



1999.02 서울대학교 내과학 박사
1994.02 서울대학교 내과학 석사
1985.02 서울대학교 의학과 학사


2007.10 ~현재 성균관대학교 의과대학 내과 교수
1994.03 ~현재 삼성서울병원 소화기내과 전문의
2016.01 ~ 2019.03 삼성서울병원 암병원 위암센터장
2012.09 ~ 2015.02 건강의학센터장
2005.09 ~ 2011.11 삼성서울병원 소화기내과 과장
2001.09 ~ 2007.09 성균관대학교 의과대학 내과 부교수
1997.03 ~ 2001.08 성균관대학교 의과대학 내과 조교수
1992.03 ~ 1994.02 서울대학교 병원 전임의
1989.05 ~ 1992.02 서울대학교 병원 레지던트
1986.04 ~ 1989.04 군복무
1985.03 ~ 1986.02 서울대학교 병원 인턴


J GASTROEN HEPATOL 2020 10.1111/jgh.15236
Proton pump inhibitors use and the risk of fatty liver disease A nationwide cohort study
Pyo1, JH; Kim, TJ; Lee, H; Choi, SC; Cho, SJ; Choi, YH; Min, YW; Min, BH; Lee, JH; Kang, M; Lee, YC; Kim, JJ

CANCERS 2020 10.3390/cancers12102904
Screening for Early Gastric Cancer Using a Noninvasive Urine Metabolomics Approach
Kwon1, HN; Lee, H; Park, JW; Kim, YH; Park, S; Kim, JJ

PLOS ONE 2020 10.1371/journal.pone.0238113
Risk factors of metachronous recurrence after endoscopic submucosal dissection for superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Kim1, GH; Min, YW; Lee, H; Min, BH; Lee, JH; Rhee, PL; Kim, JJ

NUTRIENTS 2020 10.3390/nu12092756
Comparison between Percutaneous Gastrostomy and Self-Expandable Metal Stent Insertion for the Treatment of Malignant Esophageal Obstruction, after Propensity Score Matching
Song1, JH; Ko, J; Min, YW; Kim, K; Lee, H; Min, BH; Lee, JH; Rhee, PL; Kim, JJ

J GASTROEN HEPATOL 2020 10.1111/jgh.15181
Cohort study ofHelicobacter pyloriinfection and the risk of incident osteoporosis in women
Kim1, TJ; Lee, H; Min, YW; Min, BH; Lee, JH; Rhee, PL; Kim, JJ

ENDOSCOPY 2020 10.1055/a-1117-3059
Nomogram to predict lymph node metastasis in patients with early gastric cancer: a useful clinical tool to reduce gastrectomy after endoscopic resection
Kim1, SM; Min, BH; Ahn, JH; Jung, SH; An, JY; Choi, MG; Sohn, TS; Bae, JM; Kim, S; Lee, H; Lee, JH; Kim, YW; Ryu, KW; Kim, JJ; Lee, JH

J CLIN MED 2020 10.3390/jcm9041064
Favorable Long-Term Outcomes of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Differentiated-Type-Predominant Early Gastric Cancer with Histological Heterogeneity
Kim1, TS; Shin, HC; Min, BH; Kim, KM; Min, YW; Lee, H; Lee, JH; Rhee, PL; Kim, JJ

GUT LIVER 2020 10.5009/gnl18510
Effect of Helicobacter pylori Treatment on Long-term Mortality in Patients with Hypertension
Kim1, YI; Kim, YA; Lee, JW; Kim, HJ; Kim, SH; Kim, SG; Kim, JI; Kim, JJ; Choi, IJ

CANCER DISCOV 2019 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-19-0442
Tumor Genomic Profiling Guides Patients with Metastatic Gastric Cancer to Targeted Treatment: The VIKTORY Umbrella Trial
Lee1, J; Kim, ST; Kim, K; Lee, H; Kozarewa, I; Mortimer, PGS; Odegaard, JI; Harrington, EA; Lee, J; Lee, T; Oh, SY; Kang, JH; Kim, JH; Kim, Y; Ji, JH; Kim, YS; Lee, KE; Kim, J; Sohn, TS; An, JY; Choi, MG; Lee, JH; Bae, JM; Kim, S; Kim, JJ; Min, YW; Min, BH; Kim, NKD; Luke, S; Kim, YH; Hong, JY; Park, SH; Park, JO; Park, YS; Lim, HY; Talasaz, A; Hollingsworth, SJ; Kim, KM; Kang, WK

J SURG RES 2019 10.1016/j.jss.2019.04.024
Effect of Tailored Perigastric Lymph Node Dissection on Gastric Motility in a Canine Model
Min1, BH; Kim, SM; Kim, K; Lee, H; Kim, JJ; Sohn, TS; Kim, S; Lee, JH

ALIMENT PHARM THER 2019 10.1111/apt.15466
Use of proton pump inhibitors and risk of cholangitis: a nationwide cohort study
Min1, YW; Kang, D; Shin, JY; Kang, M; Park, LK; Lee, KH; Lee, JK; Lee, KT; Rhee, PL; Kim, JJ; Guallar, E; Cho, J; Lee, H

GUT LIVER 2019 10.5009/gnl19136
Ten-Day Concomitant, 10-Day Sequential, and 7-Day Triple Therapy as First-Line Treatment for Helicobacter pylori Infection: A Nationwide Randomized Trial in Korea
Kim1, BJ; Lee, H; Lee, YC; Jeon, SW; Kim, GH; Kim, HS; Sung, JK; Lee, DH; Kim, HU; Park, MI; Choi, IJ; Yoon, SM; Kim, SW; Baik, GH; Lee, JY; Kim, JI; Kim, SG; Kim, J; Lee, J; Kim, JG; Kim, JJ

J SURG ONCOL 2019 10.1002/jso.25628
A prediction model for lymph node metastasis in early-stage gastric cancer: Toward tailored lymphadenectomy
Kim1, SM; Lee, H; Min, BH; Kim, JJ; An, JY; Choi, MG; Bae, JM; Kim, S; Sohn, TS; Lee, JH

J LAPAROENDOSC ADV S 2019 10.1089/lap.2019.0311
Oncologic Safety of Endoscopic Resection Based on Lymph Node Metastasis in Ulcerative Early Gastric Cancer
Kim1, JW; Lee, H; Min, YW; Min, BH; Lee, JH; Sohn, TS; Kim, JJ; Kim, S

Metabolically Healthy Obesity and the Risk of Erosive Esophagitis: A Cohort Study
Kim1, TJ; Lee, H; Baek, SY; Kim, K; Min, YW; Min, BH; Lee, JH; Son, HJ; Rhee, PL; Kim, JJ

NUTRIENTS 2019 10.3390/nu11081874
Lack of Association between Past Helicobacter pylori Infection and Diabetes: A Two-Cohort Study
Pyo1, JH; Lee, H; Choi, SC; Cho, SJ; Choi, YH; Mm, YW; Min, BH; Lee, JH; Yoo, H; Kim, K; Kim, JJ

HELICOBACTER 2019 10.1111/hel.12592
Nationwide antibiotic resistance mapping of Helicobacter pylori in Korea: A prospective multicenter study
Lee1, JH; Ahn, JY; Choi, KD; Jung, HY; Kim, JM; Baik, GH; Kim, BW; Park, JC; Jung, HK; Cho, SJ; Shin, CM; Choi, YJ; Lee, SH; Kim, JH; Lee, WS; Sung, JK; Chu, JW; Cheun, DY; Lee, H; Min, YW; Kim, JJ; Kim, SY

J GASTROEN HEPATOL 2019 10.1111/jgh.14756
Outcomes of endoscopic submucosal dissection for intestinal-type adenocarcinoma with anastomosing glands of the stomach
Kim1, TS; Kim, B; Min, BN; Min, YW; Lee, H; Lee, JH; Rhee, PL; Kim, JJ; Kushima, R; Kim, KM

NUTRIENTS 2019 10.3390/nu11061288
Obesity and Risk of Peptic Ulcer Disease: A Large-Scale Health Check-Up Cohort Study
Pyo1, JH; Lee, H; Kim, JE; Choi, YH; Kim, TJ; Min, YW; Min, BH; Lee, JH; Rhee, PL; Yoo, H; Kim, K; Kim, JJ

BMC SURG 2019 10.1186/s12893-019-0497-5
Endoscopic vacuum therapy for postoperative esophageal leak
Min1, YW; Kim, T; Lee, H; Min, BH; Kim, HK; Choi, YS; Lee, JH; Rhee, PL; Kim, JJ; Zo, JI; Shim, YM

SURGERY 2019 10.1016/j.surg.2018.11.001
Effect of age on the clinical outcomes of patients with early gastric cancer with undifferentiated-type histology
Pyo1, JH; Lee, H; Min, YW; Min, BH; Lee, JH; Kim, KM; Yoo, H; Kim, K; Choi, YH; Kim, JJ; Kim, S

SCI REP-UK 2019 10.1038/s41598-019-41216-y
Urine-NMR metabolomics for screening of advanced colorectal adenoma and early stage colorectal cancer
Kim1, RR; Kwon, HN; Nam, H; Kim, JJ; Park, S; Kim, YH

GASTRIC CANCER 2019 10.1007/s10120-018-0857-3
Endoscopic submucosal dissection for papillary adenocarcinoma of the stomach: low curative resection rate but favorable long-term outcomes after curative resection
Kim1, TS; Min, BH; Kim, KM; Lee, JH; Rhee, PL; Kim, JJ

ANN SURG ONCOL 2019 10.1245/s10434-018-07119-4
Feasibility of Endoscopic Resection in Early Gastric Cancer with Lymphovascular Invasion
Pyo1, JH; Lee, H; Min, YW; Min, BH; Lee, JH; Kim, KM; Kim, H; Kim, K; Kim, JJ

J CLIN GASTROENTEROL 2019 10.1097/MCG.0000000000000947
Physical Activity Protects Against the Risk of Erosive Esophagitis on the Basis of Body Mass Index
Pyo1, JH; Kim, JW; Kim, TJ; Lee, H; Min, YW; Min, BH; Lee, JH; Rhee, PL; Jung, SH; Cha, KM; Kang, M; Kim, JE; Choi, YH; Kim, JJ

J NEUROGASTROENTEROL MOTIL 2019 10.5056/jnm18148
Combined Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance and High-resolution Manometry Improves Detection of Clinically Relevant Esophagogastric Junction Outflow Obstruction
Song1, BG; Min, YW; Lee, H; Min, BH; Lee, JH; Rhee, PL; Kim, JJ

BRIT J SURG 2018 10.1002/bjs.10901
Clinicopathological features and outcome of type 3 gastric neuroendocrine tumours
Min1, BH; Hong, M; Lee, JH; Rhee, PL; Sohn, TS; Kim, S; Kim, KM; Kim, JJ

GASTROINTEST ENDOSC 2018 10.1016/j.gie.2018.04.2360
Comparison of endoscopic submucosal dissection and surgery for superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a propensity score-matched analysis
Min1, YW; Lee, H; Song, BG; Min, BH; Kim, HK; Choi, YS; Lee, JH; Hwang, NY; Carriere, KC; Rhee, PL; Kim, JJ; Zo, JI; Shim, YM


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