황흥곤 교수
한양대학교 의과대학원 졸업 (의학박사)
중국 북경, 상하이, 남경, 시안, 광동, 선양, 하얼빈, 치치하리, 지린, 연길, 칭다우, 지안, 둥인, 톈진, 푸산, 러이먼 병원 초청 PCI(경피적 관상동맥 중재술)
미국 CCT학회 요청으로 PCI Live 위성중계
미국 뉴욕케디컬 컬리지 초청 강의-CTO PCI
미국 아칸소 심장센터 초청 미국인 3인-중재수술
동아일보, 조선일보 베스트닥터 선정
부천 세종병원 내과 과장
미국 국립보건원(N.I.H) Visiting Fellow(유급)
국군수도통합병원 특진실장
미국 CCT학회 요청으로 PCI Live 위성중계
미국 뉴욕케디컬 컬리지 초청 강의-CTO PCI
미국 아칸소 심장센터 초청 미국인 3인-중재수술
동아일보, 조선일보 베스트닥터 선정
부천 세종병원 내과 과장
미국 국립보건원(N.I.H) Visiting Fellow(유급)
국군수도통합병원 특진실장
Park SJ, Kim BS, Kim SH, Kim HJ, Hwang HG, Jung SM, Bae BJ, Kwon CH. Diagnostic value of the corrected QT difference between leads V1 and V6 in patients with acute pulmonary thromboembolism. Medicine. 2017 Oct;96(43):e8430.
Jung HW, So Y, Lee JG, Hwang HG, Ko SM. Diagnostic Performance of Coronary CT Angiography, Stress Dual-Energy CT Perfusion, and Stress Perfusion Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography for Coronary Artery Disease: Comparison with Combined Invasive Coronary Angiography and Stress Perfusion Cardiac MRI. Korean Journal of Radiology. 2017 May-Jun;18(3):476-86.
Ko,S.M.; Park,J.H.; Hwang,H.K.; Song,M.G. Direct comparison of stress- and rest-dual-energy computed tomography for detection of myocardial perfusion defect. Int.J.Cardiovasc.Imaging. 2014, 30, Suppl.1, 41-53.
Ko,S.M.; Song,M.G.; Chee,H.K.; Hwang,H.K.; Feuchtner,G.M.; Min,J.K. Diagnostic Performance of Dual-Energy CT Stress Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Direct Comparison With Cardiovascular MRI. AJR Am.J.Roentgenol. 2014, 203, 6, W605-W613, United States.
Song,B.G.; Yang,H.S.; Hwang,H.K.; Kang,G.H.; Park,Y.H.; Chun,W.J.; Oh,J.H. Correlation of electrocardiographic changes and myocardial fibrosis in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy detected by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Clin.Cardiol. 2013, 36, 1, 31-35, Wiley Periodicals, Inc, United States.
Lee,H.J.; Yu,C.W.; Hwang,H.K.; Choi,R.K.; Park,J.S.; Li,H.; Ro,Y.M. Long-term effectiveness and safety of triple versus dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention for unprotected left main coronary artery disease. Coron.Artery Dis.. 2013, 24, 7, 542-548.
Choi,B.H.; Ko,S.M.; Hwang,H.K.; Song,M.G.; Shin,J.K.; Kang,W.S.; Kim,T.Y. Detection of left atrial thrombus in patients with mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation: retrospective comparison of two-phase computed tomography, transoesophageal echocardiography and surgical findings. Eur.Radiol. 2013, 23, 11, 2944-2953.
Jung HW, So Y, Lee JG, Hwang HG, Ko SM. Diagnostic Performance of Coronary CT Angiography, Stress Dual-Energy CT Perfusion, and Stress Perfusion Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography for Coronary Artery Disease: Comparison with Combined Invasive Coronary Angiography and Stress Perfusion Cardiac MRI. Korean Journal of Radiology. 2017 May-Jun;18(3):476-86.
Ko,S.M.; Park,J.H.; Hwang,H.K.; Song,M.G. Direct comparison of stress- and rest-dual-energy computed tomography for detection of myocardial perfusion defect. Int.J.Cardiovasc.Imaging. 2014, 30, Suppl.1, 41-53.
Ko,S.M.; Song,M.G.; Chee,H.K.; Hwang,H.K.; Feuchtner,G.M.; Min,J.K. Diagnostic Performance of Dual-Energy CT Stress Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Direct Comparison With Cardiovascular MRI. AJR Am.J.Roentgenol. 2014, 203, 6, W605-W613, United States.
Song,B.G.; Yang,H.S.; Hwang,H.K.; Kang,G.H.; Park,Y.H.; Chun,W.J.; Oh,J.H. Correlation of electrocardiographic changes and myocardial fibrosis in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy detected by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Clin.Cardiol. 2013, 36, 1, 31-35, Wiley Periodicals, Inc, United States.
Lee,H.J.; Yu,C.W.; Hwang,H.K.; Choi,R.K.; Park,J.S.; Li,H.; Ro,Y.M. Long-term effectiveness and safety of triple versus dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention for unprotected left main coronary artery disease. Coron.Artery Dis.. 2013, 24, 7, 542-548.
Choi,B.H.; Ko,S.M.; Hwang,H.K.; Song,M.G.; Shin,J.K.; Kang,W.S.; Kim,T.Y. Detection of left atrial thrombus in patients with mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation: retrospective comparison of two-phase computed tomography, transoesophageal echocardiography and surgical findings. Eur.Radiol. 2013, 23, 11, 2944-2953.
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