

  #방광암#요관암#신우암 및 전립선 요도암의 수술 및 항암치료#방광암의 임상연구 및 기초연구#헬스조선명의


988-03~1994-02 부산대학교 의학과(의대)
1995-03~1997-02 부산대학교 대학원(석사)
2002-03~2006-08 부산대학교 대학원 (박사)


1994-03 ~ 1995-02 부산대학교병원 수련의
1995-03 ~ 1999-02 부산대학교병원 전공의
2001-04 ~ 2002-04 대한적십자 통영병원 비뇨기과장
2002-05 ~ 2002-11 부산대학교병원 전임의
2002-12 ~ 2003-05 이화여자대학교병원 조교수
2003-06 ~ 2009-07 국립암센터 특수암센터 의사직
2009-08 ~ 2019-01 국립암센터 전립선암센터 의사직
2009-08 ~ 2019-01 국립암센터 전립선암센터 비뇨기클리닉 의사직
2012-01 ~ 2019-01 국립암센터 비뇨기과 의사직
2014-09 ~ 2017-02 국립암센터 비뇨생식기암연구과 선임연구원
2017-03 ~ 2019-01 국립암센터 생체표지자연구과 과장
2017-12 ~ 2019-01 국립암센터 비뇨기과 과장
2017-12 ~ 2019-01 국립암센터 전립선암센터 센터장
2019-02 ~ 현재 국립암센터 비뇨기암센터 센터장
2019-02 ~ 현재 국립암센터 비뇨의학과 과장
2019-02 ~ 현재 국립암센터 종양면역학연구부 책임연구원
2020-05 ~ 현재 국립암센터국제암대학원대학교 암의생명과학과 겸임교수


2021 SCI-E Association Between Antibiotic Treatment and the Efficacy of Intravesical BCG Therapy in Patients With High-Risk Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY. 11:570077~ (4.848)

2021 기타 The real-world experience of single-center, retrospective study of the prognostic effect of secondary hormone agent on survival in patients with hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer: The Korean Journal of Urological Oncology. 19(1):48~59 (0)

2020 기타 Urinary Biomarker in Bladder Cancer at Present Time 방광암의 요 생물지표에 대한 고찰: The Korean Journal of Urological Oncology. 18(3):183~193 (0)

2020 기타 Case Report: Good responsiveness of metastatic sarcomatoid urothelial carcinoma with chondrosarcomatous differentiation to immune checkpoint inhibitor after radical surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy: f1000research journal. 9:1458~ (0)

2020 SCI-E Where are we now and where are we heading in muscle invasive bladder cancer: TRANSLATIONAL ANDROLOGY AND UROLOGY. 9(6):2864~2865 (2.445)

2020 SCI-E Programmed Cell Death-Ligand 1 Expression Status in Urothelial Carcinoma According to Clinical and Pathological Factors: A Multi-Institutional Retrospective Study: FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY. 10:568809~ (4.848)

2020 SCI-E Optimizing frontline therapy in advanced urothelial cancer: TRANSLATIONAL ANDROLOGY AND UROLOGY. Online:Published (2.445)

2020 SCI-E Usefulness of the mass screening program for colorectal cancer in China: further long-term validation is needed to confirm its value: ANNALS OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE. 8(7):427~ (3.297)

2020 SCI-E Docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer cells become sensitive to gemcitabine due to the upregulation of ABCB1: PROSTATE. 80(6):453~462 (3.279)

2020 SCI-E Novel G9a/DNMT first-in-class dual reversible inhibitor has potent antitumor effect in bladder cancer: TRANSLATIONAL CANCER RESEARCH. 9(3):1319~1321 (0.986)

2020 SCI-E Survival prognoses of Heng intermediate-risk patients with metastaticrenal cell carcinoma treated with immunotherapy or targeted therapy: A real-world, single-center retrospective study: INVESTIGATIVE AND CLINICAL UROLOGY. 61(2):146~157 (1.75)

2019 SCI-E Significant clinicopathologic prognostic factors for bladder recurrence, progression, and cancerspecific survival after surgery among patients with upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma: investigative and clinical urology. 60(6):432~442 (1.638)

2019 SCI-E Survival of patients receiving systematic therapy for metachronous or synchronous metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a retrospective analysis: BMC cancer. 19(1):688~688 (2.933)

2019 SCI-E Developing a Prediction Model for Disease-free Survival from Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma in the Korean Population: cancer medicine. Online:Published (3.357)

2019 SCI-E Identification of Significant Prognostic Tissue Markers Associated with Survival in Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma Patients Treated with Radical Nephroureterectomy: A Retrospective Immunohistochemical Analysis Using Tissue Microarray: cancer research and treatment. Online:Published (3.363)

2019 SCI-E Use of docetaxel plus androgen deprivation therapy for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer in Korean patients: A retrospective study: invesitgative and clinical urology. 60(3):195~201 (1.638)

2019 SCI-E Correlation analyses of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging for calculation of prostate volume in colorectal cancer patients with voiding problems who cannot have transrectal ultrasonography: BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 2019:7029450~7029450 (2.197)

2019 SCI-E Single-Center Analysis of Human Papillomavirus Infection and P16INK4A Expression among Korean Patients with Penile Cancer: BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 2019:6940582~6940582 (2.197)

2019 SCI-E Liver metastasis and Heng risk are prognostic factors in patients with non-nephrectomized synchronous metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with systemic therapy: PLOS ONE. 14(2):e0211105~e0211105 (2.776)

2018 SCI-E The Comparison of Oncologic Outcomes between Open and Laparoscopic Radical Nephroureterectomy for the Treatment of Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: A Korean Multicenter Collaborative Study: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 51(1):240~251 (3.23)

2018 기타 Prostatectomy Provides Better Symptom-Free Survival Than Radiotherapy Among Patients With High-Risk or Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer After Neoadjuvant Hormonal Therapy: Korean Journal of Urological Oncology. 16(3):126~134 (0)

2018 SCI-E Effect of Neoadjuvant Hormone Therapy on Resection Margin and Survival Prognoses in Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer after Prostatectomy Using Propensity-Score Matching: Biomed Research International. 2018:7~7 (2.583)

2018 기타 Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma: A case report and review of the literature: World Journal of Nephrology. 7(8):155~160 (0)

2018 기타 The Effect of the First Computed Tomography Examination on Renal Function During the Initial Cancer Work-up in Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patients without Chronic/Kidney Disease: A Retrospective, Single-institution, Observational Study: journal of cancer science and therapy. 10(11):332~337 (0)

2018 SCI-E Oncologic, Perioperative Outcomes of Female Radical Cystectomy: Results from a Multicenter Study in Korea.: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.23)

2018 SCI-E Laparoscopy Versus Open Nephroureterectomy in Prognostic Outcome of Patients with Advanced Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer: A Retrospective, Multicenter, Propensity-Score Matching Analysis: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.23)

2018 SCI-E Retrospective Study of the Significant Predictive Role of Inflammatory Degree in Initial and Repeat Prostate Biopsy Specimens for Detecting Prostate Cancer: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.23)

2018 기타 A Surgically Treated Case of Ureterovesical Amyloidosis of the Bladder in a Patient with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia: Case Reports in Urology. 2018:1059349~1059349 (0)

2018 SCI-E Immune checkpoint inhibitors for urothelial carcinoma: Investigative and clinical urology. 59(5):285~296 (0)

2018 SCI-E The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio makes the Heng risk model improve better the prediction of overall survival in metastatic renal cell cancer patients: Japanese Journal of clinical Oncology. 48(9):835~840 (2.37)

2018 SCI-E Retrospective analysis of 25 immunohistochemical tissue markers for differentiating multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential and multicystic renal cell carcinoma: Histology and histopathology. 33(6):589~596 (2.025)

2018 SCI-E Risk of second primary Cancer among bladder Cancer patients: a population-based cohort study in Korea.: BMC Cancer. 18(1):617~617 (3.288)

2018 기타 Prostate stem cell antigen mRNA in blood is a predictor of survival after radical prostatectomy in patients with high-risk prostate cancer.: Oncotarget. 9(41):26291~26298 (0)

2018 SCI Prognostic significance of nephrectomy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with systemic cytokine or targeted therapy: A 16-year retrospective analysis: Scientific reports. 8(1):2974~2974 (4.122)

2017 SCI Electrostatic interaction of tumor-targeting adenoviruses with aminoclay acquires enhanced infectivity to tumor cells inside the bladder and has better cytotoxic activity: Drug Delivery. 25(1):49~58 (6.402)

2017 SCI-E Lifestyle Risk Prediction Model for Prostate Cancer in a Korean Population: Cancer Research and Treatment. 50(4):1194~1202 (3.772)

2017 SCI-E Second Primary Cancer Risk Among Kidney Cancer Patients in Korea: A Population-Based Cohort Study: Cancer Research and Treatment. 50(1):293~301 (3.772)

2017 SCI-E Hand-Holding during Cystoscopy Decreases Patient Anxiety, Pain, and Dissatisfaction: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.: Urologia internationalis. 100(2):222~227 (1.611)

2017 기타 The retrospective analysis of prognostic significance of smoking status in bladder cancer: Korean Journal of Urological Oncology. 15:1~10 (0)

2017 SCI-E Recommended oral sodium bicarbonate administration for urine alkalinization did not affect the concentration of mitomycin-C in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer patients: oncotarget. Online:Published (5.168)

2017 SCI-E A retrospective comparative study of progression-free survival and overall survival between metachronous and synchronous metastatic renal cell carcinoma in intermediate or poor risk patients treated with VEGF-targeted therapy: Oncotarget. 8(55):93633~93643 (5.168)

2017 SCI-E Establishment and Application of Prostate Cancer CirculatingTumor Cells in the Era of Precision Medicine: BioMed Research International. 2017:1~9 (2.476)

2017 기타 Renal myxofibrosarcoma in a woman: A cese report and literature review: Journal of Cytology and Histology. 8:4~8 (0)

2017 SCI-E Survival outcomes of double- and triple-sequential targeted therapy in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a retrospective comparison: Oncotarget. Online:Published (5.168)

2017 SCI-E Retrograde pyelography predicts retrograde ureteral stenting failure and reduces unnecessary stenting trials in patients with advanced non-urological malignant ureteral obstruction: PLOS one. 12(9):e0184965~e0184965 (2.806)

2017 SCI-E The effect of predisposing atheroembolic risk factors on renal functional recovery between laparoscopy and open technique in patients with T1-stage renal cell carcinoma who underwent partial nephrectomy: A retrospective comparison study: Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. 47(9):876~882 (1.905)

2017 SCI-E Effect of renal embolization in patients with synchronous metastatic renal cell carcinoma: A retrospective comparison of cytoreductive nephrectomy and systemic medical therapy: Oncotarget. 8(30):49615~49624 (5.168)

2017 SCI-E The prognostic value of BAP1, PBRM1, pS6, PTEN, TGase2, PD-L1, CA9, PSMA, and Ki-67 tissue markers in localized renal cell carcinoma: A retrospective study of tissue microarrays using immunohistochemistry: PLOS ONE. Online:Published (2.806)

2017 SCI-E Establishment and application of bladder cancer patient-derived xenografts as a novel preclinical platform: Translational Cancer Research. 6(S4):s733~s743 (1.167)

2017 SCI-E Initial computed tomography imaging details during first-line systemic therapy is of significant prognostic value in patients with naive, unresectable metastatic renal cell carcinoma: PLOS ONE. 12(5):e0177975~e0177975 (2.806)

2016 SCI-E Evaluation of the efficacy of solifenacin for preventing catheter-related bladder discomfort after transurethral resection of bladder tumors in patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: a prospective, randomized, multicenter study .: clinical Genitourinary cancer. 15(1):157~162 (2.599)

2016 SCI-E Pretreatment prognostic nutritional index is an independent predictor of survival in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with targeted therapy: Clinical Genitourinary Cancer. 15(1):100~111 (2.599)

2016 SCI Prostate Cancer in a Patient With a Family History of BRCA Mutation: a Case Report And Literature Review: Journal of Korean Medical science. 32(2):377~381 (1.256)

2016 SCI-E Baseline Chronic Kidney Disease and Ischemic Method of Partial Nephrectomy Are Important Factors for the Short- and Long-Term Deterioration in Renal Function for Renal Cell Carcinoma Staged T1-T2: A Retrospective Single Center Study: BioMed Research International. 2016:5398381~5398389 (2.134)

2016 SCI-E Bladder chondrosarcoma plus urothelial carcinoma in recurred transitional cell carcinoma of the upper urinary tract: a case report and literature review: World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 14(1):270~270 (1.286)

2016 SCI-E Current Trends in the Incidence and Survival Rate of Urological Cancers in Korea: Cancer Research and Treatment. Online:Published (4.245)

2016 SCI-E A retrospective study of predictive factors for unexpectedly prolonged or shortened progression-free survival and overall survival among patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma who received first-line targeted therapy: BMC cancer. 16(1):577~577 (3.265)

2016 SCI-E The establishment of a growth-controllable orthotopic bladder cancer model through the down-regulation of c-myc expression: Oncotarget. Online:Published (5.008)

2016 SCI-E Systemic treatments for metastatic renal cell carcinoma: 10-year experience of immunotherapy and targeted therapy: cancer research and treatment. 48(3):1092~1101 (4.245)

2016 SCI-E PSCA, Cox-2, and Ki-67 are independent, predictive markers of biochemical recurrence in clinically localized prostate cancer: A retrospective study: Asian Journal of Andrology. Online:Published (2.644)

2016 SCI-E Prostate Stem Cell Antigen Expression in Radical Prostatectomy Specimens Predicts Early Biochemical Recurrence in Patients with High Risk Prostate Cancer Receiving Neoadjuvant Hormonal Therapy: PloS one. 11(3):e0151646~e0151646 (3.057)

2015 SCI-E A case report of partial nephrectomy of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma in kidney and its literature review: Cancer research and treatment. 48(2):838~842 (3.318)

2015 SCI Overexpression of BRCA1 or BRCA2 in prostatectomy specimens is predictive of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy: Histopathology. 68(5):673~679 (3.453)

2015 SCI-E Risk of Second Primary Cancer among Prostate Cancer Patients in Korea: A Population-Based Cohort Study: PLOS ONE. 10(10):e0140693~e0140693 (3.234)

2015 SCI-E The quantified level of circulating prostate stem cell antigen mRNA relative to GAPDH level is a clinically significant indictor for predicting biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer patients after radical prostatectomy: BioMed Research International. 2015:292454~292454 (1.579)

2015 SCI-E Outcomes of pelvic exenteration for recurrent or primary locally advanced colorectal cancer: Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research. 89(3):131~137 (0)

2015 SCI-E Outcomes of pelvic exenteration for recurrent or primary locally advanced colorectal cancer: Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research. 89:Issue3~ ()

2015 SCI-E The prevalence and outcomes of pT0 disease after neoadjuvant hormonal therapy and radical prostatectomy in high-risk prostate cancer.: BMC urology. 15:82~82 (1.413)

2015 SCI Trends in the Use of Chemotherapy Before and After Radical Cystectomy in Patients with Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer in Korea: Journal of Korean medical science. 30(8):1150~1156 (1.266)

2015 기타 Oncologic aspects of long-term followed incidental prostate cancer detected by cystoprostatectomy in Korean patients.: Prostate international. 3(2):56~61 (0)

2015 SCI-E Changes in urination according to the sound of running water using a mobile phone application: PloS one [electronic resource]. 10(5):0126798~0126798 (3.234)

2015 SCI-E Overexpression of ERG and wild-type PTEN are associated with favorable clinical prognosis and low biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer: PloS one [electronic resource]. 10(4):0122498~0122498 (3.234)

2015 SCI P70S6K and Elf4E Dual Inhibition Is Essential to Control Bladder Tumor Growth and Progression in Orthotopic Mouse Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Tumor Model: Journal of Korean medical science. 30(3):308~316 (1.266)

2014 기타 Predictive factors for maximal size reduction of renal target lesion in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma receiving targeted therapies: The Korean Journal of urological Oncology (대한비뇨기 종양 학술지). 12(3):1~8 (0)

2014 기타 Experience of successful treatment for an intractable advanced ureter cancer with extraureteral extension using omental flap transposition: A case report: Journal of Clinical Case Reports. :~ (0)

2014 SCI-E Development of Replication-competent Adenovirus for Bladder Cancer by Controlling Adenovirus E1a and E4 Gene Expression with the Survivin Promoter: Oncotarget [electronic resource]. 5(14):5615~5623 (6.627)

2014 SCI Pelvic Floor Musculature and Bladder Neck Changes Before and After Continence Recovery After Radical Prostatectomy in Pelvic MRI: Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI. 39(6):1431~1435 (2.788)

2014 SCI-E Treatment outcome of docetaxel plus prednisolone for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in Korea: Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics. 10(2):251~257 (0.949)

2014 SCI-E Detection of Human Papillomavirus Infection and p16 Immunohistochemistry Expression in Bladder Cancer with Squamous Differentiation: PLOS one. 9(3):e93525~e93525 (3.534)

2014 SCI Establishment of an Orthotopic Mouse Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Model Expressing the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Signaling Pathway: J of Korean Med Sci. 29(3):343~350 (1.253)

2014 SCI Intravesical instillation of c-MYC inhibitor KSI-3716 suppresses orthotopic bladder tumor growth: The Journal of Urology. 191(2):510~518 (3.753)

2014 SCI-E Antitumor activity of the c-Myc inhibitor KSI-3716 in gemcitabine-resistant bladder cancer: Oncotarget. 5(2):326~337 (6.627)

2013 SCI-E Genetic variations of α -methylacyl-CoA racemase are associated with sporadic prostate cancer risk in ethnically homogenous Koreans: Biomed Research International. 2013:1~11 (0)

2013 SCI Validation of the MSKCC and Heng Risk Criteria Models for Predicting Survival in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Sunitinib: Annals of Surgical Oncology. 20(13):4397~4404 (4.12)

2013 SCI Overestimation of Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 in Concentrated Urine: Urology. 82(5):1059~1064 (2.424)

2012 SCI-E Urologic complications of laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy: International urogynecology journal. 23(11):1605~1611 (1.832)

2012 SCI Association of common variations of 8q24 with the risk of prostate cancer in Koreans and a review of the Asian population: British Journal of Urology International. 110(6ptB):E318~E325 (2.844)

2012 SCI Adjuvant Intravesical Instillation for Primary T1G3 Bladder Cancer: BCG versus MMC in Korea: Anticancer research. 32(4):1493~1498 (1.725)

2011 SCI Prostate Volume has Prognostic Value Only in Pathologic T2 Radical Prostatectomy Specimens: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 26:807~813 (0.834)

2011 SCI Haplotype Analysis of Prostate Stem Cell Antigen and Association With Prostate Cancer Risk.: The Journal of Urology. 185(6):2112~2118 (3.862)

2011 SCI-E Paclitaxel and cisplatin chemotherapy for metastatic urothelial carcinoma after failure of two courses of platinum-based regimens: International journal of urology. 18(5):350~357 (1.46)

2011 SCI Renal safety and efficacy of cisplatin-based chemotherapy in patients with a solitary kidney after nephroureterectomy for urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract.: Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. 67:769~774 (2.759)

2011 SCI A prospective evaluation of conventional cystography for detection of urine leakage at the vesicourethral anastomosis site after radical prostatectomy based on computed tomography: Clinical Radiology. 66(3):251~256 (1.765)

2010 기타 A rapidly progressing bladder transitional cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid differentiation: The Korean Journal of Urological Oncology. 8(3):147~151 ()

2010 SCI-E Bcl-2 as a Predictive Factor for Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy: An Interim Analysis: Cancer Research and Treatment. 42:157~162 (0)

2010 SCI Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen mRNA in Blood as a Potential Predictor of Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 25:1291~1295 (0.838)

2010 SCI Prognostic Value of p53 and Ki-67 Expression in Intermediate-risk Patients With Nonmuscle-invasive Bladder Cancer Receiving Adjuvant Intravesical Mitomycin C Therapy: Urology. 512:1~7 (2.365)

2010 SCI Pretreatment assessment of tumor enhancement on contrast-enhanced computed tomography as a potential predictor of treatment outcome in metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients receiving antiangiogenic therapy: cancer. 116(10):2332~2342 (5.418)

2010 SCI Prostate Stem Cell Antigen mRNA in Peripheral Blood as a Potential Predictor of Biochemical Recurrence in High-Risk Prostate Cancer: Journal of Surgical Oncology. 101(2):145~148 (2.502)

2009 SCI Lymphovascular Invasion in Transurethral Resection Specimens as Predictor of Progression and Metastasis in Patients With Newly Diagnosed T1 Bladder Urothelial Cancer: Journal of Urology. 182:2625~2631 (3.952)

2009 기타 Familial Prostate Cancer in Three Brothers: The Korean Journal of Urology. 50(2):195~198 (0)

2009 SCI Incidental prostate cancer detected by cystoprostatectomy in Korean men: Urology. 73:153~157 (2.242)

2008 SCI Results of repeated transurethral resection for a second opinion in patients referred for nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer: The referral cancer center experience and review of the literature: Journal of Endourology. 22:2699~2704 (1.799)

2008 기타 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor as Predicting Factor on Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy: A Prospective Study: The Korean Journal of Urology. 49:974~980 ()

2008 SCI-E Docetaxel Chemotherapy of Korean Patients with Hormone- refractory Prostate Cancer:Comparative Analysis between 1st-line and 2nd-line Docetaxel: Yonsei Medical Journal. 49:775~782 (0.781)

2008 SCI-E Identification of immunohistochemical factors that predict the synchronous or metachronous development of bladder tumors in patients with upper urinary tract tumors: Urologia Internationalis. 81:306~311 (0.82)

2008 SCI Single institutional experience of bladder-preserving trimodality treatment for muscle-invasive bladder cancer: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 23:598~603 (0.824)

2008 SCI The efficacy of transureteroureterostomy for ureteral reconstruction during surgery for a non-urologic pelvic malignancy: Journal of Surgical Oncology. 98:49~53 (2.384)

2008 SCI-E Clinical value of PTEN in patients with superficial bladder cancer: Urologia Internationalis. 80:264~269 (0.82)

2008 SCI Methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin and cisplatin combination regimen as salvage chemotherapy for patients with advanced or metastatic transitional cell carcinoma after failure of gemcitabine and cisplatin chemotherapy.: British Journal of Cancer. 98:89~90 (4.635)

2007 기타 Partial Nephrectomy using Parenchymal Compression without Renal Pedicle Clamping: The Korean Journal of Urology. 48:265~269 ()

2007 기타 Urinary diversion: Ileal conduit to orthotopic neobladder substitution: The Korean Journal of Urology. 48:565~573 ()

2007 SCI Detection rate of prostate cancer according to prostate-specific antigen and digital rectal examination in Korean men: a nationwide multicenter study: Urology. 70:1109~1112 (2.13)

2007 SCI Prevalence of high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia in prostate gland of Korean men: comparisons between radical prostatectomy and cystoprostatectomy: Urology. 70:1100~1103 (2.13)

2007 SCI The outcome with ureteric stents for managing non-urological malignant ureteric obstruction.: BJU International. 100(6):1288~1291 (2.635)

2007 SCI Analysis of changes in the total lymphocyte and eosinophil count during immunotherapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Correlation with response and survival: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 22S:S122~S128 (0.725)

2007 SCI-E Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemical studies for detection of prostate stem cell antigen expression in prostate cancer: potential value in molecular staging of prostate cancer: International Journal of Urology(상위20# 이내 학술지 아님). 14:635~643 (0.691)

2007 기타 Adult's Wilms' tumor mimicking renal pelvis tumor: The Korean Journal of Urology. 48:558~560 ()

2007 기타 Partial Nephrectomy using Parenchymal Compression without Renal Pedicle Clamping: Korean J Urol. 49:265~269 ()

2006 기타 전립선비대증 환자의 약물치료에 있어서 노모그램과 전립선비대증 혈청마크의 사용: prostate updatet. 10:46~52 ()

2006 SCI-E Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor in Ileal neobaldder: International Journal of Urology. 13:1451~1453 (0.629)

2004 기타 Radiologic Characteristics of Renal Angiomyolipoma with Minimal Fat: The Korean Journal of Urology. 45:163~167 ()

2003 기타 방광암에서 Ki-67, Apoptotic index, bcl-2, p53의 유용성 연구: 생물학적 종양 표지자와 병기, 분화도, 재발과의 연관성: 대한비뇨기종양학회지. 1:376~381 ()

2003 기타 The Usefulness of Pressure-Flow Study as Preoperative Evaluation in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients 유용성: The Korean Journal of Urology. 44:534~539 ()

2003 기타 방광암에서 p53, Retinoblastoma (Rb), PTEN 발현의 임상적 의의: 대한비뇨기종양학회지. 2:36~40 ()

2003 기타 The Experience of Calycoileoureterostomy in Severe Ureteropelvic Junction Stricture: The Korean Journal of Urology. 44:368~371 ()

2002 기타 지역사회에서의 전립선비대증 관련 삶의 질에 대한 단축형 설문의 유용성: prostate update. 6:37~40 ()

2002 기타 Emphysematous Cystitis Complicated with Diabetic Nephropathy: The Korean Journal of Urology. 43:531~534 ()

2000 기타 Comparison of the Effects of Transurethral Needle Ablation and Transurethral Resection of the Prostate for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia at 12 Months Follow-up: The Korean Journal of Urology. 41:414~419 ()

1999 기타 A Case of Ureteroileocecal Sigmoidostomy with Sigmoid J Pouch: The Korean Journal of Urology. 40:1406~1410 ()

1998 기타 20년간 정관정관문합술 1000례의 임상적 경험: 대한불임학회지. 25:189~198 ()

1998 SCI Xanthogranulomatous cystitis associated with suture material: The Jounral of urology. 159:981~982 ()

1997 기타 남성불임환자에서 정장 뇌하수체 및 성 호르몬의 의의: 대한남성과학회지. 15:39~49 ()

1997 기타 Efficacy of Intraurethral Instillation of Lyposomal Prostaglandin E1 on Induction of Penile Erection: The Korean Journal of Urology. 38:536~542 ()


2017 방광암 100문 100답 국립암센터 2017-04-05

2017 Bladder cancer Academic Press, Elsevier 2018-01-31

2014 신장암 100문100답 국립암센터 2014-06-16

2014 신장암 100문100답 국립암센터 2014-06-16

2011 전립선암 100문 100답 국립암센터 2011-04-10

2006 암과음식 국립암센터 2006-03-10

2006 암과 음식 국립암센터 2006-01-01

2006 암과 음식 국립암센터 2006-03-10

2006 암정보 (2판) 국립암센터 2006-01-15

2006 암과 음식 국립암센터 2006-01-01

2004 암정보 (1판) 국립암센터 2004-06-20


[암, 지피지기면 백전백승] (13)방광암 담배 피는 당신, 혈뇨 보고 통증 느낀다면 방광암 의심 신호

[암과의 동행] 요관암, 원인 규명 안 된 희귀암… 무통성 혈뇨 땐 의심

"비뇨의학과 병원별 전공의 지원 '빈익빈부익부' 심각...수가 인상, 적절한 경제 보상이 근본 해결책"


포스팅 내용이 없습니다.


Q. 방광암은 어떤 사람에게 잘 생기나요? [방광암]

Q. 흡연이 방광암의 발생 위험을 왜 높일까요? [방광암]

Q. 방광암을 예방하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요? [방광암]

Q. 방광염,전립선염이 방광암으로 발전할 수 있나요? [방광암]

Q. 방광암의 증상은 무엇인가요? [방광암]


2017-07-24 출원: c-Myc/Max/DNA 복합체 형성을 억제하는 화합물: 10-2017-0093661/ 2017-07-24
2014-01-09 출원: 경요도적 주입용 방광암 예방 또는 치료를 위한 약제학적 조성물: 10-2014-0002991/ 2014-01-09
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