



1980 .03 ~ 1987 .02 서울대학교 의과 대학 졸업
1991 .03 ~ 1996 .02 서울대학교 의과대학원 의학석사


2016 .01~2019 .01 원자력병원장
2013 .07~2016 .01 원자력병원 진료부장
2010 .04~2013 .07 원자력병원 교육수련부장
1996 .05~현재 원자력병원 외과 과장 (유방암센터장)
1996 .02~1998 .08 서울대학교 의과대학원 의학박사
1995 .05~1996 .04 이화대학교병원 외과 전임의
1992 .02~1995 .05 육군 군의관
1991 .03~1996 .02 서울대학교 의과대학원 의학석사
1987 .03~1992 .02 서울대학교병원 수련의 및 외과 전공의

2016 .04 북부지방검찰청 의료자문위원
2016 .03 금융분쟁조정위원회 전문위원


2018년도 Efficacy of combined aromatase inhibitor and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist in premenopausal metastatic breast cancer Journal of Breast Disease

2018년도 Post-chemothrapy anti-mullerian hormone as a predictive marker for recovery of ovarian function in participants of ASTRRA trial Endocrine Connections

2018년도 Post-chemotherapy serum anti-mullerian hormone level predicts ovarian function recovery Endocrine Connections

2018년도 Prediction of the tumor differentiation using sequential PET/CT and MRI in patients with breast cancer Annals of Nuclear Medicine

2018년도 Breast cancer stem cells in HER2-negative breast cancer cells contribute to HER2-mediated radioresistance and molecular subtype conversion: clinical implication for serum HER2 in recurrent HER2-negative breast cancer Oncotarget

2017년도 Phosphorylated S6 Kinase-1 as Predictive Marker of Lapatinib Efficacy in Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients Journal of Breast Disease

2017년도 Factors associated with metastatic breast cancer patients who show long-term stable disease status Journal of breast disease

2017년도 The examination of ovarian reserve in premenopausal patients eith hormone receptor positive breast cancer The Ewha Medical Journal

2016년도 Targeting hypoxia is an essential prerequisite for cell sensitivity to metformin and lapatinib 2016 ascb annual meeting

2016년도 Targeting HIF-1a is a prerequisite for cell sensitivity to dichloroacetate(DCA) and metformin Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

2015년도 Targeting HIF-1α is a prerequisite for cell sensitivity to dichloroacetate and metformin 제 3회 한국분자세포생물학회 암미세환경연구분과심포지엄

2015년도 Inhibition of S6K1 enhances dichloroacetate-induced cell death Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology

2015년도 A combination of Metformin and Lapatinib synergistically induces apoptosis in human breast cancer cells Global Breast Cancer Conference 2015 & 4th International Breast cancer symposium

2015년도 Synergistic induction of apoptosis by DCA and S6K1 inhibition in breast cancer cells via downregulation of HK2 구연

2015년도 S6K1 inhibition enhances the apoptotic cell death of breast cancer cells in response to Bcl-2/Bcl-xL inhibition by the downregulation of survivin Oncology Letters

2015년도 Piperlongumine regulates AKT/mTOR signaling pathway and induces apoptosis via increased ROS 포스터

2015년도 Piperlongumine regulates AKT/mTOR signaling pathway and induces apoptosis via increased ROS 포스터

2015년도 Bcl-2 is a highly significant prognostic marker of hormone-receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor-2-negative breast cancer Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

2015년도 Primary apocrine sweat gland carcinomas of the axilla: a report of two cases and a review of the literature World journal of surgical oncology

2014년도 Clinical significance of radiological stability in reconstructed spine following vertebral body resection Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society

2014년도 Piperlongumine induces cell death through ROS-mediated CHOP activation and potentiates TRAIL-induced cell death in breast cancer cells Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology

2014년도 Blockage of Stat3 enhances the sensitivity of NSCLC cells to PI3K/mTOR inhibition Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

2014년도 The combination of FDG PET and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI improved the prediction of disease-free survival in patients with advanced breast cancer after the first cycle of neoadjuvant chemotherapy European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

2014년도 Serial Serum HER2 Measurements for the Detection of Breast Cancer Recurrence in HER2-Positive Patients Journal of Breast Cancer

2013년도 Phosphorylated S6 kinase-1: a breast cancer marker predicting resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy Anticancer research

2013년도 The SUV Ratio of Lymph Node to Primary Tumor on 18F-FDG PET/CT Predicts Axillary Lymph Node Metastases in Patients with Breast Cancer Annals of Nuclear Medicine

2013년도 Serum human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 levels as a real-time marker for tumor burden in breast cancer patients Journal of Surgical Oncology

2013년도 Serial Serum HER2 Measurements for the Detection of Breast Cancer Recurrence in HER2-Positive Patients 2nd internationa Breast Cancer Symposium & 29th Annual meetng of KBCS

2013년도 The prevalence of BRCA mutations among familial breast cancer patients in Korea: results of the Korean Hereditary Breast Cancer study Familial Cancer

2013년도 Efficacy of everolimus with exemestane versus exemestane alone in Asian patients with HER2-negative, hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer in BOLERO-2 Breast Cancer

2013년도 Sustained overexpression of Redd1 leads to Akt activation involved in cell survival Cancer Lett

2013년도 A new method for apparent diffusion coefficient measurement using sequential F-FDG PET and MRI : correlation with histological grade of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast Ann Nucl Med

2013년도 Inhibition of vacuolar H+ATPase enhances sensitivity to tamoxifen via up-regulation of CHOP in breast cancer Biochem Biophys Res Commun

2013년도 Clinical relevance of lymph node ratio in breast cancer patients with one to three positive lymph nodes Br J Cancer

2013년도 S6K1 inhibition enhances tamoxifen-induced cell death in MCF7 cells through translational inhibition of Mcl-1 and surviving Cell Biol Toxicol

2013년도 Phosphoryated S6 kinase-1: A breast cancer marker predicting resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy Anticancer Res

2013년도 INPP4B-mediated tumor resistance is associated with modulation of glucose metabolism via hexokinase 2 regulation in laryngeal cancer cells Biochem Biophys Res Comm

2013년도 S6K1 inhibition enhances tamoxifen-induced cell death in MCF-7 cells through translational inhibition of Mcl-1 and survivin Clinical Cancer Research

2013년도 Inhibition of vacular H+ ATPase enhances sensitivity to tamoxifen via up-regulation of CHOP in breast cancer cells Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

2013년도 Serum human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 levels as a real-time marker for tumor burden in breast cancer patients Journal of Surgical Oncology

2013년도 Clinical relevance of lymph node ratio in breast cancer patients with one to three positive lymph nodes British journal of cancer

2013년도 The prevalence of BRCA mutations among familial breast cancer patients in Korea: results of the Korean Hereditary Breast Cancer study Fam Cancer

2013년도 Inhibition of S6K1 enhances glucose deprivation-induced cell death via downregulation of anti-apoptotic proteins in MCF-7 breast cancer cell Biochem Biophys Res Commun

2013년도 Association of Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 with Radiotherapy Resistance in Patients with T1N0M0 Breast Cancer Journal of breast cancer

2012년도 Prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in non-familial breast cancer patients with high risks in Korea: the Korean Hereditary Breast Cancer (KOHBRA) Study Breast Cancer Res Treat

2012년도 Silencing of Twist1 sensitizes NSCLC cells to cisplatin via AMPK-activated mTOR inhibition Cell Death Dis

2012년도 Changing patterns in the clinical characteristics of Korean breast cancer from 1996-2010 using an online nationwide breast cancer database J Breast Cancer

2011년도 Different prognostic significance of CD24 and CD44 expression in breast cancer according to hormone receptor status Breast

2011년도 Prognostic significance of molecular subtype in T1N0M0 breast cancer: Korean experience Eur J Surg Oncol

2011년도 Application of sonoelastigraphy: comparison of performance between mass and non-mass lesion Eur J Radiol

2011년도 Central washout sign in computer-aided evaluation of breast MRI: preliminary results Acta Radiol

2011년도 The Korean Hereditary Breast cancer (KOHBRA) study: protocols and interim report Clin Oncol

2011년도 Prognostic significance of young age(<35 years) by subtype based on ER, PR, and HER2 status in breast cancer: a nationwide registry-based study World J Surg

2011년도 Redd1 inhibits the invasiveness of non-small cell lung cancer cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun

2011년도 Phosphorylated S6K1 is a possible marker for endocrine therapy resistance in hormone receptor positive breast cancer Breast Cancer Res Treat

2011년도 The Korean hereditary breast cancer (KOHBRA) study: protocols and interim report Clin Oncol

2011년도 Prognostic significance of young age (<35 years) by subtype based on ER, PR, and HER2 status in breast cancer: a nationwide registry-based study World J Surg

2011년도 Redd1 inhibits the invasiveness of non-small cell lung cancers Biochem Biophys Res Commun

2011년도 Bilateral orbital metastases from breast cancer: a case report of successful palliation using stereotactic radiotherapy Breast J

2010년도 Background enhancement in breast MR: Correlation with breast density in mammography and background echotexture in ultrasound Eur J Radiol

2010년도 Triple-negative breast cancer: correlation between imaging and pathologic findings Eur Radiol

2009년도 A comparison of outcomes for the patients with pathologically node-negative breast cancer and who were treated either with sentinel node biopsy only or with conventional axillary lymph node dissection J Breast Cancer

2009년도 Safety and efficacy of tibolone in breast cancer patients with vasomotor symptoms: a double-blind, randomized, non-inferiority trial Lancet Oncol

2009년도 The incidence of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea and recovery in young (<45) breast cancer patients J Breast Cancer

2008년도 Recovery of ovarian function with aromatase inhibitors: In young breast cancer patients (<45) with chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea J Breast Cancer

2008년도 Availability of fine needle aspirates for the assessment of HER-2 gene amplification in invasive breast cancer patients Korean J Lab Med

2008년도 Chronological changing patterns of clinical characteristics of Korean breast cancer patients during 10 years (1996-2006) using nationwide breast cancer registration on-line program: biannual update J Surg Oncol

2008년도 Activation of mTOR signaling pathway in breast cancer and its correlation with clinicopathologic variables Breast Cancer Res Treat

2007년도 Risk factors for recurrence after surgical treatment of malignant phyllodes tumor of the breast J Breast Cancer

2007년도 Predictors of non-sentinel node metastasis in breast cancer J Breast Cancer

2007년도 The clinicopathologic characteristics of breast carcinoma associated with nipple discharge J Breast Cancer

2006년도 Utility of breast sentinel lymph node biopsy using the day-before or the same-day subareolar injection of 99mTc-Tin colloid J Breast Cancer

2006년도 The prognosis of breast cancer patients with 10 or more positive axillary lymph nodes J Breast Cancer

2006년도 A phase II study of neoadjuvant docetaxel plus doxorubicin (KBCS-01) in stage II,III breast cancer Breast Cancer Res Treat

2006년도 Phase II study of neoadjuvant docetaxel plus doxorubicin (KBCS-01) in stage II,III breast cancer Breast Cancer Res Treat

2006년도 The prognosis of breast cancer patients with 10 or more positive axillary lymph nodes J breast Cancer

2006년도 Utility of breast sentinel node biopsy using the day-before or the same-day subareolar injection of 99mTc-Tin colloid J Breast Cancer

2005년도 Ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence after breast conserving surgery: A comparison of quadrantectomy vs lumpectomy at a single institution World J Surg

2005년도 Breast mass in three-year-old girl: Differentiation of secretory carcinoma vs abnormal thelarche by fine needle aspiration biopsy Surgery

2005년도 Ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence after breast conserving surgery: A comparison of quadrantectomy vs. lumpectomy at a single institution World J Surg


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