
  #손저림증#수지 및 사지절단 손상 후 보존을 위한 미세수술재건#유방암 재건성형#두경부 및 악안면 외상#당뇨족#피부종양#선천기형#눈성형#코성형#주름성형


학력 내용이 없습니다.


미국 UCLA Medical Center, Fellowship (2003-2005)
한림의대 조교수
미국 수부외과학회 (ASSH) international traveling fellow (2010)
미국 UC Irvine Medical Center, Clinical Instructor (2011)


1. YongSeok Nam, Sujin Bahk, SuRak Eo. Anatomical Study of the Infraorbital Nerve and Surrounding Structures for the Surgery of Orbital Floor Fractures. J Craniofac Surg. 2017 Jan 31. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000003416. [Epub ahead of print] (corresponding authorship)

2. SeungHwan Hwang, Sujin Bahk, SuRak Eo. Atypical presentation of subungual melanoma. J Korean Soc Surg Hand. 2017;22:68-72. (corresponding authorship)

3. Sujin Bahk, Seung Hwan Hwang, SuRak Eo. Idiopathic Synkinesis of the Facial Musculature: Oculo-Nasal, Oculo-Zygomatic, and Fronto-Nasal Synkinesis. J Craniofac Surg. 2017;28:e61-e64. (corresponding authorship)

4. Sujin Bahk, SeungHwan Hwang, Chan Kwon, Euicheol C. Jeong, Su Rak Eo Close-by Islanded Posterior Tibial Artery Perforator Flap for Coverage of the Ankle Defect. Arch Reconstr Microsug. 2016;25:37-42. (corresponding authorship)

5. SuRak Eo, Sujin Bahk, Neil F. Jones. Wrist Pain due to Abnormal Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tendon. Arch Plast Surg. 2016;43:389-390.

6. YeongKwon Seo, JunHyung Kim, SuRak Eo. Co-effect of silk and amniotic membrane for tendon repair. J Biomater Sci Polym Ed. 2016;27:1232-1247. (corresponding authorship)

7. Yeop Choi, SuRak Eo. Outer Fascia of Orbicularis Oculi Muscle as an Anchoring Target Tissue in Double Eyelid Surgery. J Craniofac Surg. 2016;27:322-327. (corresponding authorship)

8. Alfred P. Yoon, Joohak Kim, SuRak Eo, Neil F. Jones. Reverse radial forearm flap to provide arterial inflow to a toe transfer. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015;136(4suppl):25

9. Sujin Bahk, SuRak Eo, SangHun cho, Neil F. Jones. Pollicization of middle finger. Arch Reconstr Microsug. 2015;24:62-67. (corresponding authorship)

10. JaeHyun Kwon, Jeong Sook Kim, SuRak Eo. Extensive soft tissue necrosis due to extravasation of computed tomography contrast medium. Hong Kong J Radiol. 2015;18:240-242.


수부외과학 (대한수부외과학회 발간) ? 공저
Umbilicoplasty (Springer) in press ? 공저
Nipple-areolar reconstruction (Springer) in press ? 공저
너 예뻐졌구나 ? 공저


[기획]성형수술, 정말 겨울이 가장 안전할까?


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