
  #뇌질환재활 #연하장애


2013.03 ~ 2018.02 서울대학교 의과대학원 의학박사
2008.03 ~ 2010.02 서울대학교 의과대학원 의학석사
1999.03 ~ 2005.02 서울대학교 의과대학 의학과


2005.03 ~ 2006.02 / 서울대학교병원 인턴
2006.03 ~ 2010.02 / 서울대학교병원 재활의학과 전공의
2013.05 ~ 2014.02 / 서울대학교병원 재활의학과 임상강사
2014.03 ~ 2018.02 / 서울대학교병원 재활의학과 진료조교수
2018.03 ~ 현재 / 서울대학교병원 재활의학과 임상부교수


Development of a Novel Prognostic Model to Predict 6-Month Swallowing Recovery After Ischemic Stroke

18F-FDG uptake in denervated muscles of patients with peripheral nerve injury

Target-oriented motor imagery for grasping action: different characteristics of brain activation between kinesthetic and visual imagery

Differential kinematic features of the hyoid bone during swallowing in patients with Parkinson's disease. J Electromyogr Kinesiol

Vision-Assisted Interactive Human-in-the-Loop Distal Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot and its Clinical Usability Test

Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Using Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Games with a Head Mount Display: A Feasibility Study

External Robotic Arm vs. Upper Limb Exoskeleton: What Do Potential Users Need?

Feasibility of intraoperative monitoring of motor evoked potentials obtained through transcranial electrical stimulation in infants younger than 3 months

Dysphagia-Related Quality of Life in Adults with Cerebral Palsy on Full Oral Diet Without Enteral Nutrition

Assessment of Dysarthria Using One-Word Speech Recognition with Hidden Markov Models

Radiation Dose During Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Studies and Associated Factors in Pediatric Patients

Inertial Measurement Unit Based Upper Extremity Motion Characterization for Action Research Arm Test and Activities of Daily Living

Progression of Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Patients with Multiple System Atrophy

Effect of Dexmedetomidine Combined Anesthesia on Motor evoked Potentials During Brain Tumor Surgery

Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Adults With Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy and Cervical Dystonia: A Preliminary Study

18F-FDG positron emission tomography as a novel diagnostic tool for peripheral nerve injury

Vision-aided brain-machine interface training system for robotic arm control and clinical application on two patients with cervical spinal cord injury

Wearable Sensor Based Stooped Posture Estimation in Simulated Parkinson's Disease Gaits

Effects of robot-assisted gait training in patients with Parkinson's disease: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Temporal characteristics of laryngeal penetration and aspiration in stroke patients

The Possible Effect of Oxytocin in Postpartum Recovery From a Stroke: A Case Report

Rehabilitation Therapy Utilization in Patients with Parkinson's Disease in Korea

Posture-Dependent Dysphagia After Botulinum Toxin Type A Injection at Sternocleidomastoid in a Patient With Athetoid Cerebral Palsy

Characteristics of Early Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Patients with Multiple System Atrophy

Neuroprotective effect of secreted factors from human adipose stem cells in a rat stroke model

Botulinum toxin treatment for hypersalivation in anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis

Robotic-assisted gait training combined with transcranial direct current stimulation in chronic stroke patients: A pilot double-blind, randomized controlled trial

STAMPS: development and verification of swallowing kinematic analysis software

Swallowing Function and Kinematics in Stroke Patients with Tracheostomies

Unusual Cause of Dysphagia in a Post-Stroke Patient

Grip Strength on the Unaffected Side as an Independent Predictor of Functional Improvement After Stroke

Effect of Focal Muscle Vibration on Calf Muscle Spasticity: a Proof-of-Concept Study

Computer-assisted detection of swallowing difficulty

Robotic Mirror Therapy System for Functional Recovery of Hemiplegic Arms

Swallowing Kinematics and Factors Associated with Laryngeal Penetration and Aspiration in Stroke Survivors with Dysphagia

One-year outcome of postoperative swallowing impairment in pediatric patients with posterior fossa brain tumor

ncreased (18)F-FDG uptake in the trapezius muscle in patients with spinal accessory neuropathy

The Feasibility and Outcome of Oro-esophageal Tube Feeding in Patients with Various Etiologies

Efficacy and safety of NABOTA in post-stroke upper limb spasticity: A phase 3 multicenter, double-blinded, randomized controlled trial

Neuronox versus BOTOX in the Treatment of Post-Stroke Upper Limb Spasticity: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial

Influence of the Chin-Down and Chin-Tuck Maneuver on the Swallowing Kinematics of Healthy Adults

Robot-assisted Gait Training in a Patient with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia: A Case Report

The relationship between body fat and bone mineral density in Korean men and women

Correlation Varies with Different Time Lags Between the Motions of the Hyoid Bone, Epiglottis, and Larynx during Swallowing

편마비환자에서 로봇 보조 상지 재활치료의 효과

Use of Ultrasonography to Locate Laryngeal Structures for Laryngeal Electromyography

Effect of electrical stimulation on botulinum toxin A therapy in patients with chronic myofascial pain syndrome: A 16-week randomized double-blinded study

Measurement of lymphedema using ultrasonography with the compression method

Longitudinal changes of the swallowing process in subacute stroke patients with aspiration

Early motor balance and coordination training increased synaptophysin in subcortical regions of the ischemic rat brain

Botulinum toxin injection for Dysphagia: A blinded retrospective videofluoroscopic swallowing study analysis

하지 림프부종에 대한 교감신경 차단술의 단기 효과: 예비조사

전기자극을 이용한 둔부근의 자극: 초음파 연구


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20151019 공개강좌 - 파킨슨환자의 통증 재활- 재활의학과 서한길교수

20141018 파킨슨병공개강좌 파킨슨환자의 보행재활 재활의학과 서한길교수

20160411 공개강좌 - 파킨슨병의 삼킴장애 재활- 재활의학과 서한길교수


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