김치헌 교수
1998-2004 성균관대학교 의과대학 의학과, 학사
2007-2011 성균관대학교 의과대학 의학과, 석사
2012-2016 영국 캠브리지대학교 생명과학부 (실험) 심리학, 박사
2007-2011 성균관대학교 의과대학 의학과, 석사
2012-2016 영국 캠브리지대학교 생명과학부 (실험) 심리학, 박사
2004.3 - 2005.2 삼성서울병원, 인턴
2005.3 - 2009.2 삼성서울병원 신경과, 전공의
2010.1 - 2012.1 삼성서울병원 신경과, 임상강사 (인지신경학 및 치매 세부전공)
2015.5 - 2019.6 영국 옥스퍼드대학교 정신과, 박사후연구원
2015.7 - 2018.7 영국 Oxford Health NHS Trust, Honorary Contract
2018.10 - 2018.11 미국 국립노화연구소(National Institute on Aging), 방문연구원
2019.5 - 2019.6 미국 보스턴대학교 의과대학, 방문연구원
2019.7 - 현재 영국 옥스퍼드대학교 정신과, Honorary Member
2019.9 - 2020.2 성균관대학교 의과대학 신경과, 삼성서울병원, 연구교수
2020.3 - 현재 칠곡경북대학교병원 신경과 임상교수
2005.3 - 2009.2 삼성서울병원 신경과, 전공의
2010.1 - 2012.1 삼성서울병원 신경과, 임상강사 (인지신경학 및 치매 세부전공)
2015.5 - 2019.6 영국 옥스퍼드대학교 정신과, 박사후연구원
2015.7 - 2018.7 영국 Oxford Health NHS Trust, Honorary Contract
2018.10 - 2018.11 미국 국립노화연구소(National Institute on Aging), 방문연구원
2019.5 - 2019.6 미국 보스턴대학교 의과대학, 방문연구원
2019.7 - 현재 영국 옥스퍼드대학교 정신과, Honorary Member
2019.9 - 2020.2 성균관대학교 의과대학 신경과, 삼성서울병원, 연구교수
2020.3 - 현재 칠곡경북대학교병원 신경과 임상교수
2018 Karystianisa, G., Nevado-Holgado A.J., Kim, C.H., R., Deghan, A., Keane, J., Nenadic, G., Automatic Mining of Symptom Severity from Psychiatric Evaluation Notes. Int J of Methods Psychiatr Res
2017 Kent, B.A., Heath, C.J., Kim, C.H., Ahrens, R., Fraser, P.E., St George-Hyslop, P.H., Bussey, T.J., Saksida, L.M., Longitudinal evaluation of Tau-P301L transgenic mice reveals no cognitive impairments at 17 months of age. Brain and Behavior
2016 Kim, C.H.*, Nevado-Holgado*, A.J., Winchester, L., Gallacher, J., Loveston, S., Commonly prescribed drugs associated with cognitive function: a cross-sectional study in UK Biobank. BMJ open, 30;6(11):e012177. *co-first author
2015 Kim, C.H., Kent, B.A., Heath, C.J., Bussey, T.J., Saksida, L.M., 2015. The role of the dorsal hippocampus in two versions of the touchscreen automated paired associates learning (PAL) task for mice. Psychopharmacology, 232(21-22), 3899?3910.
2015 Kim, C.H., Romberg, C., Hvoslef-Eide, M., Oomen, C.A., Mar, A.C., Heath, C.J., Berthiaume, A., Saksida, L.M., Bussey, T.J., 2015. Trial-unique, delayed nonmatching-to-location (TUNL) touchscreen testing for mice: sensitivity to dorsal hippocampal dysfunction. Psychopharmacology, 232(21-22), 3935?3945.
2015 Kim, C.H., Hvoslef-Eide, M., Nilsson, S.R.O., Johnson, M.R., Herbert, B.R., Robbins, T.W., Saksida, L.M., Bussey, T.J., Mar, A.C. (2015). The continuous performance test (rCPT) for mice: a novel operant touchscreen test of attentional function. Psychopharmacology, 232(21-22), 3947?3966.
2014 Lee, M.J., Seo, S.W., Na, D.L., Kim, C., Park, J.H., Kim, G.H., Kim, C.H., Noh, Y., Cho, H., Kim, H.J., Yoon, C.W., Ye, B.S., Chin, J., Jeon, S., Lee, J.-M., Choe, Y.S., Lee, K.-H., Kim, J.S., Kim, S.T., Lee, J.-H., Ewers, M., Werring, D.J., Weiner, M.W., 2014. Synergistic effects of ischemia and β-amyloid burden on cognitive decline in patients with subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment. JAMA Psychiatry 71, 412?422.
2014 Ye, B.S., Seo, S.W., Kim, C.H., Jeon, S., Kim, G.H., Noh, Y., Cho, H., Yoon, C.W., Kim, H.J., Jang, E.Y., Lee, J., Kim, J.-H., Chin, J., Lee, J.M., Kim, J.-H., Seong, J., Kim, C.-H., Choe, Y.S., Lee, K.H., Na, D.L., 2014. Hippocampal and cortical atrophy in amyloid-negative mild cognitive impairments: comparison with amyloid-positive mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiol. Aging 35, 291?300.
2014 Park, J.-H., Seo, S.W., Kim, C., Kim, S.H., Kim, G.H., Kim, S.T., Jeon, S., Lee, J.M., Oh, S.J., Kim, J.S., Choe, Y.S., Lee, K.-H., Shin, J.S., Kim, C.H., Noh, Y., Cho, H., Yoon, C.W., Kim, H.J., Ye, B.S., Ewers, M., Weiner, M.W., Lee, J.-H., Werring, D.J., Na, D.L., 2014. Effects of cerebrovascular disease and amyloid beta burden on cognition in subjects with subcortical vascular cognitive impairment. Neurobiol. Aging 35, 254?260.
2014 Noh, Y., Lee, Y., Seo, S.W., Jeong, J.H., Choi, S.H., Back, J.H., Woo, S.-Y., Kim, G.H., Shin, J.S., Kim, C.H., Cho, H., Park, J.S., Lee, J.-M., Hong, C.H., Kim, S.Y., Lee, J.-H., Kim, S.Y., Park, K.H., Han, S.-H., Cheong, H.-K., Na, D.L., 2014. A new classification system for ischemia using a combination of deep and periventricular white matter hyperintensities. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 23, 636?642.
2013 Horner, A.E., Heath, C.J., Hvoslef-Eide, M., Kent, B.A., Kim, C.H., Nilsson, S.R.O., Alsio, J., Oomen, C.A., Holmes, A., Saksida, L.M., Bussey, T.J., 2013. The touchscreen operant platform for testing learning and memory in rats and mice. Nature Protocols 8, 1961?1984.
2013 Mar, A.C., Horner, A.E., Nilsson, S.R.O., Alsio, J., Kent, B.A., Kim, C.H., Holmes, A., Saksida, L.M., Bussey, T.J., 2013. The touchscreen operant platform for assessing executive function in rats and mice. Nature Protocols 8, 1985?2005.
2013 Park, J.-H., Seo, S.W., Kim, C., Kim, G.H., Noh, H.J., Kim, S.T., Kwak, K.-C., Yoon, U., Lee, J.M., Lee, J.W., Shin, J.S., Kim, C.H., Noh, Y., Cho, H., Kim, H.J., Yoon, C.W., Oh, S.J., Kim, J.S., Choe, Y.S., Lee, K.-H., Lee, J.-H., Ewers, M., Weiner, M.W., Werring, D.J., Na, D.L., 2013. Pathogenesis of cerebral microbleeds: In vivo imaging of amyloid and subcortical ischemic small vessel disease in 226 individuals with cognitive impairment. Ann. Neurol. 73, 584?593.
2013 Cho, H., Jeon, S., Kang, S.J., Lee, J.-M., Lee, J.-H., Kim, G.H., Shin, J.S., Kim, C.H., Noh, Y., Im, K., Kim, S.T., Chin, J., Seo, S.W., Na, D.L., 2013. Longitudinal changes of cortical thickness in early- versus late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol. Aging 34, 1921.e9?1921.e15.
2013 Yoon, C.W., Seo, S.W., Park, J.-S., Kwak, K.-C., Yoon, U., Suh, M.K., Kim, G.H., Shin, J.S., Kim, C.H., Noh, Y., Cho, H., Kim, M.-J., Kim, J.H., Roh, J.H., Lee, J.-M., Na, D.L., 2013. Cerebellar atrophy in patients with subcortical-type vascular cognitive impairment. Cerebellum 12, 35?42.
2012 Kim, C.H., Seo, S.W., Kim, G.H., Shin, J.S., Cho, H., Noh, Y., Kim, S.-H., Kim, M.J., Jeon, S., Yoon, U., Lee, J.-M., Oh, S.J., Kim, J.S., Kim, S.T., Lee, J.-H., Na, D.L., 2012. Cortical thinning in subcortical vascular dementia with negative 11C-PiB PET. J. Alzheimers Dis. 31, 315?323.
2012 Son, S.J., Lee, K.S., Na, D.L., Seo, S.W., Kim, C.H., Kim, J.H., Oh, B.H., Hong, C.H., 2012. The effect of anemia and white matter hyperintensities (WMH) on cognitive impairment in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Arch Gerontol Geriatr 55, 251?256.
2011 Son, S.J., Lee, K.S., Na, D.L., Seo, S.W., Kim, C.H., Kim, J.H., Oh, B.H., Hong, C.H., 2011. Anemia associated with depressive symptoms in mild cognitive impairment with severe white matter hyperintensities. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol 24, 161?167.
2009 Kim, G.-M., Kim, C.H., Kim, B.-S., 2009. Multiple cerebral infarction and microbleeds associated with adult-onset paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. J Clin Neurosci 16, 348?349.
2009 Kim, J.H., Kim, C.H., Lee, D.-K., Kim, G.-M., 2009. Development of multiple cerebral infarcts from disseminated intravascular coagulation after chemoembolization of a large hepatocellular carcinoma. J Vasc Interv Radiol 20, 691?693.
2008 Kim, C.H., Kim, S.K., Seok J. M., Kim, B., Chung C., Seo D., 2008. Paroxysmal Horizontal Diplopia Related to Brainstem Lesion. J. Korean Neurological Assoc. 26(3):281-285
2002 Na, D.L., Son, Y., Kim, C.H., Lee, B.H., Shon, Y.-M., Lee, K.J., Lee, K.M., Adair, J.C., Watson, R.T., Heilman, K.M., 2002. Effect of background motion on line bisection performance in normal subjects. Cortex 38, 787?796.
2017 Kent, B.A., Heath, C.J., Kim, C.H., Ahrens, R., Fraser, P.E., St George-Hyslop, P.H., Bussey, T.J., Saksida, L.M., Longitudinal evaluation of Tau-P301L transgenic mice reveals no cognitive impairments at 17 months of age. Brain and Behavior
2016 Kim, C.H.*, Nevado-Holgado*, A.J., Winchester, L., Gallacher, J., Loveston, S., Commonly prescribed drugs associated with cognitive function: a cross-sectional study in UK Biobank. BMJ open, 30;6(11):e012177. *co-first author
2015 Kim, C.H., Kent, B.A., Heath, C.J., Bussey, T.J., Saksida, L.M., 2015. The role of the dorsal hippocampus in two versions of the touchscreen automated paired associates learning (PAL) task for mice. Psychopharmacology, 232(21-22), 3899?3910.
2015 Kim, C.H., Romberg, C., Hvoslef-Eide, M., Oomen, C.A., Mar, A.C., Heath, C.J., Berthiaume, A., Saksida, L.M., Bussey, T.J., 2015. Trial-unique, delayed nonmatching-to-location (TUNL) touchscreen testing for mice: sensitivity to dorsal hippocampal dysfunction. Psychopharmacology, 232(21-22), 3935?3945.
2015 Kim, C.H., Hvoslef-Eide, M., Nilsson, S.R.O., Johnson, M.R., Herbert, B.R., Robbins, T.W., Saksida, L.M., Bussey, T.J., Mar, A.C. (2015). The continuous performance test (rCPT) for mice: a novel operant touchscreen test of attentional function. Psychopharmacology, 232(21-22), 3947?3966.
2014 Lee, M.J., Seo, S.W., Na, D.L., Kim, C., Park, J.H., Kim, G.H., Kim, C.H., Noh, Y., Cho, H., Kim, H.J., Yoon, C.W., Ye, B.S., Chin, J., Jeon, S., Lee, J.-M., Choe, Y.S., Lee, K.-H., Kim, J.S., Kim, S.T., Lee, J.-H., Ewers, M., Werring, D.J., Weiner, M.W., 2014. Synergistic effects of ischemia and β-amyloid burden on cognitive decline in patients with subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment. JAMA Psychiatry 71, 412?422.
2014 Ye, B.S., Seo, S.W., Kim, C.H., Jeon, S., Kim, G.H., Noh, Y., Cho, H., Yoon, C.W., Kim, H.J., Jang, E.Y., Lee, J., Kim, J.-H., Chin, J., Lee, J.M., Kim, J.-H., Seong, J., Kim, C.-H., Choe, Y.S., Lee, K.H., Na, D.L., 2014. Hippocampal and cortical atrophy in amyloid-negative mild cognitive impairments: comparison with amyloid-positive mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiol. Aging 35, 291?300.
2014 Park, J.-H., Seo, S.W., Kim, C., Kim, S.H., Kim, G.H., Kim, S.T., Jeon, S., Lee, J.M., Oh, S.J., Kim, J.S., Choe, Y.S., Lee, K.-H., Shin, J.S., Kim, C.H., Noh, Y., Cho, H., Yoon, C.W., Kim, H.J., Ye, B.S., Ewers, M., Weiner, M.W., Lee, J.-H., Werring, D.J., Na, D.L., 2014. Effects of cerebrovascular disease and amyloid beta burden on cognition in subjects with subcortical vascular cognitive impairment. Neurobiol. Aging 35, 254?260.
2014 Noh, Y., Lee, Y., Seo, S.W., Jeong, J.H., Choi, S.H., Back, J.H., Woo, S.-Y., Kim, G.H., Shin, J.S., Kim, C.H., Cho, H., Park, J.S., Lee, J.-M., Hong, C.H., Kim, S.Y., Lee, J.-H., Kim, S.Y., Park, K.H., Han, S.-H., Cheong, H.-K., Na, D.L., 2014. A new classification system for ischemia using a combination of deep and periventricular white matter hyperintensities. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 23, 636?642.
2013 Horner, A.E., Heath, C.J., Hvoslef-Eide, M., Kent, B.A., Kim, C.H., Nilsson, S.R.O., Alsio, J., Oomen, C.A., Holmes, A., Saksida, L.M., Bussey, T.J., 2013. The touchscreen operant platform for testing learning and memory in rats and mice. Nature Protocols 8, 1961?1984.
2013 Mar, A.C., Horner, A.E., Nilsson, S.R.O., Alsio, J., Kent, B.A., Kim, C.H., Holmes, A., Saksida, L.M., Bussey, T.J., 2013. The touchscreen operant platform for assessing executive function in rats and mice. Nature Protocols 8, 1985?2005.
2013 Park, J.-H., Seo, S.W., Kim, C., Kim, G.H., Noh, H.J., Kim, S.T., Kwak, K.-C., Yoon, U., Lee, J.M., Lee, J.W., Shin, J.S., Kim, C.H., Noh, Y., Cho, H., Kim, H.J., Yoon, C.W., Oh, S.J., Kim, J.S., Choe, Y.S., Lee, K.-H., Lee, J.-H., Ewers, M., Weiner, M.W., Werring, D.J., Na, D.L., 2013. Pathogenesis of cerebral microbleeds: In vivo imaging of amyloid and subcortical ischemic small vessel disease in 226 individuals with cognitive impairment. Ann. Neurol. 73, 584?593.
2013 Cho, H., Jeon, S., Kang, S.J., Lee, J.-M., Lee, J.-H., Kim, G.H., Shin, J.S., Kim, C.H., Noh, Y., Im, K., Kim, S.T., Chin, J., Seo, S.W., Na, D.L., 2013. Longitudinal changes of cortical thickness in early- versus late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol. Aging 34, 1921.e9?1921.e15.
2013 Yoon, C.W., Seo, S.W., Park, J.-S., Kwak, K.-C., Yoon, U., Suh, M.K., Kim, G.H., Shin, J.S., Kim, C.H., Noh, Y., Cho, H., Kim, M.-J., Kim, J.H., Roh, J.H., Lee, J.-M., Na, D.L., 2013. Cerebellar atrophy in patients with subcortical-type vascular cognitive impairment. Cerebellum 12, 35?42.
2012 Kim, C.H., Seo, S.W., Kim, G.H., Shin, J.S., Cho, H., Noh, Y., Kim, S.-H., Kim, M.J., Jeon, S., Yoon, U., Lee, J.-M., Oh, S.J., Kim, J.S., Kim, S.T., Lee, J.-H., Na, D.L., 2012. Cortical thinning in subcortical vascular dementia with negative 11C-PiB PET. J. Alzheimers Dis. 31, 315?323.
2012 Son, S.J., Lee, K.S., Na, D.L., Seo, S.W., Kim, C.H., Kim, J.H., Oh, B.H., Hong, C.H., 2012. The effect of anemia and white matter hyperintensities (WMH) on cognitive impairment in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Arch Gerontol Geriatr 55, 251?256.
2011 Son, S.J., Lee, K.S., Na, D.L., Seo, S.W., Kim, C.H., Kim, J.H., Oh, B.H., Hong, C.H., 2011. Anemia associated with depressive symptoms in mild cognitive impairment with severe white matter hyperintensities. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol 24, 161?167.
2009 Kim, G.-M., Kim, C.H., Kim, B.-S., 2009. Multiple cerebral infarction and microbleeds associated with adult-onset paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. J Clin Neurosci 16, 348?349.
2009 Kim, J.H., Kim, C.H., Lee, D.-K., Kim, G.-M., 2009. Development of multiple cerebral infarcts from disseminated intravascular coagulation after chemoembolization of a large hepatocellular carcinoma. J Vasc Interv Radiol 20, 691?693.
2008 Kim, C.H., Kim, S.K., Seok J. M., Kim, B., Chung C., Seo D., 2008. Paroxysmal Horizontal Diplopia Related to Brainstem Lesion. J. Korean Neurological Assoc. 26(3):281-285
2002 Na, D.L., Son, Y., Kim, C.H., Lee, B.H., Shon, Y.-M., Lee, K.J., Lee, K.M., Adair, J.C., Watson, R.T., Heilman, K.M., 2002. Effect of background motion on line bisection performance in normal subjects. Cortex 38, 787?796.
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