



1989 .03 ~ 1994 .02서울대학교 의학 박사
1986 .03 ~ 1988 .02서울대학교 의학 석사
1978 .03 ~ 1984 .02서울대학교 의학 학사


2006 .03 ~ 2012 .02 서울아산병원 신장내과 분과장
2002 .03 ~ 현재 울산대학교 의과대학 교수
1996 .03 ~ 2002 .02 울산대학교 의과대학 부교수
1994 .03 ~ 1996 .02 울산대학교 의과대학 조교수
1992 .03 ~ 1994 .02 울산대학교 전임강사
1990 .07 ~ 1990 .12 신시내티의대 연구전임의
1989 .07 ~ 1990 .06 신시내티의대 임상전임의
1988 .03 ~ 1989 .02 서울대병원 전임의
1984 .03 ~ 1988 .02 서울대병원 레지던트


Association between afebrile status and in-hospital mortality among adult chronic hemodialysis patients with bacteremia.

Salty taste thresholds and preference in patients with chronic kidney disease according to disease stage: A cross-sectional study.

Simple method to estimate daily sodium intake during measurement of dialysis adequacy in chronic peritoneal dialysis patients.

Altitude Stress During Participation of Medical Congress.

Comparison of salt taste thresholds and salt usage behaviours between adults in Myanmar and Korea.

Staphylococcus-Associated Glomerulonephritis

The effect of zinc deficiency on salt taste acuity, preference, and dietary sodium intake in hemodialysis patients.

Desmopressin improves platelet function in uremic patients taking antiplatelet agents who require emergent invasive procedures.

Kidney transplantation alone in end-stage renal disease patients with hepatitis B liver cirrhosis: a single-center experience.

Propensity-matched comparison of drug-eluting stent implantation and coronary artery bypass graft surgery in chronic hemodialysis patients.

Prophylactic effect of erythropoietin injection to prevent acute mountain sickness: an open-label randomized controlled trial.

Activation of AMP-activated protein kinase inhibits albumin-induced ER stress

Assessment of the influence of severe renal impairment on the pharmacokinetics of mirodenafil in Korean male volunteers.

The efficacy of steroid pulse therapy in patients with IgA nephropathy

Use of mean spot urine sodium concentrations to estimate daily sodium intake in patients with chronic kidney disease.

Albumin-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition and ER stress are regulated through a common ROS-c-Src kinase-mTOR pathway: Effect of imatinib mesylate.

Arteriovenous access creation defers chronic hemodialysis initiation.

Arteriovenous access creation delayed time to initiate chronic hemodialysis.

Comparative clinical manifestations of IgG4- related and IgG4-negative primary tubulointerstitial nephritis.

Higher serum beta2-microglobulin levels are associated with better survival in chronic hemodialysis patients: a reverse epidemiology.

Lower concentrations of serum phosphorus within the normal range could be associated with less calcification of the coronary artery in Koreans with normal renal function.

Prevalence of abnormal in vitro closure time using the Platelet Function Analyzer-100 in chronic kidney disease patients and analysis of associated factors.

Comparison of antiplatelet potency of sarpogrelate, aspirin, and beraprost in healthy volunteers according to in vitro closure time.

Comparison of antiplatelet potency of sarpogrelate, aspirin, and beraprost in healthy volunteers according to in-vitro closure time.

Comparison of the molecular adsorbent recirculating system and plasmapheresis for patients with graft dysfunction after liver transplantation.

Desmopressin improves platelet dysfunction measured by in vitro closure time in uremic patients.

Fatty Acid-Bearing Albumin Induces VCAM-1 Expression through c-Src Kinase-AP-1/NF-kB Pathways: Effect of L-Carnitine.

Nutritional markers, not markers of bone turnover, are related predictors of bone mineral density in chronic peritoneal dialysis patients

Effects of beraprost sodium, an oral prostaglandin i2 analog, on hemostatic factors and inflammation in chronic peritoneal dialysis patients.

Lack of Association between Small Dense Low-Density Lipoprotein Levels and Coronary Artery Disease in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients


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[건강 팁] 횡문근융해증, 고강도 운동으로 근육 녹는 질환,,,심한 근육통·적색뇨땐 수액공급해야

“자다가 자꾸 화장실 가고, 이유 없이 입맛이 없으세요?”

[의사의 암 극복기] 방광암과 싸우는 신장전문의 김순배 교수

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[100세건강]속 울렁거리고 구토…신부전 의심해봐야


Afebrile chronic hemodialysis(CHD) adult patients with bacteremia are associated with higher in-hospital mortality

Comparison of salt taste thresholds and salt usage behaviors between adults in Myanmar and Korea

Effects of Rosuvastatin and Gemfibrozil on Small Dense Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients

Effects of ezetimibe on lipid profiles and hemostatic markers in End-stage renal disease

Comparison of salt taste thresholds and salty usage behaviors between Myanmar and Korean adults


비행기에서는 왜 더 잘 취할까?

카페인 바로 알고 섭취하기

[베스트 닥터의 베스트 건강법] 서울아산병원 김순배교수의 산악훈련

[KBS 생로병사의 비밀] 만성신부전, 일단 시작되면 치료 쉽지 않다 - (2010.6.17_335회 방송)_소변을 알면 건강이 보인다!

[KBS] ‘허리 통증·고열’ 40~50대 여성 ‘급성 신우신염’ 조심!


Serum high-sensitivity c-reactive protein as a marker of inflammatory pathogenesis in patients with glomerulonephritis

Decline of glomerular filtration rate in association with severe hypothyrodism after total thyroidectomy