



서울의대 졸업 (1988)
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서울대병원 이식,혈관외과 전임의 (1997-1998)
아주의대 외과학교실 전임강사 역임 (1998-2000)
미국 예일의대 혈관외과 포스닥 펠로우 (2001-2003)
미국 피츠버그의대 혈관외과 연수 (2006)
분당서울대학교병원 외과 조교수 (2003 -2009)
미국 초음파학회 공인 혈관검사 판독의 (RPVI) 자격 취득 (2007~)
분당서울대학교병원 외과 부교수 (2009 -2013)
호주 Epworth Hospital mini-endovascular fellowship in Australia 수료 (2010)
현 서울의대 외과학교실/분당서울대학교병원 외과교수 (2014-현재)


Lee T, Park JG, Choe KJ, Kim JP. A clinical study of smooth muscle tumors arising from lower GI tracts. K.C.P.S 7(2):113-120, 1991.
Lee T, Kim SJ. The effect of cyclosporine and dexamethason on suppression of medial thickening in arterial injury in rats. The Seoul Journal of Medicine 34(4): 265-273, 1993.
Lee T, Jung IM, Yun IJ, Cho BS, Ha J, Kim TK, Park JH, Kim SJ. Fate of bypass grafts for renal reconstuction:angiogrphic findings. . The Journal of Korean Vascular Surgery. 13(2):193-197, 1997.
Lee T, Jung IM, Cho BS, Ha J, Kim SJ. The effect of ratio of kidney weight to recipient weight and body surface area on the renal allograft outcome. The Journal of Korean transplantation Surgery, 11(2):247-252, 1997.
Lee T, Won JH, Kim MW. Thrombolytic therapy in deep vein thrombosis. The Journal of Korean Vascular Surgery. 15(2):291-296, 1999.
Lee T, Jung IM, Seo JW, Jung MH, Kim SJ. Effects of Prostaglandin E1 on the Oxidative Stress Injury Index and the Expression of PCNA in Vein Grafts of Rabbit Carotid Arteries. The Journal of Korean Surgical Society 58(2):1-8, 2000
Lee T, Bae KS, Kim MW. Nutcracker syndrome 2 cases. The Journal of Korean Vascular Surgery 16(2)245-248, 2000.
Lee T, Kim SJ, Sumpio BE. The role of PP2A in p38MAPK pathway in bovine aortic endothelial cells exposed to cyclic strain. J cellular physiology 194:349-355, 2003
Lee T, Seo JW, Sumpio BE, Kim SJ. The pathobiology in Buerger’s disease. Europian J of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 25(5):451-7, 2003
Lee T, Nesselroth SM, Olson ET, Esemuede N, Sumpio BE, Gahtan V. Thrombospondin-1 induces vascular smooth muscle cell chemotaxis: The role of type 3 repeat and carboxyl terminal doamins. J Cellular Biochemistry 89(3):500-6, 2003
Lee T, Esemuede N, Sumpio BE, Gahtan V. Thrombospondin-1 induces matrix metalloproteinase-2 activation in vascular smooth muscle cells. J Vasc Surg 38(1):147-54, 2003
Lee T, Ha Jongwon, Chung JK, Kim SJ. Treatment of vascular access induced ischemia with distal revascularization interval ligation. The Journal of Korean Vascular Surgery. 20(2):272-275, 2004
Lee T, Sumpio BE. Cell signalling in vascular cells exposed to cyclic strain: the emerging role of protein phosphatases. Biotechnol Appl Biochem 39(Pt 2):129-39, 2004
Lee T. Management of small AAA/ New attempt to prevent expansion or rupture of AAA. The Journal of Korean Vascular Surgery. 21(1):84-86, 2005
Lee T, Kim HH, Han HS, Choi YS, Lee SI, Ha JW, Chung JK, Kim SJ. Laparosopic-assisted aortofemoral bypass. The Journal of Korean Surgical Society 69(3):269-272, 2005
Lee T. Intermittent claudication and Buerger’s disease. Diatreat in practice for physician. 5(3): 1750-1752, 2005
Lee T. Less invasive aorta surgery. Medical postgraduates 33(6):363-368, 2005
Lee T. Total laparoscopic aortofemoral bypass. The Journal of Korean Surgical Society 72(4):332-335, 2007
Lee T. Limited feasibility in endovascular aneurysm repair using currently available graft in Korea. J of Korean Medical Science. 2008;23(4):651-656
Lee T. Two port laparoscopic placement of a peritoneal dialysis catheter with abdomen wall fixation. Surgery Today. 39:56-58, 2009
Lee T. Early experiences of laparoscopic aortofemoral bypass in Korea: report from a single center. Ann Vasc Dis. 2(1):34-39, 2009
Metabolic syndrome is associated with venous thromboembolism in the Korean population. Arterio Thromb Vasc Biol. 23:311-3, 2009
Lovastatin inhibits thrombospodin 1 induced smooth muscle cell chemotaxis. J Sur Res. Dec 18, 2009
Role of three dimensional computed tomography venography as a powerful navigator for varicose vein surgery. J Vasc Surg 51:893-9, 2010
Diffentiated muscle derived stem cells attenuate intimal hyperplasia after carotd balloon injury in rat. J Korean Surg Soc 2010;79:s7-15.
Outcomes of endovascular intervention and bypass surgery for femoral artery atherosclerosis. J Korean Surg Soc 2010;79:215
Chronic nicotine exposure attenuates proangiogenic acitivity on human umbilical vein endothelial cells. J Cardiovasc pharmacol 57(3):287, 2011
Laparoscopic resection of nonadrenal retroperitoneal tumors. Arch Surg 146(2):162-167, 2011
Therapeutic lymphangiogenesis using stem cell and VEGF-C hydrogel. Biomaterials 2011
New routing alternative for proximal anterior tibial artery bpass in patients with Buerger’s diseas J Vasc Surg 54;1839-41, 2011
Diffentiated muscle derived stem cells attenuate intimal hyperplasia after carotd balloon injury in rat. J Korean Surg Soc 2010;79:s7-15.
Outcomes of endovascular intervention and bypass surgery for femoral artery atherosclerosis. J Korean Surg Soc 2010;79:215
Chronic nicotine exposure attenuates proangiogenic acitivity on human umbilical vein endothelial cells. J Cardiovasc pharmacol 57(3):287, 2011
Therapeutic lymphangiogenesis using stem cell and VEGF-C hydrogel. Biomaterials 2011
Taeseung Lee et al. New routing alternative for proximal anterior tibial artery bpass in patients with Buerger’s disease J Vasc Surg 54;1839-41, 2011
Taeseung Lee, Hyung Sub Park, Sang Joon Kim. Letter to editor. J Vasc Surg 56(2);591 2012
Park HS, Hahn S, Choi GH, Yoo YS, Lee JY, Lee T. Muscle derived stem cells promote angiogenesis and attenuate intimal hyperplasia in different murine vascular desease models. Stem cell Dev. 2012 Oct 19. [Epub ahead of print]
Park HS, Choi GH, Hahn S, Yoo YS, Lee JY, Lee T. Potential Role of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell like Progenitor Cell Therapy in the Suppression of Experimental Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2013 [Accepted for publication]
Park HS, Kwon YJ, Eom BW, Lee T. Prospective nonrandomized comparison of quality of life and recurrence between high ligation and stripping and radiofrequency ablation for varicose veins. J Korean Surg Soc 2013 [Accepted for publication]
외 다수
Textbook of Surgery, lymph physiology & lymphedema
Lymphedema: The comprehensive guide for practitioners
Vascular access for hemodialysis


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