


1999 .03 ~ 2001 .02울산대학교 의학 박사
1997 .03 ~ 1999 .02울산대학교 의학 석사
1986 .03 ~ 1992 .02경북대학교 의학 학사


2020 .01 ~ 현재서울아산병원 의생명연구소 소장
2013 .02 ~ 2018 .02서울아산병원 천식 COPD 센터장
2009 .03 ~ 2017 .02울산의대 서울아산병원 알레르기내과장
2001 .03 ~ 현재울산의대 서울아산병원 교수
2000 .03 ~ 2001 .02서울아산병원 촉탁의
1997 .03 ~ 2000 .02서울아산병원 전임의
1993 .03 ~ 1997 .02서울아산병원 전공의
1992 .03 ~ 1993 .02서울아산병원 인턴


Case report: A first case of flaxseed-induced anaphylaxis in Korea.

Clinical Characteristics of Exacerbation-Prone Adult Asthmatics Identified by Cluster Analysis.

Effective Strategies for Managing Asthma Exacerbations for Precision Medicine.

Effects of Immunoglobulin Replacement on Asthma Exacerbation in Adult Asthmatics with IgG Subclass Deficiency.

Palonosetron-Induced Anaphylaxis During General Anesthesia: A Case Report.

The transition of sputum inflammatory cell profiles is variable in stable asthma patients. Asia Pac Allergy.

hMSCs suppress neutrophil-dominant airway inflammation in a murine model of asthma.

Association between Polymorphisms in Bitter Taste Receptor Genes and Clinical Features in Korean Asthmatics.

Clusterin Modulates Allergic Airway Inflammation by Attenuating CCL20-Mediated Dendritic Cell Recruitment.

Factors Affecting Recovery Time of Pulmonary Function in Hospitalized Patients With Acute Asthma Exacerbations.


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