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대한골절학회 정회원
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혈관 부착 비골 전위술을 이용한 슬관절 유합술 - 슬관절 전치환술 후 감염이 합병된 증례 -. 정덕환, 한정수, 이재훈, 정선택, 박진성. 대한미세수술학회지, 2006;15:111-6.
수근 주상골 불유합의 치료 - 치료 결과에 영향을 미치는 요소를 중심으로 -. 정덕환, 한정수, 이재훈, 권부경, 박진성. 대한수부외과학회지, 2007;12:105-13.
종골에서 발생한 골연골종 - 증례 보고. 한정수, 박용구, 박진성, 박근호. 대한골관절종양학회지, 2008;14:152-6.
유리 피판술과 동측 혈관 부착 비골 전위술을 이용한 경골 결손의 재건. 황정철, 정덕환, 한정수, 이재훈, 고택수, 박양우, 박진성. 대한미세수술학회지, 2008;17:68-74.
경피적 겸자 정복과 K-강선 고정법을 이용한 골성 추지의 치료. 한정수, 정덕환, 정비오, 박현철, 김진영, 박철희, 박진성. 대한골절학회지, 2009;22:283-7.
슬관절에 발생한 골격골외 관절주변 골연골종 - 1례 보고 -. 한정수, 박용구, 박현철, 김진영, 곽상준, 박철희, 박진성. 대한골관절종양학회지, 2009;15:146-50.
Restoration of the center of rotation in revision total hip arthroplasty. Kim DH, Cho SH, Jeong ST, Park HB, Hwang SC, Park JS. J Artrhoplasty, 2010;25:1041-6.
폐쇄성과 개방성 경골 근위 절골술 후 슬개골 높이와 경골 경사도 변화. 조세현, 황선철, 박진성, 이상혁. 대한슬관절학회지, 2010;22:193-9.
무지의 피질골 파괴를 동반한 골내 표피 봉입 낭종- 증례 보고. 박진성, 문동규, 박형빈, 조세현. 대한수부외과학회지, 2011;16:179-84.
횡 파열로 오인하게 하는 내측 반월상 연골 전각부의 비정상적 삽입 - 증례 보고. 김동희, 곽지용, 박진성, 황선철. 대한정형외과스포츠의학회지, 2011;10:124-8.
Effect of hyaluronic acid-carboxymethylcellulose solution on perineural scar formation after sciatic nerve repair in rats. Park JS, Lee JH, Han CS, Chung, Kim GY. Clin Orthop Surg, 2011;3:315-24.
Nodular fasciitis with cortical erosion of the hand. Park JS, Park HB, Lee JS, Na JB. Clin Orthop Surg, 2012;4:98-101.
Measurement of knee morphometrics using MRI: a comparative study between ACL-injured and non-injured knees. Park JS, Nam DC, Kim DH, Kim HK, Hwang SC. Knee Surg Relat Res, 2012;24:180-5.
역학적 축 선정에 따른 전후면 경골천장각의 단순방사선학적 분석. 박진성, 정순택, 황선철, 김동희, 곽지용, 윤홍권, 남대철. 대한족부족관절학회지, 2013;17:189-95.
외측 족근중족관절에 발생한 류마토이드 관절염의 건 개재 관절성형술을 이용한 치료 (증례 보고). 김현옥, 박진성, 이동영, 남대철. 대한족부족관절학회지, 2013;17:329-33.
Spinal epidural abscess and psoas abscess combined with pyogenic spondylodiscitis following vertebroplasty- a case report. Park JS, Kim DH, Kang BJ, Jeong ST. J Korean Soc Spine Surg, 2014;21:90-6.
Effect of anteromedial portal entrance drilling angle during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a three-dimensional computer simulation. Moon DK, Yoon CH, Park JS, Kang BJ, Cho SH, Jo HS, Hwang SC. Yonsei Med J, 2014;55:1584-91.
Systematic review of cadaveric studies on anatomic posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: The landmarks in anatomic posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Lee DY, Kim DH, Park JS, Nam DC, Cho SH, Jeong JH, Hwang SC. Knee Surg Relat Res, 2014;26:191-8.
Chondroprotective effects of wogonin in experimental models of osteoarthritis in vitro and in vivo. Park JS, Lee HJ, Lee DY, Jo HS, Jeong JH, Kim DH, Nam DC, Lee CJ, Hwang SC. Biomol Ther, 2015;23: 442-8.
원위 요골 골절 환자의 치료 후 발생 가능한 손목 강직의 위험 인자. 이동영, 황선철, 남대철, 정진훈 최영락, 박진성. 대한정형외과학회지, 2015;50: 299-306.
The value of diagnostic ultrasonography in the assessment of a glomus tumor of the subcutaneous layer of the forearm mimicking a hemangioma: a case report. Lee DY, Hwang SC, Jeong ST, Nam DC, Park JS, Lee JH, Na JB, Kim DH. Journal of Medical Case Reports. DOI 10.1186/s13256-015-0672-y.
Acute rupture of flexor digitorum profundus tendon associated with distal radius fracture: a case report. Lee DY, Hwang SC, Nam DC, Park JS. J Korean Soc Surg Hand. 2015;20:198-203.
Risk of the repeated local steroid injection: Rupture of the extensor mechanism at zone V. Park JS, Lee DY, Hwang SC, Nam DC. J Korean Soc Surg Hand 2015;20:142-7.
Apigenin regulates interleukin-1β-induced production of matrix metalloproteinase both in the knee joint of rat and in primary cultured articular chondrocytes. Park JS, Kim DK, Shin HD, Lee HJ, Jo HS, Jeong JH, Choi YL, Lee CJ, Hwang SC. Biomol Ther, 2016;24:163-70.
농어촌 지역에서 경추의 굴곡-신전 작용이 필요한 직업 종사자들의 경부 척추증 발생의 위험 인자. 이동영, 박기수, 황선철, 남대철, 박진성, 정순택, 이영복, 강병훈, 김동희. 대한정형외과학회지, 2016; 51: 199-206.
Effect of oleanolic acid on the activity, secretion and gene expression of matrix metalloproteinase-3 in articular chondrocytes in vitro and the production of matrix metalloproteinase-3 in vivo. Kang DG, Lee HJ, Kim KT, Hwang SC, Lee CJ, Park JS. Korean J Physiol Pharmacol, 2017;21:197-204.
불안정 원위 요골 골절에서 도수 정복 후 이차 전위와 관련된 위험 인자. 이정석, 이재훈, 김영준, 백종훈, 송욱재, 박진성, 정덕환, 한정수. 대한수부외과학회지, 2017;22:13-9.
Medialis pedis flap for reconstruction of weight bearing heel. Park JS, Lee JH, Lee JS, Baek JH. Microsurgery, 2017;37:780-5.
The effect of different hinge positions on posterior tibial slope in medial open-wedge high tibial osteotomy. Jo HS, Park JS, Byun JH, Lee YB, Choi YL, Cho SH, Moon DK, Lee SH, Hwang SC. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 2018;26:1851-8.
Common upper extremity disorders and function affect upper extremity-related quality of life: a community-based sample from rural areas. Moon DK, Park YJ, Song SY, Mi Ji Kim MJ, Park JS, Nam DC, Kim DH, Na JB, Lee SI, Hwang SC, Park KS. Yonsei Med J, 2018;59:669-76.
Interposition Tendon Graft and Tension in the Repair of Closed Rupture of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus in Zone III or IV. Kim YJ, Baek JH, Park JS, Lee JH. Ann Plast Surg, 2018;80:238-41.
Simultaneous correction of radius and ulna for secondary ulnar impaction syndrome with radial physeal arrest in adolescent: a case report and review of literatures. Moon DK, Park JS, Park YJ, Jeong ST. Int J Surg Case Rep, 2018;50:144-9.
Factors affecting surgical outcomes of digital glomus tumour: a multicentre study. Kim YJ, Kim DH, Park JS, Baek JH, Kim KJ, Lee JH. J Hand Surg Eur, 2018;43:652-8.
WHO disability assessment schedule 2.0 is related to upper and lower extremity disease-specific quality of life. Yoo JI, Park JS, Kim RB, Seo AR, Park YJ, Kim MJ, Park KS. Qual Life Res, 2018;27:2243-50.
Arthroscopic meniscal surgery versus conservative management in patients aged 40 years and older: a meta-analysis. Lee DY, Park YJ , Kim HJ, Nam DC, Park JS, Song SY, Kang DG. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 2018;138:1731-9.
The first case of hand infection caused by Dermabacter jinjuensis in a symmetrical peripheral gangrene patient. Cho SH, Park JS, Lee WK, Shin MK, Jung M, Lee KM, Hwang KG, Moon DK.
Ann Med Surg(Lond), 2018;36:63-6.
Which Technique Is Better for Treating Patellar Dislocation? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Lee DY, Park YJ, Song SY, Hwang SC, Park JS, Kang DG. Arthroscopy, 2018;34:3082-93.
Unusual combination of elbow dislocation with a retained intraarticular fragment and trochlear fracture and ipsilateral distal radius fracture in an amateur snowboarder: A case report and review of literatures. Moon DK, Hwang SC, Yoo JI, Park JS. Int J Surg Case Rep, 2019;55:196-201.
A Meta-analysis of Studies of Volar Locking Plate Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures: Conventional versus Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis. Lee DY, Park YJ, Park JS. Clin Orthop Surg, 2019;11:208-19.
Natural Products as Sources of Novel Drug Candidates for the Pharmacological Management of Osteoarthritis: A Narrative Review. Kang YH, Lee HJ, Lee CJ, Park JS. Biomol Ther, 2019;27:503-13.
Value of cross-sectional area of median nerve by MRI in carpal tunnel syndrome. Park JS, Won HC, Oh JY, Kim DH, Hwang SC, Yoo JI. Asian J Surg, 2020;43;654-9.
Complications associated with volar locking plate fixation for distal radius fractures in 1955 cases: A multicentre retrospective study. Lee JH, Lee JK, Park JS, et al. International Orthopaedics (SICOT), 2020;44:2057-67.
No differences in mid? to long?term outcomes of computer?assisted navigation versus conventional total knee arthroplasty. Lee DY, Park YJ, Hwang SC, Park JS, Kang DG. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2020;28:3183-92.
Rodent Model of Muscular Atrophy for Sarcopenia Study. Baek KW, Jung YK, Kim JS, Park JS, Hah YS, Kim SJ, Yoo JI. J Bone Metab, 2020;27:97-110.
분쇄를 동반한 척골 주두 골절의 잠김 압박 금속판을 이용한 수술적 치료. 이은창, 조성희, 임진형, 강동근, 유준일, 박진성. Arch Hand Microsurg, 2021;261:18-26.
The prevalence and risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders in the hands of fishermen working as oyster shuckers. Park JS, Yoo JI, Na JB, Song HS. Int J Occup Med Environ Health, 2021;34:603-15.
Two Types of Mouse Models for Sarcopenia Research: Senescence Acceleration and Genetic Modification Models. Baek KW, Jung YK, Park JS, Kim JS, Hah YS, Kim SJ, Yoo JI. J Bone Metab, 2021;28:179-91.


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