



경희대학교 의과대학 졸업
경희대학교 의학박사


경희의대 부속병원 내과 레지던트
공중보건의 근무
경희의대 부속병원 순환기내과 임상강사
가톨릭의대부속 성바오로병원 임상강사
가톨릭의대부속 성모자애병원 전임강사, 조교수
강동경희대학교병원 심장혈관센터 심장혈관내과 교수
강동경희대의대병원 심장혈관내과 과장(2012.3~2018.3)
강동경희대의대병원 내과 의국장
강동경희대의대병원 내과부장(현)


Characteristics of non-culprit plaques in acute coronary syndrome patients with calcified plaque at the culprit lesion (CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS. 2020;1(1):1-10)

Early versus delayed treatment with ticagrelor on residual thrombus after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients presenting with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome: an optical coherence tomography study (CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE. 2020;31(2):195-197)

Efficacy and Safety of Triple Therapy With Telmisartan, Amlodipine, and Rosuvastatin in Patients With Dyslipidemia and Hypertension: The Jeil Telmisartan, Amlodipine, and Rosuvastatin Randomized Clinical Trial (CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS. 2019;41(2):233-248)

Clinical outcomes of discordant exercise electrocardiographic and echocardiographic findings compared with concordant findings in patients with chest pain and no history of coronary artery disease: An observational study (Medicine. 2019;98(39):e17195-17195)

Predictors of decreased left ventricular function subsequent to follow-up echocardiography after percutaneous coronary intervention following acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE. 2018;15(5):4089-4096)

Characteristics of Earlier Versus Delayed Presentation of Very Late Drug-Eluting Stent Thrombosis: An Optical Coherence Tomographic Study. (JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION. 2017;14(6):1-10)

Bilateral coronary artery to left ventricular fistula: CT demonstration of drainage via a single, common channel (CARDIOLOGY IN THE YOUNG. 2017;27(4):782-783)

Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial: Harmonising optimal strategy for treatment of coronary artery stenosis-coronary intervention with next-generation drug-eluting stent platforms and abbreviated dual antiplatelet therapy (HOST-IDEA) trial (BMJ OPEN. 2017;7(10):0-0)

Increased interarm blood pressure difference is associated with autonomic dysfunction and atherosclerosis in patients with chest pain and no history of coronary artery disease (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY. 2017;241(0):25-29)

Combination Therapy of Rosuvastatin and Ezetimibe in Patients with High Cardiovascular Risk (CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS. 2017;39(1):107-117)

Angiographic outcomes of Orsiro biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stents and Resolute Integrity durable polymer zotarolimus-eluting stents: results of the ORIENT trial (EUROINTERVENTION. 2017;12(13):1623-1631)

Prevalence and Predictors of Multiple Coronary Plaque Ruptures: In Vivo 3-Vessel Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging Study (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY. 2016;36(11):2229-2238)

Roles of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction (MEDICINE. 2016;95(18):0-0)

Transradial intervention versus transfemoral intervention accompanied with vascular closure device in acute myocardial infarction (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY. 2016;202(1):958-959)

Intracoronary nitroglycerin injection through a microcatheter for coronary no-reflow following percutaneous coronary intervention (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY. 2016;214(1):400-402)

Comparative clinical implications of admission electrocardiographic findings for patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (MEDICINE. 2016;95(37):0-0)

Comparison of Biolimus-and Everolimus-eluting stents in terms of clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction: Results from the Korea Working Group on Myocardial Infarction (KorMI) Registry (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY. 2015;196(0):50-52)

Incidence and clinical significance of poststent optical coherence tomography findings: One-year follow-up study from a multicenter registry (CIRCULATION. 2015;132(11):1020-1029)

Changes in smoking behavior and adherence to preventive guidelines among smokers after a heart attack (Journal of Geriatric Cardiology . 2013;10(2):146-150)

Comparison of zotarolimus-eluting stent and everolimus-eluting stent for vascular healing response: serial 3-month and 12-month optical coherence tomography study (CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE. 2013;24(5):431-439)

Acute myocardial infarction patient with recurrent vomiting: What is the best treatment? (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY. 2013;162(3):56-57)

Massive right coronary air embolism in the right coronary artery during left coronary angiography: A case report (EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE. 2013;5(4):1073-1074)

Early Cardiac Valvular Changes in Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Transesophageal Echocardiography Study (Journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound. 2012;20(1):30-36)

Rapid Stent Surface Coverage After Endothelial Progenitor Cell Capture (Genous) Stent Implantation: First Optical Coherence Tomography Report (JOURNAL OF INVASIVE CARDIOLOGY. 2012;24(4):188-189)

Comparison of infarct-related artery vs multivessel revascularization in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction with multivessel disease: Analysis from Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry (CARDIOLOGY JOURNAL. 2012;19(3):256-266)

APACHE II Score, Rather Than Cardiac Function, May Predict Poor Prognosis in Patients With Stress-Induced Cardiomyopathy (JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2012;27(1):52-57)


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