


1996년 : 연세대학교 의과대학 의학과 졸업
2000년 : 연세대학교 대학원 의학과 신경과학 석사
2006년 : 연세대학교 대학원 의학과 신경과학 박사


1996년 3월 - 1997년 2월 : 강남세브란스병원 인턴
1997년 3월 - 2001년 2월 : 강남세브란스병원 신경과 전공의
2004년 5월 - 2007년 2월 : 강남세브란스병원 신경과 연구강사
2008년 3월 - 2009년 2월: 강남세브란스병원 신경과 전임강사
2009년 3월 - 2014년 2월: 강남세브란스병원 신경과 조교수
2014년 3월 - : 강남세브란스병원 신경과 부교수


2020 Temporal trajectories of in vivo tau and amyloid-β accumulation in Alzheimer's disease EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING

2020 Effect of APOE ε4 genotype on amyloid-β and tau accumulation in Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

2020 Principal components of tau positron emission tomography and longitudinal tau accumulation in Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

2020 Guidelines for the content and format of PET brain data in publications and archives: A consensus paper JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM

2020 Modeling of Frontotemporal Dementia Using iPSC Technology INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES

2020 Effect of A/T/N imaging biomarkers on impaired odor identification in Alzheimer's disease SCIENTIFIC REPORTS

2020 Low thalamic monoamine transporter availability is related to excessive daytime sleepiness in early Parkinson's disease NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES

2020 Assessment of Demographic, Genetic, and Imaging Variables Associated With Brain Resilience and Cognitive Resilience to Pathological Tau in Patients With Alzheimer Disease JAMA NEUROLOGY

2020 Customized FreeSurfer-based brain atlas for diffeomorphic anatomical registration through exponentiated lie algebra tool ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE

2020 Gender difference in the effect of uric acid on striatal dopamine in early Parkinson's disease EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY

2020 Application of an amyloid and tau classification system in subcortical vascular cognitive impairment patients EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING

2020 Distinct tau PET patterns in atrophy-defined subtypes of Alzheimer's disease ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA

2020 A Patient with Neuroferritinopathy Presenting with Juvenile-Onset Voice Tremor JOURNAL OF MOVEMENT DISORDERS

2019 Effect of polygenic load on striatal dopaminergic deterioration in Parkinson disease NEUROLOGY

2019 "Depressed" caudate and ventral striatum dopamine transporter availability in de novo Depressed Parkinson's disease NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE

2019 THK5351 and flortaucipir PET with pathological correlation in a Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease patient: a case report BMC NEUROLOGY

2019 Striatal dopamine activity and myocardial 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine uptake in early Parkinson's disease PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS

2019 Progressive Tau Accumulation in Alzheimer Disease: 2-Year Follow-up Study JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE

2019 Automatic Extraction of a Reference Region for the Noninvasive Quantification of Translocator Protein in Brain Using 11C-PBR28 Journal of Nuclear Medicine

2019 Functional connectivity associated with tau levels in ageing, Alzheimer's, and small vessel disease Brain

2019 Novel Ferritin Light Chain Gene Mutation in a Korean Patient with Neuroferritinopathy Journal of Movement Disorders

2019 (18)F-flortaucipir uptake patterns in clinical subtypes of primary progressive aphasia NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING

2018 Striatal dopamine uptake and olfactory dysfunction in patients with early Parkinson's disease PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS

2018 급성 다발성 피질하뇌경색에 의한 기억상실로 발현된 카다실 Journal of Neurosonology and Neuroimaging

2018 PET radioligand binding to translocator protein (TSPO) is increased in unmedicated depressed subjects EJNMMI RESEARCH

2018 Weight loss is associated with rapid striatal dopaminergic degeneration in Parkinson's disease PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS

2018 Discriminative Accuracy of [18F]flortaucipir Positron Emission Tomography for Alzheimer Disease vs Other Neurodegenerative Disorders JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION

2018 Impaired finger dexterity and nigrostriatal dopamine loss in Parkinson's disease JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION

2018 Assessment of Extent and Role of Tau in Subcortical Vascular Cognitive Impairment Using 18F-AV1451 Positron Emission Tomography Imaging JAMA NEUROLOGY

2018 Increased Uptake of AV-1451 in a Subacute Infarction Lesion YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL

2018 Predicted sequence of cortical tau and amyloid-beta deposition in Alzheimer disease spectrum NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING

2018 Predominant subcortical accumulation of (18)F-flortaucipir binding in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING

2018 Head to head comparison of [(18)F] AV-1451 and [(18)F] THK5351 for tau imaging in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING

2018 Tau Positron Emission Tomography Imaging in Degenerative Parkinsonisms JOURNAL OF MOVEMENT DISORDERS

2018 Distinct patterns of amyloid-dependent tau accumulation in Lewy body diseases MOVEMENT DISORDERS

2018 Off-Target (18)F-AV-1451 Binding in the Basal Ganglia Correlates with Age-Related Iron Accumulation JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE

2017 18F-AV-1451 PET Imaging in Three Patients with Probable Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE

2017 Brain regional iron contents in progressive supranuclear palsy PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS

2017 A Patient with Recurrent Dyskinesia and Hyperpyrexia Syndrome JOURNAL OF MOVEMENT DISORDERS

2017 18F-AV-1451 binds to motor-related subcortical gray and white matter in corticobasal syndrome NEUROLOGY

2017 Comparison of two PET radioligands, [11C]FPEB and [11C]SP203, for quantification of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 in human brain JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM

2017 Parkinsonian Patients with Striatal Cribriform State Present Rapidly Progressive Axial Parkinsonism EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY

2017 Paroxysmal freezing of gait in a patient with mesial frontal transient ischemic attacks BMC NEUROLOGY

2017 Clinical Features Indicating Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Degeneration in Drug-Induced Parkinsonism JOURNAL OF MOVEMENT DISORDERS

2017 Excessive tau accumulation in the parieto-occipital cortex characterizes early-onset Alzheimer's disease NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING

2017 Distinct patterns of increased translocator protein in posterior cortical atrophy and amnestic Alzheimer's disease NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING

2017 18F-AV-1451 Binds to Putamen in Multiple System Atrophy MOVEMENT DISORDERS

2017 Subcortical 18 F-AV-1451 binding patterns in progressive supranuclear palsy MOVEMENT DISORDERS

2017 Lack of association between LRRK2 G2385R and cognitive dysfunction in Korean patients with Parkinson's disease JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE

2016 A prognostic factor in focal hand dystonia: typist's cramp cases and literature review JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES


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