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가정의학과 전문의, 노인병인정의, 기능의학인정의
초음파검사인증의, 대한가정의학회 내시경 실기 지도전문의
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아주대학교 의료원 가정의학교실 진료교수
대한의사협회 네이버 지식iN 가정의학 상담의사
DynaMed 보완대체의학분과 논문심사위원
미국 통합의학 전문저널 Explore 논문심사위원 외 다수
현) 조선대학교병원 가정의학과 과장
현) 조선대학교병원 종합건강증진센터 센터장
현) 조선대학교 보건진료소 소장


Association Between Constipation-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Dietary Habits of the Elderly Aged Over 65, J Korean Geriatr Soc 2016;20(2):94-101

Prediction of Long-Term Mortality Based on Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, AJMS, May, 2016, Volume 351(5), Pages 467-472.

The Level of Fatigue severity and The Quality of Sleep in Medical School Students, The Medical Journal of Chonbuk National University, December, 2014, Volume 38(2), Pages 23-31.

Iron-mediated Regulation of Metalloprotease VvpE Production in Vibrio vulnificus, New Microbiologica, October, 2012, Volume35, Pages 481-486.

The Relationship Between Quality of Life and Comorbid Depression or Anxiety in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Korean Journal of Health Promotion, December, 2011, Volume 11(4), Pages 184-190.

A review of Child accidents and injuries in the emergency department of the community hospital, The Journal of SUMSI, October, 2011, Volume 6(2), Pages 01-05.

Body composition and osteopenia in the young-aged men, The Journal of SUMSI, October, 2011, Volume 6(2), Pages 30-34.

Histologic comparison of Polycystic ovary syndrome induced by estradiol valerate and letrozole, Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, June, 2011,Volume 54(6),Pages 294-299.

Vibrio vulnificus Hemolysin Is Easily Inactivated in Spite of Being Produced at High Levels in Cirrhotic Ascites by a fur Mutation, Journal of Bacteriology and Virology, April, 2011, Volume41(2), Pages 91-98.

The effect of Functional food on metabolism of nonalcoholic liver disease and metabolic syndrome, The Journal of SUMSI, October, 2010, Volume 5(2), Pages 94-99.

A Possible Link between Catabolite Repression and Quorum Sensing in Vibrio vulnificus, The Medical Journal of Chosun University, June, 2010, Volume 35(2), Pages 89-94.

A Case of Retroperitoneal Leiomyoma after Subtotal Hysterectomy, The Medical Journal of Chosun University, March, 2010, Volume 35(1), Pages 63-66.

Regulation of the Metalloprotease VvpE Production by Cyclic AMP-receptor Protein in Vibrio vulnificus, The Medical Journal of Chosun University, June, 2009, Volume 34(2), Pages 87-95.

Depression Level among Family Caregivers of Hospice Patients, Korean Journal of Family Medicine, March, 2009, Volume 30(3), Pages 175-181.

A Case of Colonic Metastatic Malignant Melanoma of Unknown Origin, Korean Journal of Gastrointesinal Endoscopy, January, 2006, Volume 32, Pages 62-66.


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