
  #만성질환관리#건강노화#암경험자 건강관리


2011 .03 ~ 2014 .02서울대학교 의학 박사
2004 .03 ~ 2011 .02서울대학교 보건학 석사
1994 .03 ~ 2000 .02서울대학교 의학 학사


2019 .03 ~ 현재서울아산병원 가정의학과 임상부교수
2016 .03 ~ 2019 .02서울대학교병원 가정의학과 임상부교수
2015 .08 ~ 2017 .01Visiting Professor, Geriatrics Center & Institute of Gerontology, University of Michigan
2012 .03 ~ 2016 .02서울대학교병원 가정의학과 임상조교수
2009 .07 ~ 2012 .02서울대학교병원 가정의학과 진료조교수
2008 .05 ~ 2009 .06서울대학교병원 가정의학과 전임의
2005 .04 ~ 2008 .04국립의료원 가정의학과 전문의
2001 .03 ~ 2004 .02서울대학교병원 가정의학과 전공의
2000 .03 ~ 2001 .02서울대학교병원 수련의


Assessment of Association between Cognitive Impairment and Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease

Association between cognitive impairment and poor antihypertensive medication adherence in elderly hypertensive patients without dementia.

Effect of One-time Brief Additional Counseling of National Screening Program for Transitional Ages in Korea: 2 year follow-up of 101,260 participants.

Factors influencing attitudes toward advance directives in Korean older adults.

Timed Up and Go Test and Future Dementia Occurrence.

Associations between atherosclerosis and periodontitis, physical health and dental care: a pilot study.

Depressive Mood and the Risk of Future Functional Decline in an Elderly Population.

Knowledge, Current Status, and Barriers toward Healthcare Worker Vaccination among Family Medicine Resident Participants in a Web-Based Survey in Korea.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as a risk factor for female sexual dysfunction in premenopausal women.

Performance on physical function tests and the risk of fractures and admissions: Findings from a national health screening of 557,648 community-dwelling older adults.

Self-reported health status as a predictor of functional decline in a community-dwelling elderly population: Nationwide longitudinal survey in Korea.

Association Between Change in Serum Aminotransferase and Mortality: A Nationwide Cohort Study in Korea.

Network analysis of human diseases using Korean nationwide claims data.

One-Year Experience Managing a Cancer Survivorship Clinic Using a Shared-Care Model for Gastric Cancer Survivors in Korea.

Association between Muscle Loss and Urinary Incontinence in Elderly Korean Women.

Association of cardiovascular health screening with mortality, clinical outcomes, and health care cost: a nationwide cohort study.

Associations between Metabolic Syndrome and Inadequate Sleep Duration and Skipping Breakfast.

Determinants of gastric cancer screening attendance in Korea: a multi-level analysis.

Difference in adherence to and influencing factors of a healthy lifestyle between middle-aged and elderly people in Korea: A multilevel analysis.

Genetic association of APOA5 and APOE with metabolic syndrome and their interaction with health-related behavior in Korean men.

Hospitalization as a teachable moment for cigarette smoking cessation.

Treatment Gap in the National Health-screening Program in Korea: Claim-based Follow-up of Statin
Use for Sustained Hypercholesterolemia.

Validity and reliability of the korean version of neighborhood physical activity questionnaire.

Perceived risk as a barrier to appropriate diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome.

Shared decision-making on the use of hormone therapy: a nationwide survey in the Republic of Korea.

The influence of lower-extremity function in elderly individuals' quality of life (QOL): an analysis of the correlation between SPPB and EQ-5D.

Development and Validity and Reliability of Korean Comprehensive Assessment Tools for Geriatric Ambulatory Care.

Metabolic effects of aloe vera gel complex in obese prediabetes and early non-treated diabetic patients: randomized controlled trial.

Pre-existing diabetes mellitus increases the risk of gastric cancer: a meta-analysis.

Preferences for the "screen and treat" strategy of Helicobacter pylori to prevent gastric cancer in healthy Korean populations.


노인병학: 낙상 및 무운동성

근거중심의 암생존자 관리

암 치료 후 건강관리 가이드

남성갱년기: 노년 남성의 호르몬 보충요법 외의 남성갱년기 치료


병원 가기 두려운 만성질환자들의 ‘슬기로운 처방법’[Weekend 헬스]

여름철 무더위, 노년층 온열질환 주의보

만성질환자, 코로나 사태에도 ‘처방전’ 챙겨야 하는 이유


Disagreement of SF6D with EQ-5D index in ageing population in Korea and associated factor with the difference.

Contribution of obesity and performance factors to the 6-minute walk test in older adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Different association of social determinants with body mass index between age groups in Korea.

Behavioral risk factors and use of preventive screening services among spousal caregivers of cancer patients.

Waist to Thigh Ratio as a Predictor of Insulin Resistance: A Cross-sectional study of Korean Women.

Cognitive function domains associated with components of low extremity function in Korean aging population.

Association of sleep duration with physical performance among Korean old people.

Association between life space mobility and domains of physical performance in Korean elderly.

More desirable fasting glucose profiles of cancer survivors compared to healthy controls among Koreans.

Systolic blood pressure is negatively associated with walking speed in Korean aging people.

Unipedal stance test alone is as effective as combination of unipedal stance and timed up and go test for prediction of femoral fracture.

A study on genetic variation associated with visceral adipose tissue and interaction of life style on the expression of genetic variation.

Modification effect of physical activity on association of rs857354 with visceral adipose tissue in Korean men.

Depression as a Predictor of Functional Decline in Community-dwelling Elderly in Korea: Nationwide Longitudinal Survey.

Prior Depressive Symptom can Predict Low Extremity Functional Decline 2 Years Later in Community-dwelling Elderly in Korea: Nationwide Longitudinal Survey.

Recommendations for periodic health examination for elderly.


'감자튀김' 에어프라이어로 오래 튀기면 안 되는 이유


한국의 커뮤니티 케어와 방문 진료

일차의료에서 해결해야 할 건강서비스

2017-18 해외의 주목할 노인병 연구

Geriatric education in Family Medicine in Korea

건강서비스 급여화의 해외사례

스마트케어를 이용한 건강행동변화 전략

노인이 받아야 할 건강검진

생애전환기 2차 검진의 건강행동 미실천군에서 2년 후 건강행동변화에 대한 연령별 효과 비교

음주 평가 및 적정 음주 관리

노인의 정서평가

노인의 신체활동평가와 운동처방

한국형 노인신체활동평가와 운동처방

맞춤형 선택 건강검진, 개발과정과 고려사항

고령화 연구패널 예비 조사에 활용한 건강지표 소개

선진국의 군인건강검진

NCEP ATP III 기준에 따른 대사증후군과 BEPSI-K의 상관관계