
  #유방암 #유전성유방암 #암성형술


2015.03 ~ 2017.02 서울대학교 대학원, 의학과 외과학전공 의학박사 수료
2010.03 ~ 2015.02 서울대학교 대학원, 의학과 외과학전공 의학석사
2002.03 ~ 2006.02 서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 의학사
1998.03 ~ 2002.02 KAIST (한국과학기술원) 생물과학과 학사


2016.03 ~ 현재 / 서울대학교병원 외과 임상조교수
2014.05 ~ 2016.02 / 서울대학교병원 외과 전임의
2011.02 ~ 2014.04 / 대한민국 공군 군의관
2007.03 ~ 2011.02 / 서울대학교병원 외과 전공의
2006.03 ~ 2007.02 / 서울대학교병원 수련의


Single-cell RNA-seq enables comprehensive tumour and immune cell profiling in primary breast cancer.

Oncologic Safety of Immediate Breast Reconstruction for Invasive Breast Cancer Patients: A Matched Case Control Study.

Opportunistic Biopsy of Internal Mammary Lymph Nodes During Immediate Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy for Breast Malignancies.

The treatment outcomes and the use of adjuvant therapies in breast cancer patients with severe co-morbidities.

Transition into inflammatory cancer-associated adipocytes in breast cancer microenvironment requires microRNA regulatory mechanism.

Recurrence outcomes after omission of postoperative radiotherapy following breast-conserving surgery for ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: a multicenter, retrospective study in Korea (KROG 16-02).

Can We Skip Intraoperative Evaluation of Sentinel Lymph Nodes? - Nomogram Predicting Involvement of Three or More Axillary Lymph Nodes Before Breast Cancer Surgery.

Enhancement of Capture Sensitivity for Circulating Tumor Cells in a Breast Cancer Patient's Blood by Silicon Nanowire Platform.

Impact of Chemotherapy-Induced Ovarian Dysfunction on Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer.

In Vivo Tumor Growth Rate Measured by US in Preoperative Period and Long Term Disease Outcome in Breast Cancer Patients.

The Effect of Cold Ischemic Time on Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.

In Vivo Tumor Growth Rate Measured by US in Preoperative Period and Long Term Disease Outcome in Breast Cancer Patients.

The Clinical Significance and Molecular Features of the Spatial Tumor Shapes in Breast Cancers.

The use of FNA samples for whole-exome sequencing and detection of somatic mutations in breast cancer surgical specimens.

Development and Validation of a Novel Plasma Protein Signature for Breast Cancer Diagnosis by Using Multiple Reaction Monitoring-based Mass Spectrometry.

Reduced proliferation in breast cancer cells contacting the neighboring adipocytes in human breast cancer tissues.

Risk Factors Associated with Distant Metastasis and Survival Outcomes in Breast Cancer Patients with Locoregional Recurrence.

Predictive Significance of p53, Ki-67, and Bcl-2 Expression for Pathologic Complete Response after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.

Unique features of young age breast cancer and its management.

Laparoscopic management of chylous ascites caused by traumatic injury.

Clinical analysis of insulinoma

PHLI-seq. constructing and visualizing cancer genomic maps in 3D by phenotype-based high-throughput laser-aided isolation and sequencing


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