



1992 .03 ~ 1995 .02고려대학교 의학 박사
1991 .03 ~ 1993 .02서울대학교 의학 석사
1980 .03 ~ 1986 .02서울대학교 의학 학사


2017 .09 ~ 현재 국가치매연구개발위원회 위원 위촉
2016 .04 ~ 2018 .12 대한치매학회 이사장
2013 치매극복의 날 기념 보건복지부장관 표창
2008 .03 ~ 2011 .10 서울아산병원 파킨슨ㆍ알츠하이머센터소장
2007 .04 ~ 현재 울산의대 서울아산병원 교수
1998 .10 ~ 1999 .09 미국, 캘리포니아 UC San Diego 신경과, visiting scholar
1994 .03 ~ 2007 .03울산의대 서울아산병원 전임강사, 조교수 및 부교수
1992 .03 ~ 1994 .02 서울아산병원 전임의
1989 .03 ~ 1992 .02 서울대병원 전공의
1986 .03 ~ 1987 .02 서울대병원 인턴


Longitudinal cortical thinning and cognitive decline in patients with early- versus late-stage subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment.

Caregiver Preference and Treatment Compliance in Patients with Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer's Disease in South Korea: RECAP Study Results.

Clinical characteristics of parkinsonism in frontotemporal dementia according to subtypes.

Correlations between Gray Matter and White Matter Degeneration in Pure Alzheimer's Disease, Pure Subcortical Vascular Dementia, and Mixed Dementia.

Effects on agitation with rivastigmine patch monotherapy and combination therapy with memantine in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease: a multicenter 24-week prospective randomized open-label study (the Korean EXelon Patch and combination with mEman

Erratum to: Prognosis of Patients with Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia Who have Focal Versus Diffuse Frontal Atrophy.

Extrapyramidal Signs and Risk of Progression from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia: A Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea Study.

Improved Diagnostic Accuracy of Alzheimer’s Disease by Combining Regional Cortical Thickness and Default Mode Network Functional Connectivity: Validated in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Set.

Lack of association of mortalin (HSPA9) and other mitochondria-related genes with risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Multiple-dose ponezumab for mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease: Safety and efficacy.

Protective effects of APOE e2 against disease progression in subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment patients: A three-year longitudinal study.

Regional amyloid burden and lacune in pure subcortical vascular cognitive impairment.

Clinical Recommendations for the Use of Donepezil 23 mg in Moderate-to-Severe Alzheimer's Disease in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Comparison of neuropsychological profiles in patients with Alzheimer's disease and mixed dementia.

Distinctive Resting State Network Disruptions Among Alzheimer's Disease, Subcortical Vascular Dementia, and Mixed Dementia Patients.

Donepezil 23 mg in Asian patients with moderate-to-severe Alzheimer's disease.

Early- vs late-onset subcortical vascular cognitive impairment.

Lackof association of mortalin (HSPA9) and other mitochondria-related genes with risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases

Occupational Attainment as Risk Factor for Progression from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Disease: A CREDOS Study.

The moderating effect of religiosity on caregiving burden and depressive symptoms in caregivers of patients with dementia.

Amyloid Beta-Weighted Cortical Thickness: A New Imaging Biomarker in Alzheimer's Disease.

An elderly patient with recurrent episodes of hemi-paresthesia. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA).

Association of type 2 diabetes GWAS loci and the risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases

Association of type 2 diabetes GWAS loci and the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease

Clinical effect of white matter network disruption related to amyloid and small vessel disease.

Donepezil across the spectrum of Alzheimer's disease: dose optimization and clinical relevance.

Effect of midazolam on memory during fiberoptic gastroscopy under conscious sedation.

Effects of amyloid and vascular markers on cognitive decline in subcortical vascular dementia.

Foix-Chavany-Marie Syndrome after Unilateral Stroke.

Gray and White Matter Degenerations in Subjective Memory Impairment: Comparisons with Normal Controls and Mild Cognitive Impairment


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Racial difference of regional cerebral florbetaben uptake in the normal elderly

HHV6 Encephalitis with Hippocampal Atrophy and Glucose Hypometabolism

Clinical Characteristics in Patients with and without Amyloid-β Accumulation in Occipital Lobes Using a [18F]-Florbetaben PET

A non-fluent agrammatic primary progressive aphasia documented with an 18F-THK5351-PET

Diverse pathophysiological changes in Alzheimer's disease based on cortical thickness patterns

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Presenting as Logopenic Variant of Primary Progressive Aphasia

Clinical Implication of Aβ Accumulation in Occipital Lobes Using a [18F]-Florbetaben PET

Prediction AD Pathophysiology using Cortical Thickness Patterns

2 cases of adult-onset leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia (ALSP) diagnosed by CSF1R gene mutation

Prediction AD Pathophysiology using Cortical Thickness Patterns

Comparison of Cortical Thickness of the Korean and Western Mild Cognitive Impairment Subjects

[11C]PIB retention in the deep and superficial white matter of dementia patients with various etiologies

Preliminary study of effect of APOE ?4 gene on brain structure in patients with subjective memory impairment

Association of GWAS top hits with late-onset Alzheimer's disease in Korean population


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Biopsy-proven young-onset Alzheimer's Disease with Parkinsonismof the Pancreas by Its Morphologic Characteristics?