2018 Sep KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS 공동저자 Displacement and stress distribution of the maxillofacial complex during maxillary protraction using palatal plates: A three-dimensional finite element analysis
2018 Jul JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 공동저자 Full-step Class II Correction Using a Modified C-palatal Plate for Total Arch Distalization in an Adolescent
2018 Jul KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS 공동저자 Comparison of treatment effects between four premolar extraction and total arch distalization using the modified C-palatal plate
2018 Mar ANGLE ORTHODONTIST 공동저자 Three-dimensional evaluation of maxillary dentoalveolar changes and airway space after distalization in adults
2018 Jan ANGLE ORTHODONTIST 공동저자 A comparison of treatment effects of total arch distalization using modified C-palatal plate vs buccal miniscrews
2017 Nov KOREAN ASSOC ORTHODONTISTS 공동저자 Comparison of treatment effects between the modified C-palatal plate and cervical pull headgear for total arch distalization in adults
2017 Mar KOREAN ASSOC ORTHODONTISTS 교신저자 A three-dimensional photogrammetric analysis of the facial esthetics of the Miss Korea pageant contestants
2016 Nov BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH 공동저자 Effects of alveolar bone displacement with segmental osteotomy: micro-CT and histomorphometric analysis in rats.
2016 Sep KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 교신저자 A three-dimensional finite element analysis of molar distalization with a palatal plate, pendulum, and headgear according to molar eruption stage
2016 Aug AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS 교신저자 Distalization of the mandibular dentition with a ramal plate for skeletal Class III malocclusion correction
2016 Aug JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 교신저자 Antibacterial Effect of Silver and Gold Nanoparticle Coated Modified C-Palatal Plate
2016 Jul ANGLE ORTHODONTIST 공동저자 Vertical eruption patterns of impacted mandibular third molars after the mesialization of second molars using miniscrews
2016 Jul KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 공동저자 The Improvement and Completion of Outcome index: A new assessment system for quality of orthodontic treatment
2016 Jul KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 공동저자 Treatment effects of mandibular total arch distalization using a ramal plate
2015 Dec SEMINARS IN ORTHODONTICS 교신저자 3D analysis and clinical applications of CBCT images
2015 Dec EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE 공동저자 Topographic analysis of the mandibular symphysis in a normal occlusion population using cone-beam computed tomography
2015 Oct AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS 교신저자 Sagittal correction of adolescent patients with modified palatal anchorage plate appliances
2015 Sep KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 교신저자 Evaluation of the facial dimensions of young adult women with a preferred facial appearance
2015 Sep JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ORTHODONTICS 제1저자 Space regaining with modified palatal anchorage plates
2015 Aug AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS 교신저자 Correction of severe bimaxillary protrusion with first premolar extractions and total arch distalization with palatal anchorage plates
2015 Jul KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 교신저자 New approach of maxillary protraction using modified C-palatal plates in Class III patients
2015 Jul ANGLE ORTHODONTIST 교신저자 Skeletal and dental effects of molar distalization using a modified palatal anchorage plate in adolescents
2015 Jun EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS 교신저자 Displacement and stress distribution of the maxillofacial complex during maxillary protraction with buccal versus palatal plates: finite element analysis
2015 May ANTHROPOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER 교신저자 Evaluation of arch form between Vietnamese and North American Caucasians using 3-dimensional virtual models
2015 Mar KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 교신저자 New classification of lingual arch form in normal occlusion using three dimensional virtual models
2015 Jan JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 교신저자 Orthodontic Treatment of Skeletal Class II Adolescent with Anterior Open Bite using Mini-Screws and Modified Palatal Anchorage Plate
2014 Oct EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS 교신저자 Stress distribution and displacement by different bone-borne palatal expanders with micro-implants: a three-dimensional finite-element analysis
2014 Sep KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 공동저자 En-masse retraction with a preformed nickel-titanium and stainless steel archwire assembly and temporary skeletal anchorage devices without posterior bonding
2014 Aug EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS 공동저자 Comparison of tooth displacement between buccal mini-implants and palatal plate anchorage for molar distalization: A finite element study
2014 Jul AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS 교신저자 Treatment effects of a modified palatal anchorage plate for distalization evaluated with cone-beam computed tomography
2014 Jul JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION 교신저자 Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity with a low-level laser-emitting toothbrush: Double-blind randomised clinical trial of efficacy and safety
2014 Jun JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 교신저자 Effect of frequent application of low-level laser therapy on corticotomized tooth movement in dogs: A pilot study
2014 May INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY 공동저자 Evaluation of Stability of Surface-Treated Mini-Implants in Diabetic Rabbits
2014 May AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS 교신저자 Effect of bone-borne rapid maxillary expanders with and without surgical assistance on the craniofacial structures using finite element analysis
2014 May JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY 공동저자 The Thickness of Alveolar Bone at the Mandibular Canine and Premolar Teeth in Normal Occlusion
2014 May INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY 공동저자 Primary Stability of Self-Drilling and Self-Tapping Mini-Implant in Tibia of Diabetes-Induced Rabbits
2014 Jan KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 공동저자 The effect of western adaptation of Hispanic-Americans on their assessment of Korean facial profiles
2013 Dec KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 교신저자 Comparison of mandibular arch forms of korean and vietnamese patients by using facial axis points on three-dimensional models
2013 Oct KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 공동저자 Comparison of the condyle-fossa relationship between skeletal class III malocclusion patients with and without asymmetry: a retrospective three-dimensional cone-beam computed tomograpy study
2013 Oct JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 교신저자 Evaluation of Minimal Versus Conventional Presurgical Orthodontics in Skeletal Class III Patients Treated With Two-Jaw Surgery
2013 Jul ANGLE ORTHODONTIST 교신저자 Effect of frequent laser irradiation on orthodontic pain A single-blind randomized clinical trial
2013 May AUSTRALIAN ORTHODONTIC JOURNAL 교신저자 Evaluation of dental and basal arch forms using cone-beam CT and 3D virtual models of normal occlusion
2013 May INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 교신저자 An evaluation of preferred lip positions according to different age groups
2013 Apr KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 교신저자 New three-dimensional cephalometric analyses among adults with a skeletal class I pattern and normal occlusion
2013 Apr AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS 교신저자 Combined multisegmental surgical-orthodontic treatment of bialveolar protrusion and chin retrusion with severe facial asymmetry
2013 Feb KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 공동저자 Torque control during lingual anterior retraction without posterior appliances
2013 Feb KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 교신저자 comparison between dental and basal arch forms in normal occlusion and class III malocclusions utilizing cone-beam computed tomography
2012 Dec 치과임상 제1저자 Modified C-Palatal Plate(MCPP)를 사용한 효율적인 치열원심이동 치료법(VIII) Class III 성인 환자에서 MCPP를 이용한 효과적인 하악치열의 후방이동
2012 Dec KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 공동저자 Evaluation of the palatal soft tissue thickness by cone-beam computed tomography
2012 Nov 치과임상 제1저자 Modified C-Palatal Plate(MCPP)를 사용한 효율적인 치열원심이동 치료법(VII) 상악 제1소구치 발치교정 병력이 있는 환자의 돌출입 해소
2012 Oct 치과임상 제1저자 Modified C-Palatal Plate(MCPP)를 사용한 효율적인 치열원심이동 치료법(VI) MCPP는 상악구치의 치체이동을 가능케 한다
2012 Oct JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL & IMPLANT SCIENCE(JPIS) (구.대한치주과학회지) 공동저자 The thickness of alveolar bone at the maxillary canine and premolar teeth in normal occlusion
2012 Sep 치과임상 제1저자 Modified C-Palatal Plate(MCPP)를 사용한 효율적인 치열원심이동 치료법(V) 성장중인 Class III 환자에서 반대교합 치료 (2)
2012 Sep ANGLE ORTHODONTIST 공동저자 Assessment of asymmetry in a normal occlusion sample and asymmetric patients with three-dimensional cone beam computed tomography A study for a transverse reference plane
2012 Sep JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 교신저자 palatal soft tissue thickness at different ages using an ultrasonic device
2012 Aug 치과임상 제1저자 Modified C-Palatal Plate(MCPP)를 사용한 효율적인 치열원심이동 치료법(V) Modified C-palatal plate (MCPP)를 이용한 성장중인 Class III 환자에서 반대교합 치료 (1)
2012 Aug KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS (2008년이후게재-舊대한치과교정학회지) 교신저자 Histologic effects of intentional-socket-assisted orthodontic movement in rabbits
2012 Aug AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS 교신저자 Mandibular dimensions of subjects with asymmetric skeletal Class III malocclusion and normal occlusion compared with cone-beam computed tomography
2012 Jul 치과임상 제1저자 Modified C-Palatal Plate(MCPP)를 사용한 효율적인 치열원심이동 치료법(VI) 경도의 전치부 돌출을 가진 청소년 증례에서의 MCPP 적용
2012 Jul ANGLE ORTHODONTIST 교신저자 Evaluation of palatal bone density in adults and adolescents for application of skeletal anchorage devices
2012 Jul ANGLE ORTHODONTIST 제1저자 Comparison of alveolar bone loss around incisors in normal occlusion samples and surgical skeletal Class III patients
2012 Jun 치과임상 제1저자 Modified C-Palatal Plate(MCPP)를 사용한 효율적인 치열원심이동 치료법(V) 단안모 영구치열에서 full arch distalization
2012 May 치과임상 제1저자 Modified C-Palatal Plate(MCPP)를 사용한 효율적인 치열원심이동 치료법(V) 악교정 수술 환자에서의 치료 적용
2012 Apr 치과임상 제1저자 Modified C-Palatal Plate(MCPP)를 사용한 효율적인 치열원심이동 치료법(IV) Arch length discrepancy를 가진 성인환자에서의 치료적용
2016 Oct 참윤퍼블리싱 공동 3D digital orthodontic clinic
2013 Jan Nova Science publishers 공동 Computed Tomography: New Research
2007 Sep Uder Dog Media, LP 공동 OrthoTADs the clinical guide and atlas
2007 Sep BC Decker Inc 공동 Distraction Osteogenesis of the Facial Skeleton