
  #조현병#기분장애#강박#그외 정신장애


서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 졸업
서울대학교 의과대학 의약품산업의학 고위자과정 수료
서울대학교 대학원 의학과 졸업 (의학박사, 임상약리학 전공)


2002-2006 서울대학교병원 신경정신과 전공의 수료
2006-2008 경기도 연천군 보건의료원 정신과 과장
2007-2009 경기도청 보건정책과 건강증진사업 기획관
2009-2010 서울대학교병원 신경정신과 임상강사
2010-2011 Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, Research Fellowship
2010-2011 Imperial College London, Visiting researcher
2012-2013 서울대학교 의과대학 연구교수
2013-2017 분당서울대학교병원 정신건강의학과 조교수
2017-현재 분당서울대학교병원 정신건강의학과 부교수


Kim E, Oliver OD, Kapur S (In Press) Molecular imaging as a guide for the treatment of CNS disorders. Dialogues ClinNeurosci.

Kim E, Shidahara M, Tsoumpas C, McGinnity CJ, Kwon JS, Howes OD, Turkheimer FE (2013) Partial volume correction using structural-functional synergistic resolution recovery: comparison with geometric transfer matrix method. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab [Epub ahead of print]

Howes OD, Kambeitz J, Kim E, Stahl D, Slifstein M, Abi-Dargham A, Kapur S (2012) The Nature of Dopamine Dysfunction in Schizophrenia and What This Means for Treatment: Meta-analysis of Imaging Studies. Archives of general psychiatry 10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2012.169

Kim E,Howes OD, Kim BH, Jeong JM, Jang I, Shin SG, Kapur S, Kwon JS (2012) The relationship between antipsychotic D2 occupancy and change in frontal metabolic and cognitive function: a dual [11C]-raclopride and [18F]-FDG study with aripiprazole. Psychopharmacology (Berl) [Epub ahead of print]

Howes OD, Shotbolt P, Bloomfield M, Daalman K, Demjaha A, Diederen KM, Ibrahim K, Kim E, McGuire P, Kahn RS, Sommer IE (2012) Dopaminergic Function in the Psychosis Spectrum: An [18F]-DOPA Imaging Study in Healthy Individuals With Auditory Hallucinations. Schizophrenia bulletin [Epub ahead of print]

Kim E,Howes OD, Kim BH, Jeong JM, Lee JS, Jang I, Shin SG, Turkheimer FE, Kapur S, Kwon JS (2011) Predicting brain occupancy from plasma levels using PET: superiority of combining pharmacokinetics with pharmacodynamics while modeling the relationship. J Cereb Blood Flow Metabdoi: 10.1038/jcbfm.2011.180. [Epub ahead of print]

Kim E, Jang JH, Park HY, Shim G, Hwang JY, Kim SN, Kwon JS (2011) Pharmacotherapy and clinical characteristics of ultra-high-risk for psychosis according to conversion status: a naturalistic observational study. Early Interv Psychiatrydoi: 10.1111/j.1751-7893.2011.00295.x.

Song A, Jung WH, Jang JH, Kim E, Shim G, Park HY, Choi CH, Kwon JS (2011) Disproportionate alterations in the anterior and posterior insular cortices in obsessive-compulsive disorder. PLoS One 6:e22361

Shim G, Park HY, Jang JH, Kim E, Hwang JY, Kim SN, Jang GE, Kwon JS (2011) What is the optimal dose of escitalopram for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder? A naturalistic open-label study. International clinical psychopharmacology 26:284-90

Kim HS, Shin NY, Jang JH, Kim E, Shim G, Park HY, Hong KS, Kwon JS (2011) Social cognition and neurocognition as predictors of conversion to psychosis in individuals at ultra-high risk. Schizophr Res 130:170-5

Kim E, Howes OD, Yu KS, Jeong JM, Lee JS, Jang IJ, Shin SG, Kapur S, Kwon JS (2011) Calculating occupancy when one does not have baseline: a comparison of different options. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 31:1760-7

Kim E, Howes OD, Kim BH, Yu KS, Jeong JM, Lee JS, Kim SJ, Jang IJ, Park JS, Kim YG, Shin SG, Turkheimer FE, Kapur S, Kwon JS (2011) The use of healthy volunteers instead of patients to inform drug dosing studies: a [(11)C]raclopride PET study. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 217:515-23

Jang JH, Shin NY, Shim G, Park HY, Kim E, Jang GE, Kwon SJ, Hur JW, An SK, Kwon JS (2011) Longitudinal patterns of social functioning and conversion to psychosis in subjects at ultra-high risk. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 45:763-70

Shim G, Oh JS, Jung WH, Jang JH, Choi CH, Kim E, Park HY, Choi JS, Jung MH, Kwon JS (2010) Altered resting-state connectivity in subjects at ultra-high risk for psychosis: an fMRI study. Behav Brain Funct 6:58

Kwon JS, Kim E, Kang DH, Choi JS, Yu KS, Jang IJ, Shin SG (2008) Taq1A polymorphism in the dopamine D2 receptor gene as a predictor of clinical response to aripiprazole. EurNeuropsychopharmacol 18:897-907

Kim E, Kwon JS, Shin YW, Lee JS, Kang WJ, Jo HJ, Lee JM, Yu KS, Kang DH, Cho JY, Jang IJ, Shin SG (2008) Taq1A polymorphism in the dopamine D2 receptor gene predicts brain metabolic response to aripiprazole in healthy male volunteers. Pharmacogenet Genomics 18:91-7

Kim E, Woo JM, Kwon JS (2011) Cost of relapse in patients with schizophrenia in Korea. Korean J Psychopharmacol 22:29-33

Kim SN, Kim E, Hwang JY, Kwon JS (2011) The Safety and Efficacy of Ziprasidone: Post-Marketing Surveillance Study in Korea. Korean J Psychopharmacol 22:73-9

Lim KS, Kwon JS, Jang IJ, Jeong JM, Lee JS, Kim HW, Kang WJ, Kim JR, Cho JY, Kim E, Yoo SY, Shin SG, Yu KS (2007) Modeling of brain D2 receptor occupancy-plasma concentration relationships with a novel antipsychotic, YKP1358, using serial PET scans in healthy volunteers. ClinPharmacolTher81:252-8

Jung HR, Cho JY, Chung JY, Kim JR, Yu KS, Jang IJ, Shin SG, Lee KJ, Yoo SY, Kim E, Kwon JS (2006) No Association between 5-HTT, 5-HT2A gene Polymorphisms and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in a Korean Population. Psychiatry Invest3:78-86

Kim E, Yu KS, Cho JY, Shin YW, Yoo SY, Kim YY, Jang IJ, Shin SG, Kwon JS (2006) Effects of DRD2 and CYP2D6 genotypes on delta EEG power response to aripiprazole in healthy male volunteers: a preliminary study. Human psychopharmacology21:519-28

Kwon JS, Kim E, Ha TH, Roh KS, Choi J-S, Kim YS (2003) Drug prescribing patterns for outpatients with schizophrenia in a university hospital. J Korean NeuropsychiatrAssoc42:683-90

Ha TH, Kwon JS, Kim E, Park S-K, Choi J-S, Rho K-S, Ha K-S, Kim Y-S (2004) Frequencies of combination treatment of atypical antipsychotics and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in a college hospital psychiatric outpatient unit. Korean J Psychopharmacol15:84-93


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