
원장, 교수



1990 서울대학교 의과대학 졸업
1995 서울대학교 의과대학 석사
2000 서울대학교 의과대학 박사


2021 - 현재 분당서울대학교병원 원장
2021 - 2021 세계신경재활학회 연구위원장
2020 - 2020 UCLA Visiting Professor
2016 - 2019 분당서울대학교병원 기획조정실장
2014 - 2016 분당서울대학교병원 홍보실장
2013 - 2014 분당서울대학교병원 홍보대외정책실장
2012 - 2019 분당서울대학교병원 권역 심뇌재활센터장
2012 - 2013 분당서울대학교병원 홍보대외협력부실장
2010 - 2012 분당서울대학교병원 진료협력센터장
2010 - 2010 UNC at Chapel Hill Visiting Scholar
2005 - 2006 National Institutes of Health/NINDS Visiting Fellow
2004 - 2010 서울대학교의과대학 교무부학장보
2003 - 2012 분당서울대학교병원 재활의학과장
2003 - 2010 분당서울대학교병원 교육담당, 의학자료정보센터장
2000 - 2001 산재의료관리원 인천중앙병원 재활의학과장
1998 - 2000 서울대학교병원 재활의학과 전임의
1995 - 1998 국립재활원 공중보건의
1991 - 1995 서울대학교병원 재활의학과 전공의
1990 - 1991 서울대학교병원 재활의학과 인턴

2020 보건복지부 질병관리본부 심뇌혈관질환 연구자문단
2020 대한의사협회 국민건강보호위원회 노인건강분과위원회 위원장
020 기획재정부 혁신성장추진기획단 자문위원, 2018-2020
2018 과학기술유공자 심사전문위원회 위원, 2018-2019
2017 보건복지부 한국건강증진개발원 Health Plan 2030 추진단
2015 보건복지부 미래보건의료포럼 위원회 분과위원장, 2015-2017
2013 경기도 의료산업 융복합발전포럼 위원, 2013-2015
2010 의료기관평가인증원 조사위원, 2010-2020


2019 A Soft Wearable Robotic Ankle-Foot-Orthosis for Post-Stroke Patients IEEE ROBOT AUTOM LET
2019 The Effect of Health-Related Behaviors on Disease Progression and Mortality in Early Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Korean Nationwide Population-Based Study J CLIN MED Lee Yookyung, Kwon SuYeon, Moon Jong Joo, Han Kyungdo, Paik Nam-Jong, Kim Won-Seok
2019 Isokinetic Robotic Device to Improve Test-Retest and Inter-Rater Reliability for Stretch Reflex Measurements in Stroke Patients with Spasticity JOVE-J VIS EXP Sin Minki, Kim Won-Seok, Cho Kyujin, Paik Nam-Jong
2019 Reply to Wakabayashi Regarding Sarcopenia is an Independent Risk Factor for Dysphagia in Community-Dwelling Older Adults DYSPHAGIA Cha Seungwoo, Kim Won-Seok, Paik Nam-Jong
2019 Transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of motor impairment following traumatic brain injury J NEUROENG REHABIL Kim Won-Seok, Lee Kiwon, Kim Seonghoon, Cho Sungmin, Paik Nam-Jong
2019 Sarcopenia is an Independent Risk Factor for Dysphagia in Community-Dwelling Older Adults DYSPHAGIA Cha Seungwoo, Kim Won-Seok, Kim Ki Woong, Han Ji Won, Jang Hak Chul, Lim Soo, Paik Nam-Jong
2018 Feasibility, reliability, and validity of using accelerometers to measure physical activities of patients with stroke during inpatient rehabilitation PLOS ONE Lee Ji-Young, Kwon SuYeon, Kim Won-Seok, Hahn Soo Jung, Park Jihong, Paik Nam-Jong
2018 Need for Systematic Efforts to Modify Health-Related Behaviors After Acute Myocardial Infarction in Korea CIRC J Cha Seungwoo, Park Jin Joo, Kim Sunyoung, Ahn Hong-Yup, Han Kyungdo, Lee Yookyung, Kim Won-Seok, Paik Nam-Jong
2018 A low cost kinect-based virtual rehabilitation system for inpatient rehabilitation of the upper limb in patients with subacute stroke: A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled pilot trial MEDICINE Kim Won-Seok, Cho Sungmin, Park Seo Hyun, Lee Ji-Young, Kwon SuYeon, Paik Nam-Jong
2018 Health-related quality of life and related factors in stroke survivors: Data from Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2008 to 2014 PLOS ONE Kwon SuYeon, Park Ji-Hong, Kim Won-Seok, Han Kyungdo, Lee Yookyung, Paik Nam-Jong
2018 Advanced Robotic Therapy Integrated Centers (ARTIC): an international collaboration facilitating the application of rehabilitation technologies J NEUROENG REHABIL van Hedel Hubertus J A, Severini Giacomo, Scarton Alessandra, O'Brien Anne, Reed Tamsin, Gaebler-Spira Deborah, Egan Tara, Meyer-Heim Andreas, Graser Judith, Chua Karen, Zutter Daniel, Schweinfurther Raoul, Moller J Carsten, Paredes Liliana P, Esquenazi Alberto, Berweck Steffen, Schroeder Sebastian, Warken Birgit, Chan Anne, Devers Amber, Petioky Jakub, Paik Nam-Jong, Kim Won-Seok, Bonato Paolo, Boninger Michael,
2018 Mobile Game-based Virtual Reality Program for Upper Extremity Stroke Rehabilitation JOVE-J VIS EXP Choi Yoon-Hee, Paik Nam-Jong
2018 Improving the test-retest and inter-rater reliability for stretch reflex measurements using an isokinetic device in stroke patients with mild to moderate elbow spasticity J ELECTROMYOGR KINES Sin Minki, Kim Won-Seok, Cho Kyujin, Cho Sungmin, Paik Nam-Jong
2017 Depressive Symptoms, Falls, and Fear of Falling in Old Korean Adults: The Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging (KLoSHA) J Frailty Aging Park Y, Lim J-Y, Paik N-J, Kim K W, Jang H-C
2017 Subcortical Aphasia After Stroke Ann Rehabil Med Kang Eun Kyoung, Sohn Hae Min, Han Moon-Ku, Paik Nam-Jong
2017 Semi-automatic tracking, smoothing and segmentation of hyoid bone motion from videofluoroscopic swallowing study PLOS ONE Kim Won-Seok, Zeng Pengcheng, Shi Jian Qing, Lee Youngjo, Paik Nam-Jong
2017 Neuroprotective effect of secreted factors from human adipose stem cells in a rat stroke model NEUROL RES Seo Han Gil, Yi Youbin, Oh Byung-Mo, Paik Nam-Jong
2017 Neurorehabilitation: Neural Plasticity and Functional Recovery NEURAL PLAST Fujiwara Toshiyuki, Paik Nam-Jong, Platz Thomas
2017 Gender differences in physical activity and health-related behaviors among stroke survivors: data from the 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey TOP STROKE REHABIL Lee Yookyung, Kim Won-Seok, Paik Nam-Jong
2017 Safety and efficacy of letibotulinumtoxinA(BOTULAX®) in treatment of post stroke upper limb spasticity: a randomized, double blind, multi-center, phase III clinical trial CLIN REHABIL Do Kyung Hee, Chun Min Ho, Paik Nam-Jong, Park Yoon Ghil, Lee Shi-Uk, Kim Min-Wook, Kim Don-Kyu
2017 A Supporting Platform for Semi-Automatic Hyoid Bone Tracking and Parameter Extraction from Videofluoroscopic Images for the Diagnosis of Dysphagia Patients DYSPHAGIA Kim In Young, Nam Kyoung Won, Jang Dong Pyo, Paik Nam Jong, Ryu Ju Seok, Lee Jun Chang
2016 A Prospective Comparison between Bedside Swallowing Screening Test and Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Study in Post-Stroke Dysphagia Brain Neurorehabil
2016 Upper Extremity Functional Evaluation by Fugl-Meyer Assessment Scoring Using Depth-Sensing Camera in Hemiplegic Stroke Patients PLOS ONE Kim Won-Seok, Cho Sungmin, Baek Dongyoub, Bang Hyunwoo, Paik Nam-Jong
2016 Neuronavigation-guided Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Aphasia JOVE-J VIS EXP Kim Woo-Jin, Hahn Soo Jung, Kim Won-Seok, Paik Nam-Jong
2016 Mobile game-based virtual reality rehabilitation program for upper limb dysfunction after ischemic stroke RESTOR NEUROL NEUROS Choi Yoon-Hee, Ku Jeonghun, Lim Hyunmi, Kim Yeo Hyung, Paik Nam-Jong
2016 A Telerehabilitation Approach for Chronic Aphasia Following Stroke TELEMED E-HEALTH Choi Yoon-Hee, Park Hae Kyung, Paik Nam-Jong
2016 Incidence of Dysphagia and Serial Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study Findings After Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion: A Prospective Study J SPINAL DISORD TECH Min Yusun, Kim Won-Seok, Kang Sung Shik, Choi Jin Man, Yeom Jin S, Paik Nam-Jong
2016 Muscle strength: A better index of low physical performance than muscle mass in older adults GERIATR GERONTOL INT Kim Yeo Hyung, Kim Kwang-Il, Paik Nam-Jong, Kim Ki-Woong, Jang Hak Chul, Lim Jae-Young
2016 Upper-Limb Function Assessment Using VBBTs for Stroke Patients IEEE Comput Graph Appl Cho Sungmin, Kim Won-Seok, Paik Nam-Jong, Bang Hyunwoo
2015 Application of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation for Neurorehabilitation: Cerebellar Stimulation Brain Neurorehabil
2015 Pharmacological Treatment of Dementia Brain Neurorehabil
2015 Fatty replacement of rotator cuff in brain-injured patients is associated with hemiplegic arm function, but not with tendon tear: A multicenter study NEUROREHABILITATION Beom Jaewon, Lee Shi-Uk, Jang Hye Jin, Han Tai Ryoon, Oh Byung-Mo, Paik Nam-Jong, Yang Eun Joo
2015 Efficacy and safety of NABOTA in post-stroke upper limb spasticity: a phase 3 multicenter, double-blinded, randomized controlled trial J NEUROL SCI Nam Hyung Seok, Park Yoon Ghil, Paik Nam-Jong, Oh Byung-Mo, Chun Min Ho, Yang Hea-Eun, Kim Dae Hyun, Yi Youbin, Seo Han Gil, Kim Kwang Dong, Chang Min Cheol, Ryu Jae Hak, Lee Shi-Uk
2015 Neuronox versus BOTOX in the Treatment of Post-Stroke Upper Limb Spasticity: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial PLOS ONE Seo Han Gil, Bang Moon Suk, Paik Nam-Jong, Lee Shi-Uk, Oh Byung-Mo, Chun Min Ho, Kwon Bum Sun
2015 Regulatory Considerations for the Clinical and Research Use of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): review and recommendations from an expert panel Clin Res Regul Aff Fregni F, Nitsche M A, Loo C K, Brunoni A R, Marangolo P, Leite J, Carvalho S, Bolognini N, Caumo W, Paik N J, Simis M, Ueda K, Ekhitari H, Luu P, Tucker D M, Tyler W J, Brunelin J, Datta A, Juan C H, Venkatasubramanian G, Boggio P S, Bikson M
2015 A Telescreening Tool to Detect Aphasia in Patients with Stroke TELEMED E-HEALTH Choi Yoon-Hee, Park Hae Kyung, Ahn Ki-hwan, Son Yeon-joo, Paik Nam-Jong
2015 Inpatient stroke rehabilitation outcomes in Korea derived from the Korean Brain Rehabilitation Centers' online database system for the years 2007 to 2011 J KOREAN MED SCI Joa Kyung-Lim, Han Tai-Ryoon, Pyun Sung-Bom, Rah Ueon-Woo, Park Joo-Hyun, Kim Yun-Hee, Chun Min-Ho, Paik Nam-Jong, Yoo Seung-Don, Lee Sam-Gyu, Park Si-Woon, Lim Seong Hoon, Im Sung-Hun, Jung Han-Young
2015 Role of the posterior temporal lobe during language tasks: a virtual lesion study using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation NEUROREPORT Choi Yoon-Hee, Park Hae Kyung, Paik Nam-Jong
2015 Functional and physical abilities in the early continuum of cognitive decline DEMENT GERIATR COGN Shin Joon-Ho, Lim Jae-Young, Kim Ki Woong, Kim Suyoung, Lee Jaebong, Paik Nam-Jong
2014 The molecular evidence of neural plasticity induced by cerebellar repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the rat brain: a preliminary report NEUROSCI LETT Lee Seung Ah, Oh Byung-Mo, Kim Sang Jeong, Paik Nam-Jong
2014 Role of GABA plasticity in stroke recovery NEURAL REGEN RES Yang EunJoo, Paik Nam-Jong
2014 Relationship between dysphagia and mild cognitive impairment in a community-based elderly cohort: the Korean longitudinal study on health and aging J AM GERIATR SOC Yang Eun Joo, Kim Ki Woong, Lim Jae-Young, Paik Nam-Jong
2014 Neuronavigated vs. conventional repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation method for virtual lesioning on the Broca's area NEUROMODULATION Kim Woo Jin, Min Yu Sun, Yang Eun Joo, Paik Nam-Jong
2014 Lesion localization of global aphasia without hemiparesis by overlapping of the brain magnetic resonance images NEURAL REGEN RES Kim Woo Jin, Paik Nam-Jong
2014 Functional Recovery After Ischemic Stroke Is Associated With Reduced GABAergic Inhibition in the Cerebral Cortex: A GABA PET Study NEUROREHAB NEURAL RE Kim Yu Kyeong, Yang Eun Joo, Cho Kyehee, Lim Jong Youb, Paik Nam-Jong
2014 Electromyographic analysis of upper limb muscles during standardized isotonic and isokinetic robotic exercise of spastic elbow in patients with stroke J ELECTROMYOGR KINES Sin Minki, Cho Kyujin, Kim Won-Seok, Park Daegeun, Min Yu-Sun, Kim Woo Jin, Paik Nam-Jong
2014 Effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the cerebellum on patients with ataxia after posterior circulation stroke: A pilot study J REHABIL MED Kim Won-Seok, Jung Se Hee, Oh Min Kyun, Min Yu Sun, Lim Jong Youb, Paik Nam-Jong
2014 Clinical and sonographic risk factors for hemiplegic shoulder pain: A longitudinal observational study J REHABIL MED Kim Yeo Hyung, Jung Sung Jin, Yang Eun Joo, Paik Nam Jong
2014 Aggravated Dysphagia caused by cervical osteophyte in a patient with Parkinson disease AM J PHYS MED REHAB Lee Seung Hak, Bae Soon Ook, Paik Nam-Jong
2014 Age and gender patterns in associations between lifestyle factors and physical performance in older Korean adults ARCH GERONTOL GERIAT Koh Eun Sil, Lim Jae-Young, Jang Soong-Nang, Paik Nam-Jong, Kim Ki Woong
2013 Effect of the presence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor val(66)met polymorphism on the recovery in patients with acute subcortical stroke Ann Rehabil Med Kim Won-Seok, Lim Jong Youb, Shin Joon Ho, Park Hye Kyung, Tan Samuel Arnado, Park Kyoung Un, Paik Nam-Jong
2013 Muscle strength is the main associated factor of physical performance in older adults with knee osteoarthritis regardless of radiographic severity ARCH GERONTOL GERIAT Chun Se-Woong, Lim Jae-Young, Kim Kyoung-Eun, Jang Soong-Nang, Kim Kwang-Il, Paik Nam-Jong, Kim Ki Woong, Jang Hak Chul
2013 Feasibility of video clip analysis on effect of botulinum toxin-A injection for post-stroke upper limb spasticity TOXINS Kim Woo-Jin, Kumthornthip Witsanu, Oh Byung Mo, Yang Eun Joo, Paik Nam-Jong
2013 Neural substrate responsible for crossed aphasia J KOREAN MED SCI Kim Woo Jin, Yang Eun Joo, Paik Nam-Jong
2013 Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in a community-based elderly cohort: the korean longitudinal study on health and aging J KOREAN MED SCI Yang Eun Joo, Kim Mi Hyun, Lim Jae-young, Paik Nam-Jong
2012 Korean Brain Rehabilitation Registry for rehabilitation of persons with brain disorders: annual report in 2009 J KOREAN MED SCI Yang Seung Nam, Han Tai Ryoon, Park Si-Woon, Jung Han Young, Rah Ueon Woo, Kim Yun-Hee, Chun Min Ho, Paik Nam-Jong, Yoo Seung Don, Pyun Sung-Bom, Kim Min Wook, Lee Sam-Gyu, Park Byung Kyu, Shin Heesuk, Shin Yong Il, Lee Heeyeon
2012 적절한 재활치료의 시점: 문헌상의 근거에 대한 고찰 BRAIN & NEUROREHABILITATION
2012 Recent Non-invasive Brain Stimulation Technology in NeuroRehabilitation REHABILITOLOGY QUESTIONS
2012 Carpal tunnel syndrome and radiographically evident basal joint arthritis of the thumb in elderly Koreans J BONE JOINT SURG AM Shin Chang Ho, Paik Nam-Jong, Lim Jae-Young, Kim Tae Kyun, Kim Ki Woong, Lee Jung Jae, Park Joon Hyuk, Baek Goo Hyun, Gong Hyun Sik
2012 Evaluation of Factors Influencing Grip Strength in Elderly Koreans J BONE METAB
2012 Relationship between muscle mass and physical performance: is it the same in older adults with weak muscle strength? AGE AGEING Kim Kyoung-Eun, Lim Jae-Young, Jang Soong-Nang, Lim Soo, Park Young Joo, Paik Nam-Jong, Kim Ki Woong, Jang Hak Chul
2012 Clinical application of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in stroke rehabilitation NEURAL REGEN RES
2012 뇌졸중 최신지견 2011: 뇌졸중 재활치료 뇌졸중학회지
2012 Transcranial direct current stimulation of the left prefrontal cortex improves attention in patients with traumatic brain injury: a pilot study J REHABIL MED Kang Eun-Kyoung, Kim Dae-Yul, Paik Nam-Jong
2012 Predictive factors for removal of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube in post-stroke dysphagia J REHABIL MED Yi Youbin, Yang Eun Joo, Kim Juyong, Kim Woo Jin, Min Yusun, Paik Nam-Jong
2012 Association between muscle strength and metabolic syndrome in older Korean men and women: the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging METABOLISM Yang Eun Joo, Lim Soo, Lim Jae-Young, Kim Ki Woong, Jang Hak Chul, Paik Nam-Jong
2012 The impact of digit-related radiographic osteoarthritis of the hand on grip-strength and upper extremity disability CLIN ORTHOP RELAT R Lee Hyuk Jin, Paik Nam-Jong, Lim Jae-Young, Kim Ki Woong, Gong Hyun Sik
2012 Incidence and risk factors of poststroke falls after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation PM&R Lim Jong Youb, Jung Se Hee, Kim Won-Seok, Paik Nam-Jong
2012 How much are upper or lower extremity disabilities associated with general health status in the elderly? CLIN ORTHOP RELAT R Roh Young Hak, Gong Hyun Sik, Kim Ki Woong, Paik Nam-Jong, Kim Tae Kyun
2012 Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on post-stroke dysphagia RESTOR NEUROL NEUROS Yang Eun Joo, Baek So-Ra, Shin Joonho, Lim Jong Youb, Jang Hye Jin, Kim Yu Kyeong, Paik Nam-Jong
2012 Prediction of Motor Function Recovery after Subcortical Stroke: Case Series of Activation PET and TMS Studies Ann Rehabil Med Jung Se Hee, Kim Yu Kyeong, Kim Sang Eum, Paik Nam-Jong
2011 The Factors Associated with Good Responses to Speech Therapy Combined with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Post-stroke Aphasic Patients 대한재활의학회지
2011 Association Between Exercise and Fear of Falling in Community-Dwelling Elderly Koreans: Results of a Cross-Sectional Public Opinion Survey ARCH PHYS MED REHAB
2011 Improved picture naming in aphasia patients treated with cathodal tDCS to suppress the right Broca's homologue area. RESTOR NEUROL NEUROS
2011 Effect of a tDCS electrode montage on implicit motor sequence learning in healthy subjects EXPERIMENTAL & TRANSLATIONAL STROKE MEDICINE
2011 Dysphagia aggravated by cervical hyperlordosis AM J PHYS MED REHAB
2011 뇌졸중 재활에서 반복적 경두개 자기자극의 적용 대한임상신경생리학회
2011 Association between executive function and physical performance in older Korean adults: Findings from the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging (KLoSHA) ARCH GERONTOL GERIAT
2010 한국 일부 지역 노인들의 체력 및 신체 활동이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 노인병
2010 한국 노인의 낙상 실태와 위험요인: 일부 지역의 인구비례 노인병
2010 통합적 노인 낙상 예방 프로그램의 장단기 효과 대한재활의학회지
2010 뇌졸중 환자의 자가 훈련 프로그램이 기능 회복 및 재원 기간에 미치는 효과 대한재활의학회지
2010 Evaluation of enteral formulas for nutrition, health, and quality of life among stroke patients NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE
2010 Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Motor Recovery in Patients with Subacute Stroke AM J PHYS MED REHAB
2010 Prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in an elderly Korean population: Results from the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging (KLoSHA) ARCH GERONTOL GERIAT
2010 Association between executive function and physical performance in older Korean adults: Findings from the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging (KLoSHA) ARCH GERONTOL GERIAT
2010 Subclinical hypothyroidism has little influences on muscle mass or strength in elderly people. J KOREAN MED SCI
2010 Disinhibition in the Unaffected Hemisphere Is Related with the Cortical Involvement of the Affected Hemisphere INT J NEUROSCI
2010 요추 신경근병증으로 발현된 순수한 경막외 해면상 혈관종 ?05 보고? 대한재활의학회지
2010 뇌졸중 최신지견 2009: 뇌졸중 재활치료 대한뇌졸중학회지
2010 뇌신경재활통합등록체계를 이용한 뇌졸중재활 자료분석: 2006년부터 2008년까지 BRAIN & NEUROREHABILITATION
2010 Remifentanil Attenuates Muscle Fasciculations by Succinylcholine YONSEI MED J
2010 Severity of Post-stroke Aphasia According to Aphasia Type and Lesion Location in Koreans J KOREAN MED SCI
2009 Discrepancies between balance confidence and physical performance among community-dwelling Korean elders: a population-based study. INT PSYCHOGERIATR
2009 Botulinum toxin injection for dysphagia: a blinded retrospective videofluoroscopic swallowing study analysis. AM J PHYS MED REHAB
2009 Effects of combined peripheral nerve stimulation and brain polarization on performance of a motor sequence task after chronic stroke. STROKE
2009 Prevalence of stroke and transient ischemic attack in Korean elders: findings from the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging (KLoSHA). STROKE
2009 Non-invasive cortical stimulation improves post-stroke attention decline. RESTOR NEUROL NEUROS
2005 The excitability profile of motor evoked potentials and silent periods. International Journal of Neuroscience
2005 Health-related quality of life of patients using clean intermittent catheterization for neurogenic bladder secondary to spinal cord injury UROLOGY Oh Seung-June, Ku Ja Hyeon, Jeon Hwang Gyun, Shin Hyung-Ik, Paik Nam-Jong, Yoo Taiwoo
2005 척수손상 및 척수질환으로 인한 배뇨이상환자에 있어서 일상생활에의 청결간헐적 도뇨법 적용실태. 대한배뇨장애및요실금학회지
2005 자가이식건 종류에 따른 전방십자인대 재건술 후 등속성 근기능 회복 양상의 차이. 대한스포츠의학회지
2005 일회용 표면 전극 재활용이 복합근활동전위의 지표에 미치는 영향. 대한근전도.전기진단의학회지
2005 비디오 투시 연하 검사에 기초한 기능적 연하곤란 척도의 임상적 타당도. 대한재활의학회지
2004 Categorization of dysphagia diets with the line spread test. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
2004 Dose-response relationship of electrophysiological change in a new model of acute carpal tunnel syndrome. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
2004 The excitability profile of motor evoked potentials and silent periods. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience
2004 A new way of measuring caudal motor conduction time by magnetic stimulation. Muscle & Nerve


Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Neuropsychiatric Disorders’ Springer, 2016
Textbook of Neuromodulation: Principles, Methods, Applications Springer, 2014
Handbook of Pharyngeal Diseases: Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2010
eMedicine Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Online Medical Textbook
Electrodiagnostic Medicine in Practice: 50 challenging cases. 군자출판사, 2010
인지재활, 군자출판사, 2017년
연하장애, 군자출판사, 2017년
노인재활의학, 군자출판사, 2016년
품격있는 노후를 위한 건강지침서 ‘100세 건강영양가이드' 삼호미디어, 2016년
노인병학, 대한노인병학회, 2015년
가정에서 할 수 있는 언어향상 프로젝트, 군자출판사, 2013년
가정에서 할 수 있는 인지향상 프로젝트, 군자출판사, 2009년, 2013년
재활의학, 군자출판사, 2002, 2008


백남종 분당서울대병원장, '미래 병원 선두주자 만들겠다'

[특별기고] 늘어나는 ‘재활난민’, 국내 재활치료 현실은?

수도권 열흘새 2배… "3차충격 선제대응할 때"

식사 중 사레…한두 번 아니라면 ‘삼킴장애’ 의심해보세요!

분당서울대병원, ‘2019년 공공보건의료 심포지엄’ 개최

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