


- 서울대학교 의과대학 졸업


- 서울대학교병원 전공의 수련
- 일본 동경대학교 연구 전임의
- 서울대학교병원 전임의
- 서울대학교 암연구소 특별연구원
- 미국 워싱턴대학 연구 전임강사


1. Light-emitting diodes at 830 and 850 nm inhibit melanin synthesis in vitro. : Acta Dermato-Venereologica. 2012

2. Irradiation of light emitting diode at 850nm inhibits T cell-induced cytokine expression. : Journal of dermatological science. 2012

3. Co-culture of melanocytes with adipose-derived stem cells as a potential substitute for co-culture with keratinocytes. : Acta Dermato-Venereologica. 2012

4. Therapeutic effects of combination using glucosamine plus tacrolmus(FK-506) on the development of atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions in NC/Nga mice. Scandinavian journal of
immunology 2011

5. Administration of poly(I:C) improved dermatophagoides farina-induced atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions in NC/Nga mice by the regulation of Th1/Th2 balance. : Vaccine 2011

6. Greater collagen deposition with the microneedle therapy system than with intense pulsed light. : Dermatological surgery 2011

7. Validation of nested PCR and a selective biochemical method as alternatives for mycoplasma detection. Journal of basic microbiology. 2011

8. A novel function of Siglec-9 A391C polymorphism on T cell receptor signaling. : International archives of allergy and immunology 2011

9. Papular elastorrhexis : A case and differential diagnosis : Annals of dermatology 2011

10. reatment of verrucous carcinoma of the lower lip with topical imiquimod and debulking therapy : Annals of dermatology 20


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