
  #성인병관리#건강검진 이상소견#금연클리닉


1997 .10 ~ 1998 .08London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine 이학 석사
1992 .03 ~ 1997 .08서울대학교 보건학 박사
1989 .03 ~ 1991 .02서울대학교 보건학 석사
1978 .03 ~ 1984 .02서울대학교 의학 학사


2019 .01 ~ 현재질병관리본부 국민건강영영조사 제8기 자문위원
2016 .04 ~ 현재송파구 노인인권보장실태조사단원
2016 .02 ~ 현재국민건강보험공단 범국민흡연폐해 대책반 자문위원
2016 .01 ~ 2018 .12질병관리본부 국민건강영양조사 제7기 자문위원
2015 .09 ~ 2015 .11UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education 방문연구자
2006 .09 ~ 2007 .08Harvard School of Public Health 방문연구자
1991 .10 ~ 현재울산의대 가정의학과 전임강사, 조교수, 부교수, 교수
1990 .05 ~ 1991 .09서울중앙병원 (현 서울아산병원) 전임의
1987 .03 ~ 1990 .04공중보건의사
1984 .03 ~ 1987 .02서울대병원 전공의


Prevalence and predictors of heated tobacco product use and its relationship with attempts to quit cigarette smoking among Korean adolescents.

Factors Related to E-Cigarette ever Use in Korean Adults with No History of Combustible Cigarette Use.

Awareness and Use of E-cigarettes and Vaping Behaviors among Korean Adult Smokers: ITC 2016 Korean Study.

Current status of tobacco control policies in Korea compared with international treaty and its implementation.

Association of Alcohol Drinking Patterns With Presence of Impaired Fasting Glucose and Diabetes Mellitus Among South Korean Adults.

Changes of Cigarette Smoking Initiation Age amongSouth Korean Adults: 2007-2012

Characteristics of Intermittent Smokers in KoreanAdults: Comparison with Daily Smokers

Characteristics of hardcore smokers in South Korea from 2007 to 2013.

Differences in adolescent e-cigarette and cigarette prevalence in two policy environments: South Korea and the United States.

Evaluation of cerebral blood flow change after cigarette smoking using quantitative MRA.

Health Effects of Smoke-free Legislation in Public Places.

Neo-Marxian Social Class Inequalities in Self-Rated Health Among the Employed in South Korea: The Role of Material Behavioral, Psychosocial, and Workplace Environment Factors.

The Relation between Frequency of E-Cigarette Use and Frequency and Intensity of Cigarette Smoking among South Korean Adolescents.

산업연관분석을 이용한 음식점 금연 정책의 경제적 효과 분석

Current Status of Smoking Cessation Program inForeign Countries.

Factors Affecting Secondhand Smoke Exposure at Home and in Workplace among Non-SmokingKorean Adults

Factors Associated with Six Month Quit Rate of in-hospital Smoking Program

Issues Related to E-cigarettes Use

Why Does the Tobacco Industry Want to Be Managed by FDA?

Electronic cigarette use among Korean adults.

Pharmacotherapy for Smoking Cessation in Cardiovascular Patients.

Results of an inpatient smoking cessation program: 3-month cessation rate and predictors of success.

Decomposition of educational differences in life expectancy by age and causes of death among South Korean adults.

The status and future challenges of tobacco control policy in Korea.

Hidden female smokers in Asia: a comparison of self-reported with cotinine-verified smoking prevalence rates in representative national data from an Asian population.

Socioeconomic disparities in prevalence, treatment, and control of hypertension in middle-aged Koreans.

Socioeconomic differentials in cause-specific mortality among 1.4 million South Korean public servants and their dependents.

Critical appraisal of the risks of the 2009 Novel influenza and the strategies of the South Korean government to manage and treat it.

Decomposition of socio-economic differences in life expectancy at birth by age and cause of death among 4 million South Korean public servants and their dependents.

Family Affluence Scale, other socioeconomic position indicators, and self-rated health among South Korean adolescents: Findings from the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBWS).


세상을 바꾸는 전쟁-금연운동과 담배규제정책의 이해

한국인의 건강증진 개정판

가정의학 총론편


한국인의 평생건강관리 개정판



[그렇구나! 생생과학] 담뱃잎 안 태우고 가열… 니코틴 흡입 별 차이 없어

"청소년 전자담배 규제, 흡연율 낮추는 효과 있다"

여성 ‘첫 담배’ 20대 초반으로 빨라졌다


Hidden female smokers in Asia: A comparison of self-reported with cotinine-verified smoking prevalence rates in representative national data from an Asian population.

한국 청소년의 담배구매용이성의 추이: 청소년건강행태 온라인조사 2005-2016

Trends in Ease of Cigarette Purchase among Korean Adolescents: The Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey 2005-2016.

Different urinary cotinine cutoff to distinguish smokers from non-smokers in South Korea.

Hidden female smokers in Asia: A comparison of self-reported with cotinine-verified smoking prevalence rates in representative national data from an Asian population



액상형 전자담배 위험성은…국내서 첫 폐질환 의심환자

담뱃갑 경고 그림 금연에 효과?…"충분" vs "일시적"


정부의 금연정책이 흡연에서의 사회경제적 불평등에 미친 영향

Explaining age specific inequalities in mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease and ischemic heart disease among South Korean men: relative and absolute perspectives

정부의 금연정책이 흡연율에서의 불평등을 감소시켰는가?

부프로피온서방정의 단기(7주) 금연효과

CRP와 관련된 생활습관 및 인구 사회학적 요인

니코틴껌과 니코틴패치의 금연효과

니코틴껌과 니코틴 패치의 금연효과

우리나라 청소년의 주요 건강위험 행동

부프로피온 서방정의 단기간 (7주) 금연 성공률

한국형 LHMP의 개발-자궁경부암

일차진료 의사들의 비만 진료 행태 조사

금연진료 건강보험급여화의 전략

2000년 MSD Travelling Fellowship Award 결과보고 -노르웨이 주치의제도 도입:구체적인 내용과 한국에 대한 함의-

상기도감염에서 근거중심의학실천(실제)

외국의 가정간호와 방문진료 현황

주치의제도에 대한 개원가정의의 태도-한국과 노르웨이간 비교

가정의와 내과전문의의 질병예방 및 건강증진 서비스 제공실태 비교

국민은 주치의제도에 대해 어떻게 생각하나