


서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 (1994)
서울대학교 의과대학원 의학석사 (2002)
서울대학교 의과대학 의학박사 과정중


서울대학교병원 정신건강의학과 임상강사 (2002)
서울대학교병원 임상의학연구소 연구원 (2003)
분당서울대학교병원 정신건강의학과 조교수 (2004 - 2012)
분당서울대학교병원 정신건강의학과 부교수 (2012 - 현재)


Ha TH, Youn T, Ha KS, Rho KS, Lee JM, Kim IY, Kim SI, Kwon JS. Gray matter abnormalities in paranoid schiziphrenia and their clinical correlations. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 2004;132(3):251-260 15664796

Ha TH, Yoon U, Lee KJ, Shin YW, Lee JM, Kim IY, Ha KS, Kim SI, Kwon JS. Fractal dimension of cerebral cortical surface in schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neuroscience letters 2005;384(1-2):172-176 15893428

Ha TH, Kang DH, Park JS, Jang JH, Jung WH, Choi JS, Park JY, Jung MH, Choi CH, Lee JM, Ha K, Kwon JS. White matter alterations in male patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neuroreport. 2009;20(7):735-9

Ha TH, Ha K, Kim JH, Choi JE. Regional brain gray matter abnormalities in patients with bipolar II disorder: A comparison study with bipolar I patients and healthy controls. Neuroscience Letters. 2009;456:44-48

Ha TH, Her JY, Kim JH, Chang JS, Cho HS, Ha K. Similarities and differences of white matter connectivity and water diffusivity in bipolar I and II disorder. Neurosci Lett. 2011 Nov 14;505(2):150-4

Ha TH, Kim JS, Chang JS, Oh SH, Her JY, Cho HS, Park TS, Shin SY, Ha K. Verbal and Visual Memory Impairments in Bipolar I and II Disorder.Psychiatry Investig. 2012 Dec 9(4):339-46.

Lyoo IK, Youn T, Ha TH, Park HS, Ha KS, Kwon JS. Classification of Frequency Distributions of Diagnostic Criteria Scores in Twelve Personality Disorders by the Curve Fitting Method. Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2003;57(4):417-423 12839524

Ha KS, Youn T, Kong SW, Park HJ, Ha TH, Kwon JS. Optimized individual mismatch negativity source localization using a realistic head model and the Talairach coordinate system. Brain Topography. 2003;15(4):233-238 12866827

Ahn KH, Youn T, Cho SS, Ha TH, Ha KS, Kim MS, Kwon JS. N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor in working memory impairment in schizophrenia: event-related potential study of working memory process. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2003;27(6):993-999 14499316

Shin YW, Ha TH, Kim SY, Kwon JS. An association between EEG alpha power and visuospatial function in obsessive compulsive disorder. Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2004;58(1):16-20 14678451

Choi JS, Kang DH, Kim JJ, Ha TH, Youn T, Han MH, Chang KH, Kwon JS. Left anterior subregion of orbitofrontal cortex volume reduction and impaired organizational strategies in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2004;38(2):193-199 14757334 Shin MS, Park SJ, Kim MS, Lee YH, Ha TH, Kwon JS. Deficits of organizational strategy and visual memory in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neuropsychology 2004;18(4):665-672 15506834

Lee JM, Kim SH, Jang DP, Ha TH, Kim JJ, Kim IY, Kwon JS, Kim SI. Deformable model with surface registration for hippocampal shape deformity analysis in schizophrenia. Neuroimage 2004;22(2):831-840. 15193612Choi JS, Kang DH, Kim JJ, Ha TH, Rho KS, Youn T, Kwon JS. Decreased caudal anterior cingulate gyrus volume and positive symptoms in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Reseasrch: Neuroimaging 2005;139(3):239-247 16084697

Kim SH, Lee JM, Kim HP, Jang DP, Shin YW, Ha TH, Kim JJ, Kim IY, Kim SI. The asymmetry analysis of deformable hippocampal model using the principal component in schizophrenia. Human Brain Mapping 2005;25(4):361-369 15852383

Shin YW, Kim DJ, Ha TH , Park HJ, Moon WJ, Chung EC, Lee JM, Kim IY, Kim SI, Kwon JS. Sex differences in the human corpus callosum: diffusion tensor imaging study. Neuroreport 2005;16(8):795-798 15891572

Roh KS, Shin MS, Kim MS, Ha TH, Shin WY, Lee KJ, Kwon JS. Persistent cognitive dysfunction in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A naturalistic study. Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2005;59(5):539-545 16194255

Shin YW, Kwon JS, Ha TH, Park HJ, Kim DJ, Hong SB, Moon WJ, Kim IY, Kim SI, Chung EC. Increased water diffusivity in the frontal and temporal cortices of schizophrenic patients. Neuroimage 2006;30(4):1285-1291 16406258

Yoon U, Lee JM, Kwon JS, Kim HP, Shin YW, Ha TH, Kim IY, Chang KH, Kim SI. An MRI study of structural variations in schizophrenia using deformation field morphometry. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2006;146(2):171-177 16510267

Jang JH, Kwon JS, Jang DP, Mood WJ, Lee JM, Ha TH, Chung EC, Kim SI. A proton MRSI study of brain N-acetylaspartate level after 12 weeks of citalopram treatment in drug-naive patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry 2006;163(7):1202-1207 16816225

Choi JS, Kim HS, Yoo SY, Ha TH, Chang JH, Kim YY, Shin YW, Kwon JS. Morphometric alterations of anterior superior temporal cortex in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Depression and Anxiety 2006;23(5):290-296 16688740

Kim MS, Kim YY, Kim EN, Lee KJ, Ha TH, Kwon JS. Implicit and explicit memory in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: An event-related potential study. Jourmal of Psychiatric Research 2006;40(6):541-549 16083910

Park HS, Shin YW, Ha TH, Shin MS, Kim YY, Lee YH, Kwon JS. Effect of cognitive training focusing on organizational strategies in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2006;60:718-726 17109706

Lee SJ, Yoo SY, Kang DH, Lee KJ, Ha TH, Wee W, Lee AR, Kim NS, Kwon JS. Potential vulnerability markers within the affective domain in subjects at genetic and clinical high risk for schizophrenia. Psychopathology 2008;41:236-244

Yoo SY, Roh MS, Choi JS, Kang HD, Ha TH, Lee JM, Kim IY, Kim SI, Kwon JS. Voxel-based morphometry study of gray matter abnormalities in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Korean Medical Science 2008;23:24-30

Kim JH, Choi SW, Joe SH, Ha TH, Yoo HJ, Choi JE, Cha B, Ha K. Reliability and validity of the Korean version of UKU-SERS-Pat in patients with bipolar disorder. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2008;62(6):496-502

Shin YW, Na MH, Ha TH, Kang DH, Yoo SY, Kwon JS. Dysfunction in configural face processing in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2008;34(3):538-543

Joe SH, Chang JS, Won S, Rim HD, Ha TH, Ha K. Feasibility of a slower lamotrigine titration schedule for bipolar depression: a naturalistic study. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2009;24(2):105-110

Jang JH, Kim HS, Ha TH, Shin NY, Kang DH, Choi JS, Ha K, Kwon JS. Nonverbal memory and organizational dysfunctions are related with distinct symptom dimensions in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychiatry Research. 2010 Dec 30;180(2-3):93-8

Chang JS, Choi S, Ha K, Ha TH, Cho HS, Choi JE, Cha B, Moon E. Differential pattern of semantic memory organization between bipolar I and II disorders. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2011Jun1;35(4):1053-8

Chang JS, Ha K, Yoon IY, Yoo CS, Yi SH, Her JY, Ha TH, Park T. Patterns of cardiorespiratory coordination in young women with recurrent major depressive disorder treated with escitalopram or venlafaxine. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 2012;39(1):136-42.

Kim JH, Rhu S, Nam HJ, Lim M, Baek JH, Joo YH, Kwon JS, Ha TH, Hong KS. Symptom structure of antipsychotic-induced obsessive compulsive symptoms in schizophrenia patients. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2012;39(1):75-9

Chang JS, Yoo CS, Yi SH, Her JY, Choi HM, Ha TH, Park T, Ha K. An integrative assessment of the psychophysiologic alterations in young women with recurrent major depressive disorder. Psychosom Med 2012;74:495-500

Moon ES, Chang JS, Kim MY, Seo MH, Cha BS, Ha TH, Choi SW, Cho HS, Park T, Ha K. Dropout rate and associated factors in patients with bipolar disorders. J Affect Disord. 2012;141(1):47-54

Selvaraj S, Arnone D, Job D, Stanfield A, Farrow TFD, Nugent AC, Scherk H, Gruber O, Chen X, Sachdev PS, Dickstein DP, Malhi GS, Ha TH, Ha K, Phillips ML, McIntosh AM. Grey matter differences in bipolar disorder: a meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies. Bipolar Disorders 2012 Mar 14(2):135-145

Baldessarini RJ, Undurraga J, Vazquez GH, Tondo L, Salvatore P, Ha K, Khalsa HM, Lepri B, Ha TH, Chang JS, Tohen M, Vieta E. Predominant recurrence polarity among 928 adult international bipolar I disorder patients. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2012 Apr 125(4):293-302

문은수, 장재승, 차보석, 윤제연, 하태현, 하규섭. '달리 분류되지 않는 양극성 장애' 환자의 우울증상에 대한 Lamotrigine 병합요법의 효과. 대한정신약물학회지, 2009 20(6)

차보석, 최정은, 장재승, 김정현, 하태현, 유희정, 최승원, 하규섭. 환자용 기분기록지 개발 및 타당도 연구. 신경정신의학. 2009 48(3):174-181


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