



1987년 연세의대 졸업
1996년 연세대 박사학위 취득


1992년 세브란스병원 전공의 수료
1995년 연세의대 강사
2004년 순천향대학교병원 과장
2008년 순천향의대 교수
2013년 순천향대학교 CEO건강과학대학원, CEO주치의


Kim JH, Jeen YM, Song YS. Ectopic prostate tissue at the bladder dome presenting as a bladder tumor. World J Mens Health. 2013 ;31(2):176-8.

Song YS, Jung TS, Doo SW, Yang WJ, Lee DW, Hong SS. A Case of Cystic Ectasia of the Rete Testis. Korean J Androl. 2012; 30(01):90~91.

Doo SW, Lee HJ, Ahn J, Kim JH, Yun JH, Yang WJ, Song YS. Strong impact of nocturia on sleep quality in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms. World J Mens Health. 2012;30(2):123-30.

Doo SW, Lee HJ, Yang WJ, Ahn HC, Kim JH, Park SJ, Ahn J, Song YS. Impact of Nocturia on Abnormal Daytime Sleepiness in Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms/Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. Korean J Androl 2012; 30(01):40~44.

Doo SW, Kim JH, Yang WJ, Kim SI, Lee DW, Hong SS, Song YS. A Case of Tuberculous Prostatitis with Abscess Korean J Androl 2012; 30(02):138~140.

Doo SW, HJ, Jin Ahn J, JH, Yun JH, Yang WJ, Song YS. Strong Impact of Nocturia on Sleep Quality in Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Korean J Androl 2012;30(02):123~130.

Kim WB, Lee SW, Doo SW, Yang WJ, Song YS, Jeon JS, Choi IH, Jin SY. Category Migration of Renal Cystic Masses with Use of Gadolinium-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Korean J Urol. 2012;53(8):573-576.

Yoo C, Oh CY, Kim SJ, Kim SI, Kim YS, Park JY, Seong DH, Song YS, Yang WJ, Chung HC, Cho IR, Cho SY, Cheon SH, Hong S, Cho JS. Preoperative Clinical Factors for Diagnosis of Incidental Prostate Cancer in the Era of Tissue-Ablative Surgery for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Korean Multi-Center Review. Korean J Urol. 2012 Jun;53(6):391-395.

Kim WB, Jeong JY, Doo SW, Yang WJ, Song YS, Lee SR, Park JW, Kim DW. Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 Presenting as Male Infertility. Korean J Urol. 2012 Feb;53(2):134-136.

Doo SW, Kim WB, Kim BK, Yang WJ, Yoon JH, Song YS, Choi IH. Skeletal Muscle Metastases from Urothelial Cell Carcinoma. Korean J Urol. 2012 Jan;53(1):63-66.

Kim WB, Lee ES, Doo SW, Yang WJ, Song YS, Noh H. Spontaneously Ruptured Renal Cell Carcinoma During Hemodialysis in Two Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease. Korean J Urol. 2011 Dec;52(12):865-867.

Kim JH, Shim SR, Doo SW, Yang WJ, Yoo BW, JKim JM, Ko YM, Song ES, Lim IS, Lee HJ, Song YS. Bladder recovery by stem cell based cell therapy in the bladder dysfunction induced by spinal cord injury: Systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS ONE. 2015. 10(3) e0113491.

Kim JH, Lee HJ, Doo SW, Yang WJ, Choi D, Kim JH, Won JH, Song YS. Use of nanoparticle to monitor human mesnchymal stem cells transplanted into penile cavernosum inrats with erectile dysfunction. Korean J Urol.2015;56(4):280-7.

Kim JH, Park SY, Kim MG, Choi H, Song D, Cho SW, Song YS. Pain and satisfaction during rigid cystoscopic ureteral stent removal: a preliminary study. BMC Urol. 2014 18;14:90.

Kim JH, Park JY, Song YS. Traumatic penile injury: from circumcision injury to penile amputation. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:375285.

Kim JH, Lee HJ, Song YS. Stem cell based gene therapy in prostate cancer. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:549136.

Kim JH, Choi H, Sun HY, Doo SW, Yoon JH, Yang WJ, Yoo BW, Kim JM, Kwon SS, Song ES, Lee HJ,

Kim JH, Lee HJ, Song YS. Treatment of bladder dysfunction using stem cell or tissue engineering technique. Korean J Urol. 2014;55(4):228-38.

Kim JH, Goo DE, Kim YJ, Song YS. Retrograde exchange of a double J stent via a cystostomy tract. Int Braz J Urol. 2014;40(3):427-8.

Lee HJ, An J, Doo SW, Kim JH, Choi SS, Lee SR, Park SW, Song YS, Kim SU. Improvement in Spinal Cord Injury-induced Bladder Fibrosis Using Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation into theBladder Wall. Cell Transplant. 2015 Jun

Kim JH, Doo SW, Yang WJ, Lee KW, Lee CH, Song YS, Jeon YS, Kim ME, Kwon SS. Impact of obesity on the predictive accuracy of prostate-specific antigen density and prostate-specific antigen in native Korean men undergoing prostate biopsy. Int J Urol. 2014;21(10):987-90.

Kim JH, Lee HJ, Song YS. Treatment of bladder dysfunction using stem cell or tissue engineering technique. Korean J Urol. 2014;55(4):228-38.


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