


1974 ~ 1980 : 고려대학교 의과대학 학사
1981 ~ 1983 : 고려대학교 대학원 피부과학 석사
1984 ~ 1990 : 고려대학교 대학원 피부과학 박사


1980 ~ 1981 : 고려대학교안암병원 인턴
1981 ~ 1984 : 고려대학교안암병원 피부과 레지던트
1987 ~ 1988 : 고려대학교구로병원 피부과 전임강사
1988 ~ 1989 : 고려대학교안암병원 피부과 전임강사
1989 ~ 1993 : 고려대학교안암병원 피부과 조교수
1994 ~ 1998 : 고려대학교안암병원 피부과 부교수
1998 ~ : 고려대학교안암병원 피부과 정교수
2001 ~ 2005 : 고려대학교 의과대학 피부과학교실 주임
2001 ~ 2012 : 고려대학교안암병원 피부과 과장


[SCI] (A new classification of pattern hair loss that is universal for men and women: Basic and specific (BASP) classification)

[SCI] (Videoconferencing journal club for dermatology residency training: An attitude study)

[SCI] (Analysis of erythema after Er : YAG laser skin resurfacing)

[SCI] (Targeted Broadband UVB Phototherapy for the Treatment of Localized Vitiligo)

[SCI] (Successful treatment of tinea pedis with a topical agent containing isoconazole nitrate and diflucortolone valerate)

[SCI] (Treatment-Seeking Behaviors and Related Epidemiological Features in Korean Acne Patients)

[SCI] (Treatment of Becker's Nevi With a Long-Pulse Alexandrite Laser)

[SCI] (Upregulation of Fas and downregulation of CD94/NKG2A inhibitory receptors on circulating natural killer cells in patients with new-onset psoriasis)

[SCI] (A quantitative assessment of the human skin surface using polarized light digital photography and its dermatologic significance)

[SCI] (Up-regulation of TNF-alpha secretion by cigarette smoke is mediated by Egr-1 in HaCaT human keratinocytes)

[SCI] (Altered cytokine profiles of mononuclear cells after stimulation in a patient with Blau syndrome)

[SCI] (Cigarette smoke-induced Egr-1 represses T beta R-II expression in human skin dermal fibroblasts)

[SCI] (Colorimetric measurements of iris colour and their significance in East Asian patients with skin cancer)

[SCI] (Study to compare the efficacy and safety of fluconazole cream with flutrimazole cream in the treatment of superficial mycosis: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, phase III trial)

[SCI] (Better understanding of digital photography for skin color measurement: With a special emphasis on light characteristics)

[SCI] (A Novel Consistent Photomicrography Technique Using a Reference Slide Made of Neutral Density Filter)

[SCI] (A multicenter epidemiological study of acne vulgaris in Korea)

[SCI] (Analysis of familial factors using the basic and specific (BASP) classification in Korean patients with androgenetic alopecia)

[SCI] (Cigarette smoke-induced early growth response-1 regulates the expression of the cysteine-rich 61 in human skin dermal fibroblasts.)

[SCI] (A Nationwide Study of Acne Treatment Patterns in Korea: Analysis of Patient Preconceived Notions and Dermatologist Suggestion for Treatment.)


레이저 박피술
피부질환에 대한 레이저의 임상적이용
유식의 즐거움


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