


2017 ~ 2019 : 성균관대학교 대학원 의학 박사과정 수료
2009 ~ 2009 : 건국대학교 대학원 의학 석사
1998 ~ 2005 : 건국대학교 의학 학사


2017 .03 ~ : 고려대학교 안암병원 유방내분비외과 임상조교수
2015 .03 ~ 2017 .02 : 삼성서울병원 유방내분비외과분과 진료조교수
2013 .03 ~ 2015 .02 : 삼성서울병원 유방내분비외과 임상전임강사
2012 .03 ~ 2013 .02 : 삼성서울병원 유방내분비외과 임상강사
2011 .06 ~ 2012 .02 : 건국대학교병원 임상강사
2010 .03 ~ 2011 .05 : 삼성서울병원 유방내분비외과 임상강사
2006 .03 ~ 2010 .02 : 건국대학교병원 레지던트
2005 .03 ~ 2006 .02 : 건국대학교병원 인턴


[SCI] (Clinical subtypes and prognosis in breast cancer according to parity: a nationwide study in Korean Breast Cancer Society)
/ 2019.01.01

[SCI] (Risk Factors Affecting Breast Cancer-related Lymphedema: Serial Body Weight Change During Neoadjuvant Anthracycline Plus Cyclophosphamide Followed by Taxane)
/ 2018.01.01

[SCI] (Genetic Diagnosis before Surgery has an Impact on Surgical Decision in BRCA Mutation Carriers with Breast Cancer)
/ 2018.01.01

[SCI] (Lymph node ratio as an alternative to pN staging for predicting prognosis after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer)
/ 2018.01.01

[SCI] (Differences in prognosis and efficacy of chemotherapy by p53 expression in triple-negative breast cancer)
/ 2018.01.01

[SCI] (Clinical subtypes and prognosis of pregnancy-associated breast cancer: results from the Korean Breast Cancer Society Registry database)
/ 2018.01.01

[SCI] (Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Prognosis of Pregnancy-Associated Breast Cancer: A Time-Trends Study of the Korean Breast Cancer Registry Database)
/ 2018.01.01

[SCI] (Prognostic value of immunohistochemically detected p53 in adjuvant chemotherapy-treated triple negative breast cancer)
/ 2018.01.01

[SCI] (Clinical Characteristics and Prognosis of Pregnancy-Associated Breast Cancer: Poor Survival of Luminal B Subtype)
/ 2018.01.01

[SCI] (Fibronectin expression is upregulated by PI-3K/Akt activation in tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer cells)
/ 2017.01.01

[SCI] (Wild-type p53 controls the level of fibronectin expression in breast cancer cells)
/ 2017.01.01

[SCI] (Variations in plasma concentrations of tamoxifen metabolites and the effects of genetic polymorphisms on tamoxifen metabolism in Korean patients with breast cancer)
/ 2017.01.01

[SCI] (Oncologic Safety of Immediate Breast Reconstruction in Breast Cancer Patients Who Underwent Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Short-Term Outcomes of a Matched Case-Control Study)
/ 2017.01.01

[SCI] (Oncologic Outcomes after Immediate Breast Reconstruction Following Total Mastectomy in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Matched Case-Control Study)
/ 2017.01.01

[SCI] (Suggestion of BRCA1 c.5339T>C (p.L1780P) variant confer from 'unknown significance' to 'Likely pathogenic' based on clinical evidence in Korea)
/ 2017.01.01


저서명: 우리 가족 주치의 굿닥터스
저자:대한의학회 , 대한의사협회
출판사: 맥스미디어


고대안암 배수연 교수팀, 임신성 유방암 치료 전환점 제시

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