

  #뇌졸중#소아재활#언어/인지재활#족부/보조기 클리닉#체외충격파 치료#통증#희귀근육질환#헬스조선명의


경희대학교 의학과 학사(87.03-94.02)
경희대학교 대학원 의학과 석사(00.03-02.02)
경희대학교 대학원 의학과 박사(02.03-05.02)


경희의료원 수련의(94.03-95.02)
경희의료원 재활의학과 전공의(98.05-02.02)
서울아산병원 재활의학과 임상강사(뇌졸중, 소아재활)(02.03-03.02)
관동대학교 의과대학 명지병원 재활의학과 과장/조교수(03.03-05.12)
강동경희대학교병원 재활의학과 과장/조교수(06.03-09.02)
강동경희대학교병원 재활의학과 과장/부교수(09.03-14.02)
(현) 강동경희대학교병원 재활의학과 교수
(현) 강동경희대학교병원 뇌신경센터 센터장
(현) 강동경희대학교병원 대외협력실 실장


Association between phonation and the vowel quadrilateral in patients with stroke A retrospective observational study (MEDICINE. 2020;99(39):1-6)

Hiccups triggered by bladder filling after bilateral pontine hemorrhage A case report (MEDICINE. 2020;99(14):1-3)

Comparison of simple frenotomy with 4-flap Z-frenuloplasty in treatment for ankyloglossia with articulation difficulty: A prospective randomized study (International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2020;136(110146):1-6)

Iliopsoas hematoma presenting with sudden knee extensor weakness: A case report (Medicine. 2020;99(50):e23497-0)

Acute cholecystitis as a rare and overlooked complication in stroke patients A retrospective monocentric study (MEDICINE. 2019;98(9):1-5)

Correlations between swallowing function and acoustic vowel space in stroke patients with dysarthria (NeuroRehabilitation. 2019;45(4):463-469)

Five-year follow-up outcomes of comprehensive rehabilitation in Korean siblings with cerebral, ocular, dental, auricular, skeletal anomalies (CODAS) syndrome A case report (MEDICINE. 2019;98(23):1-5)

Nonsurgical treatments for patients with radicular pain from lumbosacral disc herniation (SPINE JOURNAL. 2019;19(9):1478-1489)

Clinical Practice Guideline for Cardiac Rehabilitation in Korea: Recommendations for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention after Acute Coronary Syndrome (KOREAN CIRCULATION JOURNAL. 2019;49(11):1066-1111)

When does spasticity in the upper limb develop after a first stroke? A nationwide observational study on 861 stroke patients (Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2019;66(1):144-148)

안면마비 환자에서 표면 근전도 검사와 통상적 근전도 검사간 상관관계 (대한근전도 전기진단의학회지. 2018;20(2):84-90)

국내 급성기 재활의료 공급체계 (대한의사협회지. 2017;60(11):864-869)

Reliability and Validity of the Korean Kessler Foundation Neglect Assessment Process (brain and neurorehabilitation. 2017;10(2):1-7)

압력센서가 내장된 보행 분석기를 통한 아치 형성 보행의 생역학적 변수의 특성 (대한스포츠의학회지. 2016;34(1):36-42)

Interleukin-6 Receptor Polymorphisms Contribute to the Neurological Status of Korean Patients with Ischemic Stroke (JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2016;31(3):430-434)

Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation Outcomes in Korea Derived from the Korean Brain Rehabilitation Centers' Online Database System for the Years 2007 to 2011 (JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2015;30(7):644-650)

Association between BH3 interacting domain death agonist (BID) gene polymorphism and ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament in Korean population (MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS. 2014;41(2):895-899)

T Allele of nonsense polymorphism (rs2039381, Gln71Stop) of interferon-epsilon is a risk factor for the development of intracerebral hemorrhage (HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY. 2014;75(1):88-90)

Lower Extremity Exercise of Knee Osteoarthritis Patients Using Portable Assistive Robot (HEXAR-KR40P) (International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. 2014;15(12):2617-2622)

Nanostructural and Nanomechanical Responses of Collagen Fibrils in the Collagenase-Induced Achilles Tendinitis (Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2013;13(11):7279-7286)

Short Term Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients with Catastrophic Intractable Tinnitus: Preliminary Report (CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY. 2013;6(2):63-67)

Association of CXCL1 promoter polymorphism with ischaemic stroke in Korean population (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMMUNOGENETICS. 2013;40(4):306-310)

Thyroid Cancer Initially Presenting Compression Fracture without Common Thyroid Symptoms (Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;36(5):735-738)

Korean Brain Rehabilitation Registry for Rehabilitation of Persons with Brain Disorders: Annual Report in 2009 (JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2012;27(6):691-696)

NADPH oxidase 1 mediated a-synucleinopathy in Parkinson's disease (JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2012;32(42):14465-14477)

Effects of extracorporeal shockwave therapy on nanostructural and biomechanical responses in the collagenase-induced Achilles tendinitis animal model (LASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2012;27(6):1195-1204)

Atypical Thoracic Solitary Plasmacytoma (Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;36(5):739-743)

노인의 뇌졸중 재활: 흔한 문제 중심 (대한노인재활의학회지. 2012;2(1):1-9)

Efficacy of Ultrasonography Guided Stellate Ganglion Blockade in the Stroke Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;36(5):633-639)

The Author Response: The Supernumerary Phantom Limb and Phantom Limb Pain in Stroke: Localization and Management Concerns (JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2011;26(9):1251-1252)

Changes in Collagen Fibril Pattern and Adhesion Force with Collagenase-Induced Injury in Rat Achilles Tendon Observed via AFM (JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY. 2011;11(1):773-777)

A Promoter polymorphism (rs17222919,-1316T/G) of ALOX5AP is associated with intracerebral hemorrhage in Korean population (PROSTAGLANDINS LEUKOTRIENES AND ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS. 2011;85(3-4):115-120)

Association between interleukin-4 gene polymorphisms and intracerebral haemorrhage in Korean population (International Journal of Immunogenetics. 2011;38(4):321-325)

Kinematic Analysis of Dysphagia: Significant Parameters of Aspiration Related to Bolus Viscosity (DYSPHAGIA. 2011;0(0):1-7)

Association between interleukin 15 receptor, alpha(IL 15RA) polymorphism and Korean patients with ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (CYTOKINE. 2011;55(3):343-346)

Association between TGFBR2 Gene Polymorphism (rs2228048, Asn389Asn) and Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Korean Population (IMMUNOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. 2011;40(6):569-580)

노인, 가족, 및 도우미들을 위한 노인 낙상 예방 가이드라인 (대한노인재활의학회지. 2011;1(1):105-109)

Balance Control and Knee Osteoarthritis Severity (Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;35(5):701-709)

Characteristics of Computerized Neuropsychologic Test According to the Location of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;35(5):680-686)

Atypical Supernumerary Phantom Limb and Phantom Limb Pain in Two Patients with Pontine Hemorrhage (JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 2011;26(6):844-847)


유발전위 (신흥메드싸이언스, 2012)

단계별로 배우는 근골격계 초음파 (신흥메드싸이언스, 2011)


집콕이 부른 ‘손목 통증’…“심할 땐 ‘신경글라이딩 운동’ 해보세요”

[건강을 품다] 삼키는 것 힘들다…신경계 질환이 원인

꽝꽝 얼어있는 길을 걷다 그만 '꽈당'

(헬스잡학사전)말 느리고 발음 어눌한 우리 아이, 치료 필요할까

유승돈 교수, 가상현실 이용한 보행교정 재활치료 기술 개발

손이 저릿저릿, 힘이 털썩 '손목터널증후군' 어떻게 해야 하나


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