


1996 .09 ~ 1999 .08이화여자대학교 의학 박사
1993 .09 ~ 1995 .08이화여자대학교 의학 석사
1986 .03 ~ 1992 .02이화여자대학교 의학 학사


2012 .03 ~ 현재울산의대 서울아산병원 교수
2007 .03 ~ 2012 .02울산의대 서울아산병원 영상의학과 부교수
2004 .07 ~ 2005 .06Vancouver General Hospital, UBC, Vancouver / research fellow
2003 .03 ~ 2007 .02울산의대 서울아산병원 방사선과 조교수
2002 .03 ~ 2003 .02울산의대 서울아산병원 진단방사선과 전임강사
2001 .06 ~ 2002 .02서울의대 부속병원 진단방사선과 외래진료의사(전임강사대우)
1999 .03 ~ 2000 .02울산의대 서울중앙병원 진단방사선과 전임의
1997 .03 ~ 1999 .02서울의대 부속병원 진단방사선과 전임의
1993 .03 ~ 1977 .02이화여대 부속병원 진단방사선과 레지던트
1992 .03 ~ 1993 .02이화여대 부속병원 수련의


CT Enterography for Surveillance of Anastomotic Recurrence within 12 Months of Bowel Resection in Patients with Crohn's Disease: An Observational Study Using an 8-Year Registry.

Corrosive-Induced Carcinoma of Esophagus: Esophagographic and CT Findings
Corrosive-Induced Carcinoma of Esophagus: Esophagographic and CT Findings.

Diffusion-Weighted MR Enterography to Monitor Bowel Inflammation after Medical Therapy in Crohn's Disease: A Prospective Longitudinal Study.

Gastrointestinal Involvement of Recurrent Renal Cell Carcinoma: CT Findings and Clinicopathologic Features

Impact of a Multidisciplinary Team Approach for Managing Advanced and Recurrent Colorectal Cancer.

Post-Ischemic Bowel Stricture: CT Features in Eight Cases.

Computed tomography features and predictive findings of ruptured gastrointestinal stromal tumours.

Diffusion-weighted MR enterography for evaluating Crohn's disease: Effect of anti-peristaltic agent on the diagnosis of bowel inflammation.

Effect of Reducing Abdominal Compression during Prone CT Colonography on Ascending Colonic Rotation during Supine-to-Prone Positional Change.

Endoscopic Complete Remission of Crohn Disease After Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Therapy: CT Enterographic Findings and Their Clinical Implications

Endoscopic Complete Remission of Crohn Disease After Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor-慣 Therapy: CT Enterographic Findings and Their Clinical Implications.

Computed tomography findings for a gastric lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma: How often does it present as a submucosal mass?

IgG4-Related Disease Presented as a Mural Mass in the Stomach.

Iohexol versus diatrizoate for fecal/fluid tagging during CT colonography performed with cathartic preparation: comparison of examination quality.

Adenomatous neoplasia: postsurgical incidence after normal preoperative CT colonography findings in the colon proximal to an occlusive cancer.

Incremental value of liver MR imaging in patients with potentially curable colorectal hepatic metastasis detected at CT: a prospective comparison of diffusion-weighted imaging, gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging, and a combination of both MR techniqu

Use of liver magnetic resonance imaging after standard staging abdominopelvic computed tomography to evaluate newly diagnosed colorectal cancer patients.

CT colonography for detection and characterisation of synchronous proximal colonic lesions in patients with stenosing colorectal cancer

Comparison between CT Colonography and Double-Contrast Barium Enema for Colonic Evaluation in Patients with Renal Insufficiency




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Active Crohn's disease: a prospective comparison study among MR enterography, CT enterography, and small bowel follow-through

Preoperative Evaluation of Gastric Carcinoma; Diagnostic Value of MDCT in Predicting Peritoneal Carcinomatosis

Diagnosis of early gastric cancer (EGC): value of two-phase CT gastrography (CTG) in lesion detection and differentiation of T1/T2 stage

CT Findings of Gastrointestinal Tract Metastasis from Primary Lung Cancer in Correlation with Clinicopathologic Features

MRI in Rectal Cancer: Added Value of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI) for Discrimination of Metastatic Lymph Nodes

수술전 항암방사선 치료 후 시행한 검사들의 병리학적 병기 예측의 정확도

MRI in Rectal Cancer after Preoperative Chemoradiation Therapy: Comparison of MRI with/without Gd-enhancement, Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI), and Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) in T- and N-Staging

Diagnosis of acute appendicitis: comparison of 1.25-, 2.5-, and 5-mm section thickness of CT in the same patient

Flat Colorectal Neoplasms: Definition, Importance, and Visualization with CT Colonography

Automated CO2 Insufflation for CT Colonography: Efficacy of Colonic Distention in Cancer Patients with Severe Luminal Narrowing and Safety after Polypectomy or Biopsy

CT Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy) for Post-surgical Evaluation of Colorectal Cancer: A Pictorial Review

The Impact of Multidetector-Row CT for Evaluating Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding


Efficacy of Fecal Tagging in CT Colonography: A Comparison between Thick and Thin Barium Suspensions

Automated CO2 Insufflation for CT Colonography: Efficacy of Colonic Distention in Cancer Patients with Severe Luminal Narrowing and Safety after Polypectomy or Biopsy
atypical ultrasonographic findings of the hepatic hemangiomas

Differentiation of solid pseudopapillary tumor from nonfunctioning islet cell tumor in the pancreas on CT
atypical ultrasonographic findings of the hepatic hemangiomas

Characterization of hepatic hemangioma: the superiority of real-time compound US and pulse inversion harmonic US to conventional US

basics and technical tips in clinical applications of hepatic Doppler ultrasound