy for uterine cervical carcinoma: A Korean radiation oncology group study (KROG 12-08) Radiother Oncol 2014;111(3):437-441
Outcome of Local Excision Following Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy for Clinically T2 Distal Rectal Cancer: A Multicenter Retrospective Study (KROG 12-06) Cancer Res Treat 2014;46(3):243-249
Influence of boost radiotherapy in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ breast cancer: a multicenter, retrospective study in Korea (KROG 11-04). Breast cancer Research and treatment 2014;146(2):341-345
Multicenter Validation Study of a Prognostic Index for Portal Vein Tumor thrombosis in Hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Res Treat. 2014; 46(4):348-357
Is prophylactic irradiation to para-aortic lymphnNodes in locally advanced cervical cancer necessary? Cancer Res Treat 2014; 46(4):374-382
A Prospective Phase 2 Multicenter Study for the Efficacy of Radiation Therapy Following Incomplete Transarterial Chemoembolization in Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2014 1;90(5):1051-60
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Curative chemoradiotherapy in patients with stage IVB cervical cancer presenting with paraaortic and left supraclavicular lymph node metastases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012; 84(3): 741-747
Withaferin A enhances radiation-induced apoptosis in Caki cells through induction of reactive oxygen species, Bcl-2 downregulation and Akt inhibition Chemico-Biological Interactions 2011;190(1):9-15
A multicenter retrospective cohort study of practice patterns and clinical outcome on radiotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma in Korea. Liver Int 2009;29:147-152
Incorporating Risk Factors to Identify the Indication of Post-Mastectomy Radiotherapy in N1 Breast Cancer Treated With Optimal Systemic Therapy: A Multicenter Analysis in Korea (KROG 14-23) Cancer Res Treat. 2016 Oct 19. doi: 10.4143/crt.2016.405. [Epub ahead of print].
Optimal Radiation Dose for Patients with One to Three Lymph Node Positive Breast Cancer Following Breast-Conserving Surgery and Anthracycline plus Taxane-Based Chemotherapy: A Retrospective Multicenter Analysis (KROG 1418). Oncotarget 2016.10.25 [Epub ahead of print]
Postmastectomy Radiotherapy in Patients with pT1-2N1 Breast Cancer Treated with Taxane-based Chemotherapy: A Retrospective Multicenter Analysis (KROG 1418) Cancer Res Treat 2016 Dec 13
Clinical significance of radiotherapy in patients with primary uterine carcinosarcoma: a multicenter retrospective study (KROG 13-08) J Gynecol Oncol. 2016 Nov;27(6):e58. doi: 10.3802/jgo.2016.27.e58. Epub 2016 Jul 11
Clinical Practice Patterns of Radiotherapy in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Korean Radiation Oncology Group study (KROG 14-07). Cancer Res Treat. 2016 Jun 13. doi: 10.4143/crt.2016.097. [Epub ahead of print]
Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy with Temozolomide Followed by Adjuvant Temozolomide for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Patients: A Retrospective Multicenter Observation Study in Korea. Cancer Res Treat. 2016 Jun 27. doi: 10.4143/crt.2015.473. [Epub ahead of print]
국내학술지 (전국규모학술지 포함)
Long-term outcomes of surgery and radiotherapy for secreting and non-secreting pituitary adenoma Radiat Oncol J. 2016 Jun;34(2):121-7
Predictors of pathologic complete response after preoperative concurrent chemo-radiotherapy of rectal cancer: a single center experience Radiat Oncol J. 2016 Jun;34(2):106-12
Concurrent chemo-radiotherapy improves survival outcome in muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Radiat Oncol J. 2015 Dec;33(4):294-300.
Treatment outcomes of curative radiotherapy in patients with vulvar cancer: results of the retrospective KROG 1203 study Radiat Oncol J 2015;33(3):198-206
The output factor of small field in multileaf collimator of 6MV Photon beams. Korean J Med Phys 2014;25(1): 15-22
Assessment for the temperature according to the electrode diameter of radiofrequency hyperthermia using agar phantom Korean J Med Phys 2014;25(1): 1-7
Postoperative radiotherapy for endometrial cancer. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2012; 30(3): 108-116
The comparison of output dose of a linear accelerator photon beams by using the localization chamber IC-10 series through TG-21 protocol to postal monitoring output of MDACC for one and half decade Keimyung Med J 2011;30(1)17-28
Concurrent chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced esophageal cancer J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2011;29(1):20-27
Radiation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2011;29(1):36-43
Difference of the MU calculation from RTP system using the contrast enhanced CT. Keimyung Med J 2010;29:120-128
A case of eyeball movement disorder due to a chondrosarcoma in the cavernous sinus. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2010;5(13):469-472
Development of lead free shielding material for diagnostic radiation beams. Korean J Med Phys 2010;21(2):232-237
Determination of phantom scatter factors for small photon fields. Korean J Med Phys 2009;20(2):106-111
Long term results of radiation therapy in early glottic cancer. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2009;27(1):29-34
Development of source template ICR dose planning software for uterine cervix using the HDR: 192Ir. Korean J Med Phys 2009;20(2):112-118
Long term results of breast conserving surgery and radiation therapy in early breast cancer. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2009;27(3):153-162
Radiation induced rib fractures on bone scan after breast cancer surgery and radiation therapy. Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2009;43(4):287-293
Evaluation the output dose of linear accelerator photon beams by blind test with dose characteristics of LiF:Mg,Cu,P TLD. Korean J Med Phys 2009;20(4): 308-316
Educational climate and self directed learning attitude in a medical school. Keimyung Med J 2009;28:90-99
Compare the clinical tissue dose distributions to the derived from the energy spectrum of 15 MV X-rays linear accelerator by using the transmitted dose of lead filter. Korean J Med Phys 2008;19(1): 79-88
Radiation therapy in elderly skin cancer. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2008;26(2):113-117
A patterns of care study of the various radiation therapies for prostate cancer among Korean radiation oncologists in 2006. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2008;26(2):96-103
Estimation of RTP accuracy based the international reference level. Korean J Med Phys 2008;19(2): 113-119
A case of sebaceous adenoma in medial caruncle of the eye. Korean J Head Neck Oncol 2007;23(2):199-201
The 1998,1999 Patterns of Care Study for Breast Irradiation after Mastectomy in Korea. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2007;25(1):7-15
Treatment of early glassy cell carcinoma of uterine cervix. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2006;24(2):123-127
Verification of radiation therapy planning dose based on electron density correction of CT number: Xio experiments. Korean J Med Phys 2006;17(2):105-113
Effectiveness of fentanyl transdermal patch(Fentany-TTS, Durogesicⓡ) for radiotherapy induced pain and cancer pain: Multi-center trial. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2006;24(4):263-271
A case of bilateral cavernous sinus thrombosis with intraorbital abscess. J Korean Opthalmol Soc 2005;46(4):731-735
Postoperative radiotherapy in the rectal cancers patterns of care study for the years of 1998-1999. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2005;23(1):22-31
Literature analysis of radiotherapy in uterine cervix cancer for the processing of the patterns of care study in Korea. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2005;23(2):61-70
An analysis of prognostic factors affecting the outcome of radiation therapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2005;23(2):71-77
Radiation therapy for superior vena cava syndrome. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2005;23(2):76-84
Malignant melanoma of the vagina: a report of 2 cases. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2005;23(2):111-115
Disease free survival and prognostic factors for patients with breast conserving surgery. J Korean Sur Soc 2004;67(4):274-278
Clinical characteristics and treatment results of neuroendocrine carcinoma of uterine cervix. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2004;22(2):124-129
A case of Langerhans cell histiocytosis with spinal cord compression in child treated by radiation. Keimyung Med J 2004;23(2):111-116
Radiosurgery with linac based Photon Knife in cerebral arteriovenous malformation. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2003;21(1):1-9
The dose characteristics of designed Ir-192 Micro-source for brachytherapy. Korean J med Phys 2003;14(2):81-89
Verification of target position in stereotactic radiosurgery based on Photon Knife system. Korean J Med Phys 2003;14(2):99-107
Hyperfractionation radiation therapy in advanced head and neck cancer. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2003;21(2):112-117
Radiation therapy in recurrence of carcinoma of the uterine cervix after primary surgery. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2003;21(2):143-148
A case report of osteoblastoma treated with postoperative radiotherapy. Keumyung Med J 2003;22(2):267-271
Comparison of breast conservation procedure with modified radical mastectomy in treatment of breast cancer. Keimyung Med J 2002;21(1):83-90
Radiotherapy in early stage glottic cancer : effect of reduction of treatment duration by hypofractionation treatment. Keimyung Med J 2002;21(2):169-176
Breast conserving operation and radiation therapy in early breast cancer : interim analysis. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2001;19(1):27-33
Reirradiation in recurrent cervical cancer following definitive radiation therapy. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2001;19(3):230-236
Development of dose planning system for brachytherapy with high dose rate using Ir-192 source. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 2001;20(3):283-293
Dose modeling and its application of Ir-192 for substitution of Ralstron brachytherapy source. Korean J Med Phys 2000;11(2):131-139
Intraluminal radiotherapy in esophageal cancer. Keimyung Med J 2000;19(2):205-214
Results of radiation therapy and extrafascial hysterctomy in bulky stage IB, IIA-B carcinoma of the uterine cervix. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol: 1999;17(1)23-29
The Results of radiation therapy for adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol: 1999;17(1):16-22
Histomorphologic change of radiation pneumonitis in rat lungs: captopril reduces rat lung injury induced by irradiation. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 1999;17(3):238-248
Dose characteristics of Total-Skin Electron Irradiation with Six -Dual Electron Fields. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol: 1998;16(3):337-345
Concurrent Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy with CDDP/VP-16 Chemotherapy in Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer. J Korean cancer association 1998;30(5):1053-1060
Expression of cell cycle related genes in HL60 cells undergoing apoptosis by X-irradiation. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol: 1998;16(4)377-388
Results of Radiation Alone Versus Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Radiation in Locally Advanced Stage of Uteine Cervical Cancer. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 1997;15(3):255-262
Results of Hyperfractionated Radiation therapy in Bulky Stage Ib, IIa and IIb Uterine Cervical Cancer. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 1997;15(4):349-356
A New Approach with Combined Stereotactic Trans-multiarc Beans for Radiosurgery Based on the Linear Accelerator : Photon Knife. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 1996;14(2):149-158
Hydroxyurea with Radiation Therapy of the Carcinoma of the Cervix IIA, IIB. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 1995;13(4):369-374
Combined Cisplatin and Radiotherapy for Patients with Invasive Bladder Carcinoma. A Preliminary Report. Korean J Uro 1993;34(5):835-841
Postoperative Radiotherapy for the Early Stage Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 1993;11(2):337-346
Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix Treated with High Dose Rate Intracavitary Irradiation: 64. Pattern of Failure. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 1993;11(2):369-376
Dose Characteristics for IORT Applicator of ML-15MDX Electron Beam. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 1993;11(2):455-461
Ultrastructural effects of Irradiation on squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 1991;9(2):303-310
Development of a New Radiotherapy Technique using the Quasi-Conformation Method. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol 1991;9(2):343-35