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2014 대한 정형외과 학회 SICOT 93 Seoul 학술본상 수상


valuation of physical performance level as a fall risk factor in women with a distal radial fracture.
Cho YJ, Gong HS, Song CH, Lee YH, Baek GH.J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014 Mar 5;96(5):361-5.
The effect of buffered lidocaine in local anesthesia: a prospective, randomized, double-blind study.
Lee HJ, Cho YJ, Gong HS, Rhee SH, Park HS, Baek GH. J Hand Surg Am. 2013 May;38(5):971-5.
The radiologic relationship of the shoulder girdle to the thorax as an aid in diagnosing neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome.
Cho YJ, Lee HJ, Gong HS, Rhee SH, Park SJ, Baek GH. J Hand Surg Am. 2012 Jun;37(6):1187-93.
Accuracy of Intramedullary versus Extra medullary Tibial Alignment Guides: A Randomized, Prospective Study in Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty.
Cho YJ, Han HS,Yoon KS, Lee JH, Lee JH, Jo HC, Kang SB. Knee SurgRelat Res. 2007;19(3) :181-6
The Outcome of Total Knee Arthroplasty in Diabetics.
Cho YJ, Kang SB, M.D., Yoon KS, Lee JH, Jo HC, Lee JH, Han HS.J Korean Orthop Assoc. 2007; 42: 737-742
Functional and Morphological Study on the Contribution from Proximal Nerve Stump in Double End-to-side Nerve Repair of Median Nerve in the Rat - Comparison with Classical End-to-side Nerve Repair.
Jung JM, Baek GH, Lee YH, Gong HS, Cho YJ, Park JH, Chung MS. J Korean SocSurg Hand. 2007; 8(12):1-7
Mid to Long-term Outcome of Vascularized Pronator Quadratus-wrapped Radial Bone Flap Arthroplasty for Advanced Kienbock’s Disease.
Gong HS, Baek GH, Lee YH, Kim SH, Cho YJ,Chung MS. J Korean SocSurg Hand. 2006; 13(15): 101-6
End to end, end to side neurorrhaphy.
Baek GH, Cho YJ. Presented at the Instructional course lecture, KOA, Seoul, Oct 14, 2011
Assessment of the position of the shoulder girdle using plain cervical radiograph in thoracic outlet syndrome.
Cho YJ. Presented at the KOA (Podium), Seoul, Oct 13, 2011
The Outcome of Total Knee Arthroplasty in Diabetics.
Cho YJ.Presented at the KOA (Podium), Seoul, Oct 14, 2005
Assessment of the position of the shoulder girdle using plain cervical radiograph in thoracic outlet syndrome .
Cho YJ. Presented at the KSSH (Podium), Seoul, Nov26, 2011
The Outcome of Total Knee Arthroplasty in Diabetics.
Cho YJ.Presented at the KKS (Podium), Seoul, May 11, 2007


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