


1992 .03 ~ 1995 .08고려대학교 의학 박사
1989 .09 ~ 1991 .08한양대학교 의학 석사
1975 .03 ~ 1981 .02연세대학교 의학 학사


2000 .04 ~ 현재울산대학교 의과대학 응급의학과 교수
1996 .09 ~ 2000 .03울산대학교 의과대학 응급의학과 부교수
1989 .05 ~ 1996 .08원주의대병원 부교수
1982 .03 ~ 1986 .02원주기독병원 전공의
1981 .03 ~ 1982 .02원주기독병원 인턴


Acute Brain Lesions on Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Delayed Neurological Sequelae in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.

Analysis of the development and progression of carbon monoxide poisoning-related acute kidney injury according to the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria.

Incidence of intracranial injury in orbital wall fracture patients not classified as traumatic brain injury

Lactate Level Versus Lactate Clearance for Predicting Mortality in Patients With Septic Shock Defined by Sepsis-3

Outcomes and Role of Urgent Endoscopy in High-Risk Patients With Acute Nonvariceal Gastrointestinal Bleeding.

Prognostic value of decision criteria for emergency liver transplantation in patients with wild mushroom induced acute liver injury

Serial evaluation of SOFA and APACHE II scores to predict neurologic outcomes of outof- hospital cardiac arrest survivors with targeted temperature management

Aspiration Pneumonia in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Patients with Loss of Consciousness: Prevalence, Outcomes, and Risk Factors.

Characteristics of computed tomography in hemodynamically unstable blunt trauma patients: Experience at a tertiary care center.

Characteristics of orbital wall fractures in preschool and school-aged children.

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Emergency Department Patients With Primary Postpartum Hemorrhage.

Implications of Increased Weight Status for the Occurrence of Fall-Induced Intracranial Hemorrhage in Children Aged 4 Years or Younger.

Incidence and risk factors of iatrogenic pneumothorax after thoracentesis in emergency department settings.

Low utility of blood culture in pediatric community-acquired pneumonia: An observational study on 2705 patients admitted to the emergency department.

Misdiagnosis of Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension as a Risk Factor for Subdural Hematoma.

Predictive performance of the quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score as a screening tool for
sepsis, mortality, and intensive care unit admission in patients with febrile neutropenia.

Predictors of poor outcomes in patients with wild mushroom-induced acute liver injury.

The Role of Post-Resuscitation Electrocardiogram in Patients With ST-Segment Changes in the Immediate Post-Cardiac Arrest Period.

Trends in the incidence and outcomes of bicycle-related injury in the emergency department: A nationwide population-based study in South Korea, 2012-2014

Utility of the simplified Wells and revised Geneva scores to exclude pulmonary embolism in femur fracture patients.


The Encyclopedia of Poisonous Plants of Korea

독버섯 도감


심폐소생술과 전문 심장구조술



Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation


증례로 배우는 응급질환

일본의 의료기관 관련 단체

응급구조와 응급처치

응급의료와 의료분쟁


누구나 알아야 하는 기본 심폐소생술

심폐소생술과 전문 심장소생술

대량환자의 구조와 응급처치

AHA 심폐소생술과 응급심혈관치료를 위한 국제 지침 2000

응급구조와 응급처치

응급처치 진단과 치료

쉽게 배우는 심폐소생술


추석에 떡 먹다 기도 막히면?…응급상황 대처요령

설경에 취한 사이…손발 ‘凍凍’

[건강한 2018년②]작심삼일 운동?…걷기만 해도 젊어진다


The utility of quick SOFA score for detecting patients with poor outcome in emergency department

Carbon monoxide poisoning during camping in South Korea

Dapsone-induced and other toxic methemoglobinemia: Comparison of the clinical characteristics and course

Electrocardiographic findings of intracranial hemorrhage as a cause of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Prognostic Value of Diffusion Weighted Imaging in Cardiac Arrest Patients Receiving Hypothermia
Therapy: Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study

중독을 포함한 손상예방을 위한 근거기반의 안전 가이드라인 개발

Adding procalcitonin to the MASCC risk-index score could improve risk stratification of patients with febrile neutropenia

Blatchford score is a useful tool for predicting the need for intervention in cancer patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Survival in neoplastic meningitis as a function of diagnostic modalities

Comparison of cause, clinical nature and associated fracture in pediatric blow-out fracture patients

Mesenteric panniculitis mimicking acute abdomen in emergency department: a case series

Outcomes in Febrile Neutropenia, Role of Inflammatory Markers and the MASCC Score

Clinical Characteristics and Worsening Prognosis for Undertriage Patients in the Emergency Department: A University Affiliated Hospital Observational Study

Clinical outcome of saddle pulmonary embolism diagnosed by CT angiography in emergency department


Procalcitonin as an Early Predictor of Bactermia in Cancer Patients With Febrile Neutropenia in the Emergency Department

급성뇌졸중치료지침도입이 응급실내 뇌졸중 치료절차에 끼친 영향

Liver transplantation for acute toxic hepatitis due to herbal medicines and preparations

Recommended Depth for Insertion of

Right ventricular dilation on chest CT predicts mortality in acute submassive pulmonary embolism

심정지 상황에서 현장검사기기를 이용한 칼륨 수치의 평가

Clinical events in grayanotoxin poisoning

Aseptic Meningitis and cerebral infarction associated with scrub typhus

Factors associated with delay of door-to-balloon time in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention

응급실로 내원한 급성신우신염환자에서 Ciprofloxacin내성과 관련된 위험인자

Normal ST segment elevation and EKG patterns and in right sided chest leads in young adult korean

초기확산강조영상 음성을 보이는 급성 허혈성 뇌경색 환자 분석

Implementation of Community-acquired Pneumonia Clinical Decision Support System for Quality

Improvement of Pneumonia Care at Emergency Department

The Active RFID System as a Patient Safety Management Tool for Critical-ill Patient at Emergency Department

The Development and Experiences of Emergency Patient Management System with Active RFID Tags for Critically Ill Patients

Hopsital Disaster Preparedness in Korea: Aspect of Basic Supplies during a Disaster

Comparison of B-type Natriuretic Peptide and Troponin I for Diagnosing of Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Normotensive Pulmonary Embolism

항생제 투여시간에 따른 지역사회획득 폐렴의 치료결과의 분석

전산화된 뇌졸중 팀 활성화 시스템 도입으로 인한 조기진단 효과

응급센터의 능동형 전자태그 도입이 의료진의 반응시간에 미치는 영향