



연세대학교 의과대학 의학과 학사(1990)
연세대학교 대학원 의학과 석사(1995)
연세대학교 대학원 의학과 박사(2002)


1998-2000 연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 강사
2000-2002 연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 전임강사
2002-2006 연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 조교수
2006-2012 연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 부교수
2014-2020 연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 주임교수
2012-현재 연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 교수


2021 Dysphagia in Wilson’s Disease: A Case Report of One-Year Follow-Up Journal of the Korean Dysphagia Society (대한연하장애학회지)

2021 Clinical Association Between Nasopharyngeal Reflux and Aspiration Journal of the Korean Dysphagia Society (대한연하장애학회지)

2020 Efficacy and Safety of MT10107 (Coretox) in Poststroke Upper Limb Spasticity Treatment: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Active Drug-Controlled, Multicenter, Phase III Clinical Trial ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION

2020 Effectiveness of Intramuscular Electrical Stimulation on Postsurgical Nociceptive Pain for Patients Undergoing Open Pancreaticoduodenectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS

2020 KSNR Clinical Consensus Statements: Rehabilitation of Patients with Parkinson's Disease Brain & Neurorehabilitation

2020 Comparison Between M-Mode Ultrasonography and Fluoroscopy for Diaphragm Excursion Measurement in Patients With Acquired Brain Injury JOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE

2020 신경혈관 중재술에서의 신경계감시의 역할: 척추 동정맥 기형의 증례 Journal of Intraoperative Neurophysiology (수술중신경계감시학회지)

2019 활차상 주근에 의한 척골신경병증의 새로운 치료: 증례 보고 Journal of the Korean Association of EMG-Electrodiagnostic Medicine (대한근전도 전기진단의학회지)

2019 Significance of Hypokalemia in Functional Outcomes of Patients with Subacute Stroke Brain & Neurorehabilitation

2019 Effects of intravenous methylprednisolone on intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring during spinal cord tumor surgery: a case report Journal of Intraoperative Neurophysiology (수술중신경계감시학회지)

2019 Motor Recovery after Seizure Induced by Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Brain & Neurorehabilitation

2019 수술중신경계감시 전문인력을 배제한 모니터링 기계의 사용: 신뢰 가능한가? Journal of Intraoperative Neurophysiology (수술중신경계감시학회지)

2018 척수 종양 제거 술 중 운동유발전위의 호전과 근력 호전의 관계 Journal of the Korean Association of EMG-Electrodiagnostic Medicine (대한근전도 전기진단의학회지)

2018 안면마비 회복 예측에서 순목 반사의 역할 Journal of the Korean Association of EMG-Electrodiagnostic Medicine (대한근전도 전기진단의학회지)

2017 Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring for Spinal Cord Tumor Surgery: Comparison of Motor and Somatosensory Evoked Potentials According to Tumor Types Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine

2017 뇌졸중 재활치료를 위한 한국형 표준 진료 지침 2016 Brain & Neurorehabilitation

2017 수술중신경계 감시를 시행한 뇌동맥류 결찰술이후 발생한 전맥락막동맥 경색증 1예 Journal of the Korean Association of EMG-Electrodiagnostic Medicine (대한근전도 전기진단의학회지)

2017 The pulvinar nucleus is associated with the presence of dysarthria in patients with basal ganglia hemorrhage NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS

2017 Severe Ulnar Nerve Injury After Bee Venom Acupuncture at a Traditional Korean Medicine Clinic: A Case Report Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine

2017 Cortical Thickness and White Matter Integrity are Associated with CTG Expansion Size in Myotonic Dystrophy Type I YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL

2017 The cutoff value of ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) for early diagnosis of myelopathy using somatosensory evoked potential in cervical OPLL patients SPINAL CORD

2016 Thoracic Radiculopathy Resulting From Retrograde Neuronal Degeneration PM&R

2016 Prominent Cognitive Dysfunction without Motor Impairment Following Anterior Choroidal Artery Infarction: a Case Report Brain & Neurorehabilitation

2016 Monitoring of Motor and Somatosensory Evoked Potentials During Spine Surgery: Intraoperative Changes and Postoperative Outcomes Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine

2016 Usefulness of voxel-based lesion mapping for predicting motor recovery in subjects with basal ganglia hemorrhage: A preliminary study with 2 case reports. MEDICINE

2015 파킨슨병의 연하장애 Journal of the Korean Dysphagia Society (대한연하장애학회지)

2015 Efficacy and safety of NABOTA in post-stroke upper limb spasticity: a phase 3 multicenter, double-blinded, randomized controlled trial JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES

2015 초기 6개월간의 뇌병변 환자의 영양상태 Brain & Neurorehabilitation

2014 한국인 성인발생 및 후기발생 근긴장디스트로피제 1형 환자의 임상 특성 Journal of the Korean Association of EMG-Electrodiagnostic Medicine (대한근전도 전기진단의학회지)

2014 뇌졸중 환자에서 호흡기능과 연하장애의 연관성 Journal of the Korean Dysphagia Society (대한연하장애학회지)

2014 Diagnostic Value of Facial Nerve Antidromic Evoked Potential in Patients With Bell’s Palsy: A Preliminary Study Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine

2014 The World Report on Disability and Recent Developments in South Korea AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION

2013 The Assessment of Reliability of Cognitive Evoked Potential in Normal Person Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine

2013 Biomechanical evaluation of wrist-driven flexor hinge orthosis in persons with spinal cord injury JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT

2013 수술 중 신경생리 추적감시 Journal of the Korean Association of EMG-Electrodiagnostic Medicine (대한근전도 전기진단의학회지)

2012 Lung transplantation for bronchiolitis obliterans after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL

2011 만 8세 환아에게서 자발적으로 발생된 환축추 탈구 1예 -증례 보고- Clinical Pain (대한임상통증학회지)

2011 심부정맥 혈전증으로 오인된 급속 파괴형 고관절증 1예 증례 보고- Clinical Pain (대한임상통증학회지)

2011 Myogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (대한재활의학회지)

2011 Effects of music therapy on mood in stroke patients YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL

2011 뇌병변 환자에서의 배뇨 장애의 특성 -다기관 연구- Brain & Neurorehabilitation

2011 Evaluation of Trigeminal Nerve Involvement Using Blink Reflex Test in Bell’s Palsy Korean Journal of Audiology (대한청각학회지)

2011 요통의 진단 및 치료 진료지침: 대한임상통증학회 임상 진료 지침 Clinical Pain (대한임상통증학회지)

2011 Artificial external glottic device for passive lung insufflation YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL

2011 연하장애환자를 위한 연하재활치료 Journal of the Korean Dysphagia Society (대한연하장애학회지)

2011 Correlation of electromyogram and muscle biopsy in myopathy of young age ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION

2011 Effects of constraint-induced movement therapy on neurogenesis and functional recovery after early hypoxic-ischemic injury in mice. DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE AND CHILD NEUROLOGY

2010 슬개골 재발성 탈구에 대한 외측부 유리술 및 내측 중첩술을 이용한 치료 Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (대한정형외과스포츠의학회지)

2010 Anterior pituitary dysfunction in moderate-to-severe chronic traumatic brain injury patients and the influence on functional outcome. BRAIN INJURY

2010 내시경적 보툴리눔 독소 주입으로 치료한 윤상인두근이상증 1예 Korean Journal of Medicine

외 30여 편


박윤길,박은숙: 치료적운동,박창일,문재호편저,재활의학,서울,한미의학 pp191-199

나은우,박윤길 등: 외상성 뇌손상재활,박창일,문재호편저,재활의학,서울,한미의학 pp419-448


지팡이는 '세 번째 다리'… 낙상·척추 변형 막는다

낙상의 계절… 손쉬운 근육강화 운동으로 예방하세요

운동은 근력운동만? 유연성도 함께 길러야


포스팅 내용이 없습니다.


[명수다] 22회 강남세브란스병원 재활의학과 박윤길 교수 뇌세포도 재생이 가능하다 / 조선일보

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