


연세대학교 외과대학 졸업(1981)
연세대학교 대학원 의학석사 및 의학박사


연세의대 세브란스병원 수련 및 외과 전문의(1986)
연세의대 세브란스병원 연구강사(1989-1990)
미국 Pittsburgh NSABP(미국립유방암임상시험센터)책임연구원(1996-1998)
한림의대 외과 교수(1991-2010)
한림의대 강동성심병원 기획실장
한림의대 강동성심병원장
현)성균관의대 외과교수(2011-)
현)강북삼성병원 유방갑상선 암센터 센터장


1. Paik S, Bryant J, Park C, et al. erbB-2 and response to doxorubicin in patients with
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2. Paik S, Bryant J, Tan-Chiu E, Park C et al: HER2 and choice of adjuvant chemotherapy
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3. ChanheunPark,EunsookNam,HyeongsikSin: Reduced expression of the cell cycle inhibitor
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4. Paik S, Park C: HER2 and choice of adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer (review).

5. Sung-Won Kim, Wonshik Han, Joon Jeong, et al: The Policy Proposal for Effective Prevention
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6. Sook Hyun Lee, Seong Rae Kim, ChanHeunParketal:Loss of Heterozygosity of Chromosome 17p13
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7. Hyun-Sik Kim, Won-Hyuk Choi, Chan-HeunParketal:Loss of Heterozygosity of E-Cadherin Gene and
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8. Hwa Eun Oh, ChanHeunPark,SeongJinChoetal:Expression of the c-met Gene in Invasive Ductal
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9. Hyo Chan Seo, SeoungIlKim,WooIckYang,ChanHunPark: Cyclin D1 Expression in Primary Breast
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10. Soo Jin Kim,M.D.2,JongHoYoon,M.D.2,WoongYounChung,M.D.1,KeeHyunNam,M.D.1,ChanHeunPark,M.D.2

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11. Hee Jeong Cha, M.D., SeongJinCho,M.D.1,ChongWooYoo,M.D.1,WuYoungChang,M.D.1,
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12. Jin Won Seol, Seung Il KimChan Heun Parket al: Prognostic Value of Elevated Cyclooxygenase-2
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13. Sung Goo Chung, ChanheunPark:AxillarylymphnodeSarcoidosisJKoreanSurgSoc2001;61:220-223

14. Do Won Ha, ChanheunPark:GastrointestinalStromalTumors;ClinicopathologicalFeaturesand
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