
  #뇌졸중 검진 및 약물치료#뇌전증#경동맥질환#편두통




연세대학교의료원 신경과 연구강사(1995. 3 -1996. 2)
미국 메이요클리닉(Mayo Clinic) 연구원(2000. 3 - 2001. 12)
영남대병원 신경과 교수, 신경과 과장


1. 심정지 후에 3 Hz 전반극서파가 지속되었던 혼수 환자, J Korean Neurol Assoc. 2015;33(3):209-212

2. 급성허혈뇌졸중 환자의 급성증상발작: 발생률 및 예측인자, J Korean Neurol Assoc. 2015;33(2):89-96

3. A case of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome associated with acute pancreatitis and chronic alcoholism, General Hospital Psychiatry 37 (2015) 192.e3?.192.e5

4. Suicidality and Its Risk Factors in Korean People with Epilepsy:A MEPSY Study, J Clin Neurol. 2015 Jan;11(1):32-41.

5. Predictors of quality of life and their interrelations in Korean people, Seizure. 2014 Oct;23(9):762-8.

6. Validation of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 in people with epilepsy: A MEPSY study, Epilepsy Behav. 2014 Jun;35:59-63.

7. 발작성야간혈색뇨증과 동반된 진행성 모야모야증후군, J Korean Neurol Assoc 32(4):285-288, 2014

8. Two-year direct medical costs of stroke in Korea: a multi-centre incidence-d study from hospital perspectives, Int J Stroke. 2013 Apr;8(3):186-92.

9. 내경동맥에서 비정상적으로 기시한 척추동맥, J Korean Neurol Assoc 31(4):292-294, 2013

10. 뇌전증지속상태를 동반한 시스플라틴(cisplatin) 유발 뇌전증 (Cisplatin-Induced Encephalopathy With Status Epilepticus), J Korean Neurol Assoc 31(2):122-124, 2013

11. Pregabalin intoxicaction-induced encephalopathy with triphasic waves, Epilepsy & Behavior 25 (2012) 170?.173

12. Short-term efficacy and safety of zonisamide as adjunctive treatment for refractory partial siezures: A multicenter open-label single-arm trial in Korean patients, Seizure. 2012 Apr;21(3):188-93

12. 스코폴라민부착포에 의해 발생한 중추성항콜린 증후군 1예, YUJM 29(1):58-60, 2012

13. 급성기 뇌졸중후발작, J Korean Neurol Assoc 30(2):125-127, 2012


뇌졸중(중풍)이야기 신경학2판


영남대병원, 28일 뇌졸중 교실 개최

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