[최근논문] (1) 침윤성 유방암과 주변 정상 관상피세포에서의 COX-2 발현의 의의 대한외과학회지 79: 180-188, 2010
(2) 단일 기관에서 10년간 시행한 갑상선 미세유두암의 내시경 갑상선절제술의 경험:유방접근법과 무기하 액와접근법 대한외과학회지 79:326-331, 2010
(3) Clinical and Imaging Assessment of Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma World J Surg 2010 34: 1494-1499
(4) Overexpression of p53 is correlated with poor outcome in premenopausal women with breast cancer treated with tamoxifen after chemotherapy Breast Cancer Res Treat 2010 121:777-788
(5) Prognostic significance if insulin growth factor-I receptor and insulin growth factor binding p rotein-3 expression in primary breast cancer Oncology reports 23: 989-995 2010
(6) Long-term results after excision of breast mass using a vacuum-assisted biopsy device ANZ J Surg 79(11) 794-798, 2009
(7) The Use of Absorbable Surgical Mesh after Partial Mastectomy for Improving the Cosmetic Outcome 한국유방암학회지 12권3호 210-214, 2009
(8) 유방수술에 있어서 외과용 메시 사용현황에 대한 국내 설문조사 결과 한국유방암학회지 12권3호 210-214, 2009
(9) Imaging and clinicopathological characteristics of breast cancers in young group compared to in old group 한국유방암학회지 12권 2 호, 2009
(10) Prevention of thyroidectomy scar using 1,550-nm fractional erbium-glass laser Dermatol Surg 35(8) 1199-1205, 2009