


연세대학교 의학과 졸업, 석/박사


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혈액종양내과 분과전문의
서울아산병원 인턴
연세의료원 세브란스병원 내과 전공의
국립목포병원 내과 과장 (공중보건의 근무)
연세의료원 연세암센터 종양내과 강사 및 임상연구조교수
미국 국립암연구소 (NIH/NCI) 박사후 연구원
미국 텍사스 대학교 엠디앤더슨 암센터 (The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center) 1상 신약 임상시험 프로그램 임상강사
연세의료원 연세암병원 종양내과 계약교수
차의과학대학교 분당차병원 종양내과 부교수(現)


(국외)SCI MED-TMA: A clinical decision support tool for differential diagnosis of TMA with enhanced accuracy using an ensemble method, Thrombosis research, 2020-06

(국외)SCIE Association between Five Common Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) Gene Polymorphisms and Colorectal Cancer Susceptibility, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020-06

(국외)SCI Distinct genetic profile with recurrent population-specific missense variants in Korean adult atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, Thrombosis research, 2020-06

(국외)SCIE Targeting Actomyosin Contractility Suppresses Malignant Phenotypes of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020-05

(국외)SCI Korean red ginseng for cancer-related fatigue in colorectal cancer patients with chemotherapy: A randomised phase III trial, European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990), 2020-02

(국외)SCI Association between KCNQ2, TCF4 and RGS18 polymorphisms and silent brain infarction based on whole?exome sequencing, Molecular Medicine Reports, 2020-01

(국외)기타 REACH-2: First Biomarker-Based Anti-Angiogenic Therapy in Patients With Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Chinese clinical oncology, 2020-01

(국외)SCI Immune gene signatures for predicting durable clinical benefit of anti-PD-1 immunotherapy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer., Scientific reports, 2019-12

(국내)SCIE Consensus regarding diagnosis and management of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, The Korean journal of internal medicine, 2019-12

(국내)SCIE The First Korean Case of High-Molecular-Weight Kininogen Deficiency, With a Novel Variant, c.488delG, in the KNG1 Gene, Annals of Laboratory Medicine, 2019-11

(국외)SCI Molecular mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer: A review, International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer, 2019-09

(국내)SCOPUS Prognostic utility of ADAMTS13 activity for the atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) and comparison of complement serology between aHUS and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, Blood Research, 2019-08

(국외)기타 Transglutaminase 2 Induces Intrinsic EGFR-TKI Resistance in NSCLC Harboring EGFR Sensitive Mutations, American journal of cancer research., 2019-08

(국외)SCIE Analysis of the Association Between MicroRNA Biogenesis Gene Polymorphisms and Venous Thromboembolism in Koreans, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019-07

(국외)SCIE STING signaling is a potential immunotherapeutic target in colorectal cancer, Journal of Cancer, 2019-07

(국외)SCI STING activation reprograms tumor vasculatures and synergizes with VEGFR2 blockade, The Journal of clinical investigation, 2019-07

(국외)기타 IL-27 Enhances IL-15/IL-18-mediated Activation of Human Natural Killer Cells, Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 2019-07

(국외)SCIE Association study of miR-146a, miR-149, miR-196a2, and miR-499 polymorphisms with venous thromboembolism in a Korean population, Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, 2019-01

(국외)SCIE A novel PI3K/mTOR dual inhibitor, CMG002, overcomes the chemoresistance in ovarian cancer, Gynecologic oncology, 2019-01

(국외)SCI Robotic transduodenal ampullectomy: A novel minimallyinvasive approach for ampullary neoplasms, The international journal of medical robotics + computer assisted surgery : MRCAS, 2018-12


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