


1987 .03 .01 ~ 1993 .02 .25 : 고려대학교 의과대학교 의학과
2001 .03 .01 ~ 2003 .08 .25 : 고려대학교 대학원 의학박사


1993 .03 ~ 1994 .02 : 고려대학교 구로병원 인턴
1994 .03 ~ 1998 .02 : 고려대학교 안암병원 정신과 전공의
1998 .05 ~ 2001 .04 : 전라북도 마음사랑병원 공중보건의
2001 .05 ~ 2003 .02 : 고려대학교 안암병원 정신과 전임의
2003 .03 ~ 2003 .12 : 용인정신병원 진료과장
2004 .01 ~ 2009 .02 : 한림대학교 한강성심병원 정신과 부교수
2009 .03 ~ : 고려대학교 안암병원 정신과 교수
2013 .09 ~ 2014 .08 : 피츠버그 대학교 의과대학 정신과 방문교수
2017 .09 ~ : 고려대학교 안암병원 연구부원장
2018 .01 ~ : 고려대학교 안암병원 정신건강의학과 과장
2018 .03 ~ : 고려대학교의과대학 인간행동과 유전자연구소 소장


[SCI] (Serum FAM19A5 levels: A novel biomarker for neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration in major depressive disorder)

[SCI] (Comparison of shape alterations of the thalamus and caudate nucleus between drug-naive major depressive disorder patients and healthy controls)

[SCI] (A study combining whole-exome sequencing and structural neuroimaging analysis for major depressive disorder)

[SCI] (ARPNet:Antidepressant Response Prediction Network for Major Depressive Disorder)

[SCI] (Alterations in functional brain networks in depressed patients with a suicide attempt history)

[SCI] (Depression and suicide risk prediction models using blood-derived multi-omics data)

[SCI] (Chronic medical conditions and metabolic syndrome as risk factors for incidence of major depressive disorder: A longitudinal study based on 4.7 million adults in South Korea)

[SCI] (Whole-exome sequencing identifies variants associated with structural MRI markers in patients with bipolar disorders)

[SCI] (Whole-exome sequencing identifies variants associated with structural MRI markers in patients with bipolar disorders)

[SCI] (Hippocampal subfield volumes in major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder)

[SCI] (Interaction effects of oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism and depression on hippocampal volume)

[SCI] (Differential effect of COMT gene methylation on the prefrontal connectivity in subjects with depression versus healthy subjects)

[SCI] (The effects of 5-HTTLPR and BDNF Val66Met polymorphisms on neurostructural changes in major depressive disorder)

[SCI] (Structural characteristics of the brain reward circuit regions in patients with bipolar I disorder: A voxel-based morphometric study)

[SCI] (TESC gene-regulating genetic variant (rs7294919) affects hippocampal subfield volumes and parahippocampal cingulum white matter integrity in major depressve disorder)

[SCI] (Precarious employment associated with depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in adult wage workers)

[SCI] (The association between substance P and white matter integrity in medication-naive patients with major depressive disorder)

[SCI] (Vesicular monoamine transporter 1 gene polymorphism and white matter integrity in major depressive disorder)

[SCI] (Local gyrification index in patients with major depressive disorder and its association with tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (TPH2) polymorphism)

[SCI] (Influence of FKBP5 polymorphism and DNA methylation on structural changes of the brain in major depressive disorder)

[SCI] (Alterations in the brainstem volume of patients with major depressive disorder and their relationship with antidepressant treatment)

[SCI] (Regional cortical thinning of the orbitofrontal cortex in medication-naive female patients with major depressive disorder is not associated with MAOA-uVNTR polymorphism)

[SCI] (Effects of a Polymorphism of the Neuronal Amino Acid Transporter SLC6A15 Gene on Structural Integrity of White Matter Tracts in Major Depressive Disorder)

[SCI] (Influence of BclI C/G (rs41423247) on hippocampal shape and white matter integrity of the parahippocampal cingulum in major depressive disorder)

[SCI] (Association between reduced white matter integrity in the corpus callosum and serotonin transporter gene DNA methylation in medication-naive patients with major depressive disorder)

[SCI] (Mental health service use in adults with suicidal ideation within a nationally representative sample of the Korean population)

[SCI] (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor promoter methylation and cortical thickness in recurrent major depressive disorder)

[SCI] (Frontoparietal Cortical Thinning in Respiratory-Type Panic Disorder: A Preliminary Report)

[SCI] (Impact of the glucocorticoid receptor BclI polymorphism on reward expectancy and prediction error related ventral striatal reactivity in depressed and healthy individuals)

[SCI] (Imaging genetics studies on monoaminergic genes in major depressive disorder)

[SCI] (Association of brain-derived neurotrophic factor DNA methylation and reduced white matter integrity in the anterior corona radiata in major depression)

[SCI] (Impact of lingual gyrus volume on antidepressant response and neurocognitive functions in Major Depressive Disorder: A voxel-based morphometry study)

[SCI] (Association between glucocorticoid receptor methylation and hippocampal subfields in major depressive disorder)

[SCI] (Cortical thickness, cortical and subcortical volume, and white matter integrity in patients with their first episode of major depression)

[SCI] (Effect of the COMT val158met polymorphism on white matter connectivity in patients with major depressive disorder)

[SCI] (Stress and mental illness)

[SCI] (Impact of tryptophan hydroxylase 2 G-703T polymorphism on anger-related personality traits and orbitofrontal cortex)

[SCI] (DRD2/ANKK1 TaqI A polymorphism affects corticostriatal activity in response to negative affective facial stimuli)

[SCI] (Demonstration of decreased gray matter concentration in the midbrain encompassing the dorsal raphe nucleus and the limbic subcortical regions in major depressive disorder: An optimized voxel-based morphometry study)

[SCI] (Neural substrates of affective face recognition in alexithymia: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study)

[SCI] (Association between tryptophan hydroxylase 2 polymorphism and anger-related personality traits among young Korean women)

[SCI] (Paroxetine mesylate: comparable to paroxetine hydrochloride?)

[SCI] (Trial of aripiprazole in the treatment of first-episode schizophrenia.)

[SCI] (Milnacipran: beyond a role of antidepressant.)

[SCI] (The neural substrates of affective face recognition in patients with Hwa-Byung and healthy individuals in Korea.)

(Increased transforming growth factor-beta1 in alcohol dependence.)

[SCI] (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene polymorphisms and mirtazapine responses in Koreans with major depression.)

[SCI] (Impact of the tryptophan hydroxylase 1 gene A218C polymorphism on amygdala activity in response to affective facial stimuli in patients with major depressive disorder.)

[SCI] (Relation between plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth factor in the male patients with alcohol dependence.)

[SCI] (Thyroid hormones affect recovery from depression during antidepressant treatment.)

(Efficacy of naltrexone in the treatment of chronic refractory itching in burn patients: preliminary report of an open trial.)

[SCI] (Dysfunction of the neural network associated with sustained attention in cancer patients with clinically significant depressive symptoms.)

[SCI] (Serotonergic genes and amygdala activity in response to negative affective facial stimuli in Korean women.)

[SCI] (Activity-dependent NR2B expression is mediated by MeCP2-dependent epigenetic regulation.)

[SCI] (Paroxetine: safety and tolerability issues.)

[SCI] (Do estradiol levels influence on the cognitive function during antidepressant treatments in post-menopausal women with major depressive disorder? A comparison with pre-menopausal women.)

[SCI] (Neural correlates of affective processing in response to sad and angry facial stimuli in patients with major depressive disorder.)

[SCI] (Major genetic components underlying alcoholism in Korean population.)

[SCI] (Monoamine oxidase A-uVNTR genotype affects limbic brain activity in response to affective facial stimuli.)

[SCI] (An interaction between the norepinephrine transporter and monoamine oxidase A polymorphisms, and novelty-seeking personality traits in Korean females.)

[SCI] (Psychological job characteristics and alexithymic traits in Korean white-collar workers.)

[SCI] (Association study of dopamine receptor D2 TaqI A polymorphism and reward-related personality traits in healthy Korean young females.)

[SCI] (The neural substrates of affective processing toward positive and negative affective pictures in patients with major depressive disorder.)

[SCI] (Association between monoamine oxidase A polymorphisms and anger-related personality traits in Korean women.)

[SCI] (Decreased GABA levels in anterior cingulate and basal ganglia in medicated subjects with panic disorder: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) study.)

[SCI] (Association between the tryptophan hydroxylase-1 gene A218C polymorphism and citalopram antidepressant response in a Korean population.)

[SCI] (Decreased N-acetyl-aspartate levels in anterior cingulate and hippocampus in subjects with post-traumatic stress disorder: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study.)

[SCI] (Personality, dopamine receptor D4 exon III polymorphisms, and academic achievement in medical students.)

[SCI] (Genetic polymorphisms of alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase, dopamine and serotonin transporters in familial and non-familial alcoholism.)

[SCI] (No association between the tryptophan hydroxylase gene polymorphism and major depressive disorders and antidepressant response in a Korean population.)

[SCI] (Comparison of efficacy and safety of milnacipran and fluoxetine in Korean patients with major depression.)

[SCI] (Association between the catechol O-methyltransferase Val108/158Met polymorphism and alexithymia.)

[SCI] (Serotonin receptor 2A gene polymorphism (-1438A/G) and short-term treatment response to citalopram.)

[SCI] (Functional clustering in EEG photic and auditory driving in schizophrenia.)

[SCI] (Reward dependence is related to norepinephrine transporter T-182C gene polymorphism in a Korean population.)

[SCI] (Association between the 5-HT6 receptor C267T polymorphism and response to antidepressant treatment in major depressive disorder.)

[SCI] (Association between major depressive disorder and the -1438A/G polymorphism of the serotonin 2A receptor gene.)

[SCI] (Association between norepinephrine transporter gene polymorphism and major depression)

[SCI] (Association between a G-protein beta 3 subunit gene polymorphism and the symptomatology and treatment responses of major depressive disorders.)

[SCI] (Serotonergic genes and personality traits in the Korean population.)

[SCI] (Hemispheric laterality and dimensional complexity in schizophrenia under sound and light stimulation.)

[SCI] (EEG in schizophrenic patients: mutual information analysis.)


마음의 감기 치료법 우울증 119
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[생생건강 365] 우울증, 고립감 벗어나는 게 최우선


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